Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
11-15-2009, 07:50 PM
Post: #1
Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
Thanks to King Grimlock who's supplied us with lots of new galleries this year, it's prompted me to try and be a bit proactive (finally) and produce a list of the toy galleries we need. These are all the entries in our database that have no images at all (there are other toys - newer lines) that we don't even have listed - and we need help listing them. There are over 1500 toys listed here (G1 is basically action master partners, vehicles and micromaster bases). Some of the figures may have already been photographed - if you see any please let me know. I know we have HA Bumblebee listed twice as not having a gallery, yet I know we already have a gallery for that figure.
We need lists / pictures of all the Star Wars / Crossover figures - so if anyone has them please send on on. There are also some Music lables (orange convoy) as well as Alternity and Disney Label (basically most of the stuff from the last year that isn't on the site we haven't added to our database - as we got behind. SPECS Pictures on the site have a maximum size of 1000px (either heigh or wide). If you can resize them then great, if not then we will do that. Images should be on a white background - or as white as possible. We're looking for pictures of all modes, with/without weapons - seperate pics of accessories would be nice. The minimum we usually have on a gallery is a robot rotation (8 angles, close up of upper body), alt mode (8 angles, above alt mode). Any extra details / poses or other pictures are welcome. Anyway here are the ones our system shows we are missing that we know off / have listed in the website database. Alternators Autobot Hound Meister Autobot Prowl Ravage Ricochet Rollbar Shockblast Side Swipe Sunstreaker Swerve Swindle Autobot Tracks Animated Elite Guard Bumblebee Blazing Lockdown Crystal Lockdown Megatron Mixmaster Roll Out Command Optimus Prime Ultra Magnus Armada Airazor Armorhide Backtrack Powerlinx Blackout Buzzsaw Cheetor Clench Cliffjumper Comettor Powerlinx Comettor Powerlinx Crumplezone Powerlinx Cyclonus Dark Star Saber Sword Dead End Powerlinx Demolisher Dirt Boss Downshift Drill Bit Dualor Firebot Galvatron Hoist Powerlinx Hot Shot Powerlinx Jetfire Jetstorm Powerlinx Jolt Powerlinx Longarm Makeshift Mirage Nemesis Prime Nightbeat Nightscream Ocean Glide Powerlinx Optimus Prime Oval Predacon Prowl Powerlinx Red Alert Refute Rhinox Run-Over Runway Sideburn Sideswipe Skid-Z Sonar Corona Sparkplug Spiral Star Saber Sword Stormcloud Unicron Waterlog Wheeljack Wind Sheer Attacktix Thrust Vehicle Beast Machines Cryotek Tankor Tigatron Beast Wars Airazor Transmetal Airazor Blackarachnia Buzzsaw 10th Anniversary Cheetor Foxkids Dinobot 10th Anniversary Dinobot Magnaboss 10th Anniversary Megatron 10th Anniversary, New Megatron Microverse Optimus Primal 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal 10th Anniversary, New Optimus Primal 10th Anniversary Rattrap Foxkids, Transmetal Rattrap Razorclaw 10th Anniversary Rhinox Foxkids Rhinox 10th Anniversary Tarantulas Tigatron Foxkids Waspinator 10th Anniversary Waspinator Wolfang Beast Wars II BB DJ Drillnuts Gigastorm Gimlet Lio Junior Mantis Megastorm Motor Arm Santon Scissorboy Skywarp Starscream Tripredacus Japanese Beast Wars Airazor Armor Gold Cheetas Cheetas Convobat Cybershark Gold