"The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
01-01-2009, 06:06 PM
Post: #106
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
With an almighty roar Rex burst from the shadows, shoulder-charging the guard sending his rifle flying. The guard staggered back and looked round as Rex grabbed him by his head, ramming it in to the wall. The security bot fell unconcious to the floor. Rex picked up Galvanizes' round his waist.
'We go....now' Rex looked to the fembot with a sneer. 'You come? No more shooting. We not here to kill. Stupid fembot.' Rex turned with Galvanize and hobbled towards the gate, thankfully open since the guard came out. 'Hope you transform into something useful...' [center] ![]() |
01-02-2009, 05:38 AM
Post: #107
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
The femme-bot smiled,and transformed into a sleek transport. She hovered at waist-height from Rex.
Speaking in a low,savy voice,she answered,"I'd be careful who I called 'stupid' around here if I were you,Fossilface." Hovering a little higher,she examined Galvanize's wound through her cockpit. "You ok?" she whispered quietly. ![]() |
02-01-2009, 11:07 PM
Post: #108
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
((Sorry about the double post...I'm just going out of my mind waiting for a reply :roll: ))
Recieving no answer,the femme-bot hovered ahead. Blasting the gates,she sped out,but fell in behind Rex once he was through. ![]() |
02-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Post: #109
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
A truck screeched up infront of Galvanize, Rex and the new femebot. The door swung open almost striking the Big drilling mech in the face.
"Guys get in everything's gone crazy!" Shouted the mech in the drivers seat. It took a moment for them to recognize the bland form of Durral the former delivery mech. "Everything's gone to slag! Security is onto us, we got to burn rubber!" He yelled as he waved at them to get in. --- Elsewhere Sonics and his group of Hijacker Newbies rumbled through the streets at great speed. The tyres screached as they hurtled around the corner and spyed the wearhouse up ahead. There were a few mechs sneaking about, who rushed out and waved them in as a huge shutter door rolled up. One of them ran up too the window. "Drive it right in. We need too move aparently the guards are serching for us, someone tipped them off!" ![]() My old sig from my battles with Galvy. I miss you old friend. |
02-03-2009, 05:26 PM
Post: #110
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
![]() The femme jumped in,and slammed the door behind them as soon as everyone was inside. "And who might you be?" she grinned ghoulishly at Durral as they sped off. ![]() |
02-03-2009, 06:18 PM
Post: #111
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"Uh... I'm Durral, one of the brains of this operation." The grey mechanoid said before realising that he was swaying about the road and jurked the wheel back to a straight line.
"Who is she?!" He whispered, a bit too loudly, too Rex as the big mech hunched in the seat next to him. ![]() My old sig from my battles with Galvy. I miss you old friend. |
02-03-2009, 11:58 PM
Post: #112
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Rex shook his head.
Rex-R.V not know. Just know stupid femmebot broke our cover and blasted helpless dogbot. Got Galvanise shot to. He looked round at the femmebot and lent in close to Durral. He whispered. She trouble. Who carries gun other than security in dome? It's the law! The big mech rested back into his seat, dusting bits of wiring and rubble from his various parts, grumbling something about guns, dogbots and a kilo of megaquartz inserted somewhere. [center] ![]() |
02-04-2009, 12:22 AM
Post: #113
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
((*Waves to KG*
![]() The femme chuckled softly at the conversation. "Really now. If you wanted know my name,you should've just asked.They call me Boomblast," she grinned,slowly opening and closing her optics. Putting her gun away for the first time since they had met,she asserted,"It's a precaution. You just can't trust anyone these days. What would have happened if I hadn't had a weapon on me? Besides,I'm sure you have things hidden under that thick exterior," she added,touching Rex's arm gently,and pulling away before the giant bot decided to pull any sudden moves. ![]() |
02-04-2009, 07:27 AM
Post: #114
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
---- Back at the Hijacked truck ----
Ramp-X stared nervously at the security bots eyeing both them and the truck. "Who do you think did it? You know. Tipped them off." Ramp-X wispered to Sonics, trying hard not to look at the bots outside for too long. He frowned and looked down as he said "There weren't any witnessess... unless there was a camera still online somewhere there but thats impossible as that place has been out for years and longer. Maybe we were being followed. But no one followed us I certain. Maybe it's an inside job......." ![]() |
02-05-2009, 12:00 AM
Post: #115
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
you ok you ok you ok.........................aarrrggghhh!!!!!
galvanize shot bolt up as the words came to him. "where am owwww, my shoulder hurts" rex gave a smile as galvanize droppped to unconsciousness again... ![]() IM NOT MAD, IM LOVEABLE!! |
02-05-2009, 01:30 AM
Post: #116
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
![]() ![]() Boomblast frowned in thought,examining Galvanize's wound as soon as he shut down again. "He's short-circuting. He'll do this on and off at any time,unless a medic,or someone with medical skills,intervenes. He needs attention soon though,or things will get worse. Much worse." Opening a plate in her side,the femme began rummaging. ![]() |
02-05-2009, 12:55 PM
Post: #117
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Rex-R.V shrugged.
"Him fine, him just need rest" He turned back to Durral. "Where Bossbot? What happening? How we get out?" Something like concern crossed the big mech's faceplate, though anger gleamed in his optics. [center] ![]() |
02-05-2009, 02:48 PM
Post: #118
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Boomblast pulled out what she had been looking for:A small medical kit. Closing the pannel,she bent over Galvy and began working,casting a careful optic on Rex-R.V. every now and then.
![]() |
02-06-2009, 10:57 AM
Post: #119
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
"Uh, 1-16's gone missing, no one's seen him since he took off at the Bar. I'm starting to fear the worst.
We have to carry on, we only have one shot at getting out of here." Durral said as he looked up at the sky and shook his head. "What do we do about Galvanize. We dont really have anyone with medical training. Do we dump him at an ER and high tail it?" ---- The enginear looked at Ramp-X and shurgged. "We dont have time for a witch-hunt. We just have to get moving. We have no back up plan and I'm not being expelled to the wastes. Drive right in." The greasy mech said as he pointed to the doors that had rolled up far enough for the truck. This was their first time seeing the ship, and it wasn't the most encoraging site, It looked very much like what it actualy was. A makeshift rocket with a giant drill on the front. It made even the regular industrial core drills look infinatly more proffesional and sleak. The enginear followed them in and opened the back doors as everyone jumped out. "... EH?! WHERES THE GENERATOR?!" He shouted as the highjackers joined him at the back of the truck. The compartment was indeed full but the cargo was Synarium Aloy bars. It was trading suplies. |
02-06-2009, 11:13 AM
Post: #120
Re: "The Long Road" Chapter one- The Breakthrough
Rex-R.V sighed.
"He comes. Galvanise don't go, me, Rex-R.V don't go." Rex looked out of the windscreen skywards. "We go to rocket. We get out of here. Slag 1-16 if he gone. Do without this scrap." The big mech settled back and closed his optics as the truck drove on to the rendezvous, Boomblast working carefully in the back. [center] ![]() |
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