Saké Comments - Halloween?

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10-23-2009, 05:42 AM
Post: #1
It's getting to that time of year again where people like to dress up and raid your houses of sweets and such.

Any of you joining the raid or staying at home?

I'm for the raid, I've got my little sisters as a reason to go Smile
Planning on painting half my face all grizly (two-face - Batman)

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10-23-2009, 06:03 AM
Post: #2
Re: Halloween?
It's a good fun time and I remember it fondly when I was in Canada but now, for various reasons, I'll be spending the evening in relaxing and chomping through the sweets the kids never come and get.

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10-23-2009, 10:06 PM
Post: #3
Re: Halloween?
i hate halloween. my dog goes nuts at anyone on the drive and it gets a bit annoying after 20 times. worst thing is the kids that knock my door dont know what halloween is about and how it came about. heck its not even british so why do they disturb my dog????? :x :x :x

now if it were carol singers........or even vordaman......... :roll: :twisted: :lol:

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10-24-2009, 02:15 PM
Post: #4
Re: Halloween?
you need a bigger dog!

there won't be any treat or treaters coming to the door at my parents place

hell even the postman has left my mail on the front garden before now...

even though the dog was behind a locked door

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10-24-2009, 03:48 PM
Post: #5
Re: Halloween?
I used to like Halloween for the horror movies that were on. Nowadays though there's never any decent horrors on. I'm hoping that as it's on a Saturday this year there might be a good one on.

What I really hate though is the kids that come to the door and say "Trick or Treat!" We're not American! Last year I put a sign on the door saying "No trick or treaters, guysers only please!" We got no knocks at all.

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10-24-2009, 04:34 PM
Post: #6
Re: Halloween?
Well, I suppose the only reason I enjoy it is for the dress-up really....
Never watched a horror movie in my life.

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10-24-2009, 04:37 PM
Post: #7
Re: Halloween?
i was gonna go as a were-chicken (thanks for the idea there highram!)
but i've been struck with illness... and i don't feel well at all at the moment
i hope i'm better for next saturday...

oh well, i've got mass effect, texas chainsaw massacre, alien vs. predator, jason x and other stuff like that to watch late night on saturday!

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10-24-2009, 08:59 PM
Post: #8
Re: Halloween?
Been talking about organising a 'Weekend of the Dead' for years now... (Since my Superhero weekend... that was a fair few years ago now...)

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10-31-2009, 07:55 PM
Post: #9
Re: Halloween?
last year went to a bitchin party house properly decorated (including graves in the back garden) right laugh, this year film night last night roound one place and just headin out o another mates house for more the same....

oh well better than stayin at home i suppose.....

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11-01-2009, 06:51 PM
Post: #10
Re: Halloween?
I just baught a pumpkin and got my dad to carve it for me, nearly burnt my fingers trying 2 light it as it refused to light lol
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11-02-2009, 12:55 PM
Post: #11
Re: Halloween?
Decided to go as The Joker instead.

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fun with glowsticks. Big Grin

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09-10-2010, 11:43 PM
Post: #12
Re: Halloween?
The only trick-or-treating I'll be doing this year is of the bar crawl variety ;D

I'm thinking either Super Mario, Bender or a traditional vampire. All would look hilarious trashed.

Leaning towards Bender.

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09-11-2010, 11:52 PM
Post: #13
Re: Halloween?
Me and my mates / work colleagues tend to do this:

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Never been a big halloween person and horror films just wind me up and are no fun to watch as I get so annoyed at stupid people lol!

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10-02-2010, 10:22 PM
Post: #14
Re: Halloween?
meh... still dont know what i'm going to be or if i'm just going to sleep during the whole wretched day...

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10-02-2010, 11:36 PM
Post: #15
Re: Halloween?
I have tickets for Alice Cooper!

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