Dinobot Dinobot Inferno Kuwagaigar Megaligator Megatron Rattle Rhinox Gold Rhinox Scorpos Snapper Tarans Terrorzaurer Volcano Playset Waspitor White Claw Archadis DX Convoy Energon Power Mode Convoy Corhada Dinobot DX Megatron Rhinox Tigatron Beast Wars Metals Gold Convoy (VS Set) Silver Megatron (VS Set) Beast Wars Neo Crazybolt Drancron Hydra Randy Rartorata Rockbuster Beast Wars Returns Black Widow Cheetas Convoy Vehicon Jetstorm Megabolt Megatron Megatron Nightscream Noble Savage Vehicon Obsidian Rattle Silverbolt Vehicon Strika Vehicon Tankor Vehicon Thrust Binaltech Convoy Grimlock Overdrive Skids Smokescreen #7 Smokescreen #2 Smokescreen #1 Built to Rule Night Attack Blackout Blackout Commetor Crumplezone Cyclonus Demolisher Night Attack Demolisher Hot Shot Inferno Ironhide Jetfire Jolt Leader-1 Liftor Longarm Megatron Optimus Prime Red Alert Skyblast Smokescreen Sparkplug Starscream Swindle Thundercracker Zapmaster Car Robots Super Autofire Baldigus Brave Brave Maximus Cog Clear Counter Arrow Dangar Dolrailer Clear Eagle Killer Gasket Gaskunk Gelshark Gildo Clear God Magnus Grejeeper Gushar Heptar Indy Heat Clear Ox Nebulan Plasma Protect Shuttler Clear Super God Fire Convoy Super Speedbreaker Super Wildride Clear Wars Wrecker Hook Clear X-Car Classics Bonecrusher Broadside Constructicon Devastator Divebomb Firebot Hightower Knockdown Long Haul Megatron Megatron Optimus Prime Scavenger Decepticon Scrapper Sledge Strongarm Swoop Terrorsaur Wideload Collectors Edition Astrotrain Battle Ravage Brawn Keychain Dirge Grapple Hi-Q Hoist Inferno Ironhide Autobot Jazz Laserbeak Nightbeat Optimus Prime w/ Apex Armour Optimus Prime Prowl Ramjet Red Alert Rodimus Major Rodimus Prime Sideswipe Silverstreak Autobot Skids Skywarp Smokescreen Soundwave Starscream Stepper Thundercracker Tracks Trailbreaker Ultra Magnus Windcharger Keychain Adams Alan New Year Alert Alert Astrotrain Atlan Battle Convoy Blitzwing Bombshell Broadcast Bumble Bumble Keychain Black Bumble Keychain Buzzsaw Charger Keychain Black Charger Keychain Chear Circuit Black Cliff Keychain Cliff Keychain Condor Convertor Action Master Convoy New Year Convoy Convoy Convoy New Year Gold Wheel Convoy Black Dash Dash Desire Diego Dimebomb Dirge Discharge Drag Firebolt Flip Sides Galvatron II Gears Ginrai Glide God Bomber God Ginrai Black Gong Keychain Gong Keychain Grapple Headstrong Hoist Hot Rodimus Hot Rodimus Hot Rodimus Hound Inferno Inferno Ironhide Jaguar Joe Kickback Lambor New Year Lambor Lambor Black Landcross Landcross Leif Mach Black Mach Megatron Megatron Meister Nebulon Neo-Wheel Night Cybertron Perceptor Powerglide Predaking Prowl Raise Ramjet Rampage Ratchet Razorclaw Recoil Road Police Rodimus Convoy San Diego Shrapnel Sireen Six Liner Six Train Six Turbo Sixshot Skids Skywarp Smokescreen Soundblaster Soundwave Spark Star Convoy Starscream Anime Starscream Steeljaw Stepper Super God Ginrai Black Tacker Tacker Black Tackle Tackle Tantrum Thrust Thundercracker Tracks Trailbreaker Twincast Ultra Magnus Warpath Waver Black Waver Wheelie Windy Black Wing Wing Cybertron Anti-Blaze Armorhide Ascentor Back Blast Backstop Backtrack Blastcharge Blurr Brakedown Brushguard Buzzsaw Cannonball Checkpoint Clocker Crosswise Cryo Scourge Dark Crumplezone Dark Scorponok Demolisher Downshift Drillbit Evac Galvatron Grindor Heavy Load High Wire Hightail Cybertron Defense Hot Shot Jolt Jolt Kobushi Landslide Leobreaker Longrack