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Simply click on the number of the page you wish to jump to. have published some images of a testshot of the upcoming Transformers Universe Cyclonus figure.� Though not the finished version, the images help to give a better idea of what the final toy will look like.� You can view the mirrored images below.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 09:18:53 BST
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Thanks to board members Oddsey and King Grimlock
for reporting and then confirming that Tescos are offering a half price sale at the moment on deluxe and voyager class Transformers.� However you must be careful when purchasing the figures, as not every toy on the shelves appears to be included in the sale (though the ASA may be interested to learn of that).
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 09:10:51 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 09:08:12 BST
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Derrick Wyatt has posted another comment on his blog, this time in regards to the Cybertronian modes for the Decepticons, or rather the lack thereof.� "Megatron is the only one of the main five Decepticons a Cybertron
vehicle mode was designed for. We have Cybertron vehicle designs for
all five of the main Autobots"
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 09:06:11 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 29th September 2008 at 14:53:55 BST
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lucky draw toy listings page on has been updated with a new filter menu which enabled you to filter the lucky draw toys by toyline, year offered or source.� To open the menu simple click on the "Filter Toy List" link on that page and a menu will appear on the right handside.� To close the menu, click on the "Close Filter" button at the bottom of the menu.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 27th September 2008 at 14:45:40 BST
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Transformers Animated Art Director/Lead Character Designer Derrick Wyatt has posted some comments on his blog relating to the current rumours regarding Season 3 of Transformers Animated.
"A quick note about Rodimus, Cyclonus and season 3 in general. Take everything
you guys are reading on the boards with a grain of salt. ALL the people posting
spoilers that I have read so far have been putting up inaccurate info. Some WAY
off. Even those with Hasbro connections and posters who have been a good source
of information in the past seem to have gotten some REALLY bad info."
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 26th September 2008 at 16:58:05 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 26th September 2008 at 11:49:13 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 26th September 2008 at 11:17:43 BST
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In a follow-up to the news we broke last week regarding the Toys R Us UK exclusive Transformers Animated Ratchet and Bumblebee 2-pack, Break has now sent us through two images of the pack which should silence anyone who doubted the report.� Click on the thumbnails below to view the high-resolution images.

Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 26th September 2008 at 08:51:14 BST
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Site sponsor Robtokingdom has dropped us an email to let everyone know that the Transformers Universe 2008 exclusive Mini-con 12 pack is now available from their store for $29.99.� The listing can be found by following this link.
Category: Site Sponsors
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 26th September 2008 at 08:46:59 BST
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 25th September 2008 at 19:20:04 BST
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The 9th poll on has now finished and the votes have been counted.� The poll asked the question "Which Animated DVD will you buy?" and here are the results.
US release - 66%
UK release - 11%
Not buying - 10%
Other - 6%
Australian release - 6%
German release - 1%
No real suprises, though the poll did start before we broke the news that the UK release of Transformers Animated would not be in a complete box set.
The new poll is regarding the Transformers Animated comics from IDW and Titan Magazines and asked which of the comics are you buying, or plan to buy?
In a bug fix, the showtimes / TV schedule page has had its AJAX called fixed.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 25th September 2008 at 17:15:14 BST
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Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 25th September 2008 at 16:46:29 BST
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Snakas has published details of the November 2008 issue of Dengeki Hobby Magazine over on his blog in Japanese.� Below you will find an English language summary of his post.
The november issue contained four pages of Transformers information.� The first being on Transformers Alternity GT-R Convoy including images of the box.� The six images showcasing the transformation that appeared in both Figure Oh and Figure King are also published in this issue of Dengeki Hobby.� The Japanese Transformers Henkei Galvatron and Ironhide figures are shown with different images to those that appeared in Figure King.� Prototypes are shown of Targetmaster Cyclonus, Cheetas (Cheetor) and Hound.� The Cheetor images are the same as figure king, but the Cyclonue images are new.� Snakas states that this is the first Japanese showing of Anniversary / Universe Hound and that the vehicle mode which is shown in the concept picture is best decribed as a light armored military vehicle and is clearly based on the G1 Jeep.� MP-7 Thundercracker is shown in a large photograph which highlights the two different faces of the toy.� There is also a package photograph of the BT-22 Convoy figure.
As mentioned in the Figure King coverage, the silhouette of the mystery also appears in the magazine with the words "That super-famous worldwide character".� Finally there is an advert for BT Convoy to end the Transformers coverage.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 25th September 2008 at 14:33:06 BST
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