Megatron Megatron Menasor Metroplex Monocle Nemesis Breaker Optimus Primal Galaxy Force Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Costco Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Oval Overhaul Override Override GTS Payload Ramjet Razorclaw Red Alert Cybertron Defense Red Alert Reverb Reverb Runamuck Galaxy Force Safeguard Safeguard Safeguard Cybertron Defense Scattershot Scattorbrain Scattorshot Scourge Cryo Scourge Scythe Shockwave Shortround Sideways Six-Speed Six-Speed Sky Shadow Sky-Lynx Skywarp Snarl Spiral Supreme Starscream Starscream Steamhammer Sunstorm Sureshock Tankor Thrust Thunderblast Thundercracker Costco Ultra Magnus Vector Prime Galaxy Force Vector Prime Vector Prime Wing Saber Decoy Dinosaurer Encore Ironhide Megatron Meister Ratchet Starscream Energon Alpha Quintesson Arcee Barricade Beachcomber Blackout Blight Bonecrusher Bulkhead Cliffjumper Cruellock Dead End Divebomb Doom-Lock Dreadwing Duststorm Energon Spear Omega Energon Spear Alpha Galvatron Grimlock Grindor High Wire High Wire Hot Shot Energon Hot Shot Inferno Insecticon Ironhide Energon Ironhide Jetfire Kickback Energon Kicker Knockout Landmine Landquake Megatron Std Megatron Megatron Energon Sword Mirage Nightcruz Nightscream Offshoot Omega Sentinel Omega Supreme Oprimus Prime Energon Blaster Costco Optimus Prime Std Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Overcast Costco Overload Sams Club Prowl Prowl Quickstrike Rapid Run Battle Ravage Command Ravage Roadblock Rodimus Rollbar Scorponok Sharkticon Shockblast SixShot Sky Shadow Skyblast Sledge Slugslinger Sams Club Starscream Starscream Energon Starscream Steamhammer Energon Stongarm Storm Jet Stormcloud Strongarm Sureshock Swoop Terradive Tow-Line Treadbolt Treadshot Ultra Magnus Unicron Wideload Windrazor Wing Saber Extended Universe Cyclonus Deathsaurus Flak Flame War Flare Up Hyperlinq Ratchet Sentinel Maximus Virulent Clones EZ Collection Galaxy Convoy Metallic Galaxy Convoy Clear Galaxy Convoy Master Galvatron Clear Master Megatron Master Megatron Starscream Clear Starscream Galaxy Force Autolander Autovolt Back Guild Backpack Blit Blurr Bug Drone Bug General White Bulge Bulge Bumper Buzzsaw Caliber Hyakurai Caliber Ichibi Caliber Mugen Chromia Cyana Cybertron Force Chip Demolisher Dino Shout Dreadrock Exigeyser Exillion Fang Wolf First Aid First Gunner Flame Convoy Gagenda Clear Galaxy Convoy Galaxy Convoy Gasket Gasket White Graviton Graviton Guard Shell Hop Horri-Bull Ignition Prize Inch Up Jackshot Killer Condor Land Bullet Dark Liger Jack Liger Jack Live Convoy Longrack Master Galvatron Megalo Convoy Megalo Gritbit Megalo Zapmap Megalo Zigzag Mystery Force Chip Dark Nitro Convoy Nitro Convoy Noise Maze Platinum Element Platinum Factor Platinum Material Plug Primus White Quasar Quasar Ramble Red Ramble Yellow Ramble Blue Ramble Coby Road Storm Roots Runabout Saidos Skids Sonic Bomber Fire Sonic Bomber Soundwave Sullow Tera Shaver Vector Prime Generation One 4wd All-Terrain Vehicle 4wd Assault Vehicle Artfire Attack Cruiser Blurr Browning Legend Bumblebee Buster Buster Cerebros Silver Chromedome Statue Cog Cyclonus Dairu Dealer Action Master Devastator Double Doubleclouder Fire Chief Flame Flame Fly-Up Fortress Maximus Fracus Gasket Ginrai God Bomber God Ginrai Great Cannon Legend Grimlock Gripper Gripper Grommet Guard City Gurafi Helicopter Hot Rod Hydra Hydra Legend Jazz white Kirk Kup Leyland Lightspeed Lightspeed white Lione white Loafer white Lodoni Mini-Spy Porsche Nautilator Neutro-Fusion Tank Nightstick Noizu Oav Off Road Cycle Pepsi-Promotion Optimus Prime Overbite Penbot Car Penbot Boat Penbot Plane Powerdasher Car Powerdasher Drill Powerdasher Jet Rotorstorm Safety Sandstorm Scorpulator Targetmaster Scourge Screech Seawing Shotbomber Shuttle Gunner Skalor Sky Garry Snaptrap Solo Jet Plane Sparkrider Spike Legend Starscream Steeljaw Stratotronic Cruiser Streetstar Super Sonic Race Car Target Hawk Tentakil Thunderarrow white Trizer Turbo Cycle Turbo Jet Turbo Racer Twincast Warpath Zauru Generation 2 Beachcomber Blast Off Blowout orange Bonecrusher Bonecrusher Brawl Go-Bot Bumblebee Blue Convoy Deluge Devastator Devastator Orange Double Clutch Drench Firecracker Go-Bot Frenzy Gearhead Grimlock High Beam Hook orange Hook Inferno Go-Bot Ironhide Jazz orange Long Haul Long Haul Go-Bot Megatron Combat Hero Megatron Go-Bot Mirage orange Mixmaster Mixmaster Motormouth Nightracer Onslaught Combat Hero Optimus Prime Go-Bot Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Rapido orange Scavenger Scavenger orange Scrapper Scrapper Seaspray Go-Bot Sideswipe Skram Slag Red Slag Snarl Green Snarl Go-Bot Soundwave Swindle Turbofire Vortex Windbreaker Henkei Convoy Heroes of Cybertron Arcee Megatron w/ Flail Megatron Optimus Prime w/ Axe Optimus Prime Powermaster Optimus Prime w/ Spark Attack Powermaster Optimus Prime w/ Apex Armor Paradron Medic Legends Skywarp Starscream Thundercracker Ultra Magnus Juniors Getsuei Ginrai Kaen Raiden Rodimus Convoy Seizan Shouki Star Saber Stylor Suiken Sunstreaker Super God Ginrai Yukikaze Kiss Play Atari-Scream Hot Rodimus Melissa Shao Shao Legends of Cybertron Bumblebee Evac Fireflight Hot Shot Hot Shot Jetfire Jetfire Leo Prime Leobreaker Megatron Menasor Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Perceptor Ramjet Red Alert Scourge Skywarp Soundwave Starscream Sunstorm Thundercracker Vector Prime Autobot Whirl Machine Wars Optimus Prime Sandstorm Soundwave Starscream Masterpiece Convoy w/ Trailer 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime DVD Special 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime Skywarp Ultra Magnus Mega SCF Standard Convoy Battle Damage Convoy Grid Hot Rodimus Rodimus Convoy Starscream Starscream Micron Legend Apollo Apollo Arcee Anime Arcee Arcee Atlas Overdrive Auto Auto Bank Anime Bank Bank Barrel Ultimate Bomb Bomb Night Attack Bomb Bomb Breach Bright Bug Bumble Anime Bumble Bumble Cannon Cha Combusta STD Crystal Convoy STD Convoy Magna Convoy DX Supermode Convoy Final Battle Super Mode Convoy Night Attack Crack Crack Ultimate Crack Crack Space Galaxy Crush White Crush Under Groove Crush Crush Cyber Hawk Devastar Dirt Double Face Draft Draft Road Assault Drift Drift Drift Metallic Drift White Duster Under Groove Duster Duster Space Galaxy Duster Falcia Flame Flame Flat-Out Float Float Freeboot Glide Glide Grap Grid Spark Grid Hawk Spark Hook Hook Hot Rod Hot Rod Super Mode Impulsor Metallic Indy Road Assault Indy Indy Indy Powerlinx Inferno Ironhide Super Mode Ironhide Jack Jetfire Jetter Anime Jetter Metallic Jetter Jetter Overdrive Jiku Jiku Spark Jolt Jolt Junk Junk Kingbolt Knot Knot Lift Mach Metallic Mach Mach Anime Mach Mad Magnus Magnus Megatron Midship Mir Mir Move Move Overdrive Nitro Nitro Prime Spark Prime Prime Prowl Prowl Quench Rampage Ratchet Super Mode Ratchet Recon Recon Redline Rod Sail Sail Sandstorm Scourge Search Spark Search Servo Shade Shadow Night Attack Shot Shot Ultimate Shot Shot Shuttler Anime Shuttler Shuttler Metallic Shuttler Silverbolt Sonar Spike Spike Spin Metallic Spin Road Assault Spin Spin Starscream Starscream Super Mode Stepper Sunburn Crystal Surge Surge Sweep Tailslide Thrust Powerlinx Thrust Thunder Top Gear Turbo Twirl Twist Twist Ultra Magnus Crystal Ultra Magnus Blue Ultra Magnus Unicron Under Groove Wheel Wheel Space Galaxy Wheel White Wheel Wheelie Wheelie Anime Wheelie Winch Winch Mighty Muggs Grimlock Jazz Shockwave Starscream Movie Battle Damaged Arcee Arcee Blade Shield Barricade Barricade Barricade Recon Barricade Gryo Blade Blackout Jungle Bonecrusher Decepticon Brawl Brawl Leader Class Desert Camouflage Brawl Double Missile Decepticon Brawl Decepticon Brawl Bumblebee Bumblebee Classic Camaro Bumblebee Plasma Punch Bumblebee Bumblebee Cliffjumper Divebomb Elita-One Evac Grindcore Hardtop High Score 100 Incinerator Incinerator Cannon Blast Ironhide Pulse Cannon Ironhide Jazz Iron Blast Autobot Jazz Jazz Jetstorm Jolt Longarm Meantime Frozen Megatron Megatron Fusion Blast Megatron Metallic Megatron Fire Blast Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Power Hook Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Metallic Ratchaet Axe Attack Autobot Ratchet Autobot Ratchet Signal Flare Sonic Shock Smokescreen Starscream G1 Color Battle Blade Starscream Wingblade Wire Tap Japanese Movie Lawson Blackout Vardiga Starscream Myclone Alert Arcee Convoy Trailer Convoy w/ Axe Dirge Lava Galvatron Galvatron Grimlock Megatron w/ Maxe Rodimus Convoy Soundwave Ultra Magnus Robot Heroes Barricade Blackout Bonecrusher Bumblebee Bumblebee Frenzy Grimlock Autobot Jazz Autobot Jazz Megatron Optimus Prime Optimus Prime Protoform Optimus Prime Optimus Prime w/ Matrix Autobot Ratchet Ravage Shockwave Soundwave Thundercracker Unicron Robot Masters Brave Maximus G1 Convoy Metallic Lio Convoy Star Saber Victory Leo Victory Saber Robots in Disguise Armorhide Super Crosswise Crosswise Clear Crosswise Galvatron Grimlock Heavy Load Hightower Super Hot Shot Clear Hot Shot Hot Shot Ironhide Super Ironhide Clear Ironhide Mega-Octane Megatron Midnight Express Mirage Clear Mirage Super Mirage Movor Optimus Prime Prowl Clear R.E.V Race Exercition Vehicle R.E.V Race Exertion Vehicle Super R.E.V Race Exertion Vehicle Railspike Rapid Run Ro-Tor Rollbar Ruination Scourge Scourge Side Burn Ultra Magnus Wedge Super W.A.R.S Wicked Attack Recon Sportscar Clear W.A.R.S Wicked Attack Recon Sportscar W.A.R.S Wicked Attack Recon Sportscar X-Brawn Super Collection Figures Pewter Alpha Trion Alpha Trion Pewter Bumble Bumble Pewter Cerebros Cerebros Convoy w/ axe Pewter Supermode Convoy Supermode Convoy w/ Starsaber Supermode Convoy Metallic Convoy Cybertronian Convoy Metallic Convoy Convoy w/ Megatron Convoy Pewter Convoy Pewter Cyclonus Cyclonus Dai Atlas Pewter Dai Atlas Pewter Deathsaurus Deathsaurus Deathsaurus w/ Eagle Cannon chest Devastar Pewter Devastar Pewter Double Face Double Face Pewter Grap Grap Hot Rod Pewter Hot Rod Ironhide Pewter Ironhide Pewter Jazz Jazz Lio Kaiser Pewter Lio Kaiser Mega Zarak Cybertronian Megatron Megatron Pewter Megatron Megatron w/ mace Paradron Medic Perceptor Pewter Perceptor Ratchet Pewter Ratchet Cybertronian Ratchet Pewter Road Ceaser Road Ceaser Transparent Rodimus Convoy w/ Matrix Sandstorm Pewter Sandstorm Skywarp Star Convoy Pewter Star Convoy Pewter Star Saber Star Saber Corination Starscream Starscream Pewter Starscream Ghost of Starscream Gold Victory Saber Victory Saber Pewter Wheeljack Wheeljack Super Hibred Models Galvatron (unreleased version) Super Link Accel Afterburner Air Rider Airglide Ariel Paradron Type Ariel Beacon Beam Blast Off Blastarm Blitz Bonecrusher Brake Brawl Bruticus Buildron Cannon Charge Chrom Horn Chrom Horn Forest Type Chrome Cliffjumper Cluster Command Jaguar Desert Type Command Jaguar Crunch Damper Dinobot Dinobot Magna Type Effect Energy Axe Black Hole Energy Axe Clear Green Energy Axe Natural Green Energy Axe Aquamarine Energy Axe Viloet Cluster Energy Blade Night Phantom Energy Cutter Daylight Attack Energy Laden Overdrive Energy Spear Royal Clear Energy Spear Clear Deep Blue Energy Spear Lightning Yellow Energy Spear Corona Flame Energy Spear Rodeo Magenta Filter Firebolt Frenzy Galvatron Galvatron General Glen Anniversary SL Grand Convoy Groove Hopper Hot Shot Fire Hover Inferno Volt Iron Tread Ironhide Black Kicker Anniversary Kicker Landmine Laser Laserwave Lens Long Haul Megazarak Mile Nightscream Omega Supreme Onslaught Overdrive Processor Pulse Quantum Ramjet Red Alert Roadbuster Wild Rodimus Convoy Rotor Runway Saber Sandstorm Scavenger Scrapper Screw Search Seeker Shadowhawk Shadowhawk Cosmos Type Shockfleet Shockwave Signal Flare Skydive Skyfire Skyfire Sonic Sling Snowstorm Solar Spoil Sprung Superion Swindle Synapse Throttle Thyristor Torque Triac Volter Wheeljack Windcharger Wing Saber Titaniums Blackout Decepticon Brawl Bumblebee Beast Machines Cheetor Grimlock Ironhide Autobot Jazz Jetfire War Within Megatron Megatron War Within Megatron Optimus Prime Primal Prime Ratchet Shockwave Silverstreak Skywarp Soundblaster Soundblaster War Within Sunstorm War Within Sunstorm The Fallen War Within Ultra Magnus Ultra Magnus Transformers Hybrid Style Convoy Universe Air Raid Air Raid Blackarachnia Blastcharge Bonecrusher Bonecrusher Buckethead Night Slash Cheetor Cheetor Crystal Widow Depthcharge Dirt Boss Downshift Drench Firebot Fireflight Fireflight First Aid Frostbite Autobot Groove Gunbarrel Gunbarrel Hightower Hightower Hot Spot Inferno Spychanger Ironhide Jazz King Atlas Liftor Long Haul Long Haul Longhorn Magne Stampede Makeshift Midnight Express Mirage Nemesis Prime Nemesis Strika Nightbeat Obsidian Octane Oil Slick Optimus Primal Spychanger Optimus Prime Over-Run Overbite Overload Prowl Spychanger Prowl Prowl Quickmix Railspike Ramjet Ransack Rapid Run Autobot Ratchet Razorclaw Sams Club Red Alert Red Alert Refute Reptilion Repugnus Ro-Tor Roadhandler Scavenger Scavenger Sideswipe Sideswipe Silverbolt Silverbolt Silverbolt Skydive Skydive Skywarp Smokescreen Snarl Soundwave Spacecase Sams Club Starscream Stockade Storm Jet Streetwise Dinobot Striker Sunstreaker Swerve Swindle Tankor Tankor Terradive Terradive Thunderclash Thunderwing Thunderwing Treadshot Dinobot Triceradon Ultra Magnus Spychanger Ultra Magnus Ultra Magnus Autobot Whirl Windsheer Worlds Smallest Transformers Anime Convoy Trailer ![]() Transformers Resource |
11-15-2009, 10:14 PM
Post: #2
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
There's a few in there that I could do once I get some decent lighting. I was relying on natural light before, but that's been letting me down lately. I'll see if I have time to get something sorted, but no promises.
![]() |
11-15-2009, 11:53 PM
Post: #3
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
You should have a gallery from me for Blazing Lockdown, Ani Ultra Magnus, Classics Devastator and both Classics Primes and Megatrons.
I'll be able to do most of the Alternators for you, Cybertron Armourhide and Hasbro version MP Skywarp. [center] ![]() |
11-16-2009, 06:26 AM
Post: #4
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
I wish you'd posted this last weekend as I've been off this past week and coulda done loads of the MiniCon/Microns.
I'll go through the list today and see which ones I could do, but then I'll need to see about setting up a small light-box. When going through the list I've noticed that some have multiple names listed, but you've not stated what size-class or variation of the figure you're looking for. That needs to be clarified slightly. Might I suggest that this is stickied and the list edited as galleries are submitted and approved? Also how about adding some details of what you're looking for in the photos? As in pixel dimensions, file size, angles and so on? 360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
11-17-2009, 10:47 PM
Post: #5
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
if i can find a white background ill get some photos done too. i got all my toys, errm , i mean collectables in display cases so easy to get at. do i just email em to you guys?
11-18-2009, 01:10 PM
Post: #6
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
Goog point Phil, I've jsut remembered to Sticky this.
The name reuse (I want to add Subgroup to the list, which will help with the microns (regular, x-dimension etc), then I'll see if I can get other information to help clarify - as it was that is just a straight query that I've run out of the database. What I'd like to do is to edit or delete them once done - I meant to get the list done a month ago. Regarding picture details, I'll add that on the first post as well. ![]() Transformers Resource |
11-18-2009, 04:55 PM
Post: #7
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
I can help you guys out a fair bit too. I just need to have a free afternoon/evening to crack on. perhaps this Sunday will be a good opportunity for that. I'll sort out Mugg pics and some BW and Universe stuff.
![]() HamStar Customs - Mighty Muggs, Vinyl & More. Not currently accepting commissions, will update when open for orders again. |
11-18-2009, 08:04 PM
Post: #8
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
I've just shot galleries of the Car Robots Super Car Brothers, which I'll send as soon as possible. Should be able to get a few more both from this list and ROTF later this week. If I don't then shout at me for being lazy.
EDIT: I just sent them to the rotf address, if thats not right just let me know. ![]() |
11-18-2009, 09:53 PM
Post: #9
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
I've just took some pics of a couple of the Campaign Microns.
I'll edit them slightly and delete the out of focus ones, but I'll send them through in esentially the same resolution as I took them. Phill 360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
11-19-2009, 08:41 PM
Post: #10
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
Cool, cool and cool.
Last Al - Just seen them, will work on that over the weekend (just got in from work and I'm not sure about tomorrow). ![]() Transformers Resource |
11-25-2009, 12:07 PM
Post: #11
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
Did the pics I sent come through OK?
Give me some feedback on them if so. I'll be free most of this weekend so should be able to do some more. Phill 360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
11-29-2009, 10:39 AM
Post: #12
Re: Help the Moon - List Toy Galleries Needed
Hi Phil, I've not seen your pics come through yet. You can send them to news@, transformers@ or rotf@ - they should all work.
Just recevied Adam's (Minion's) Might Muggs, Titanium and Universe pics today. ![]() Transformers Resource |
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