Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
07-21-2011, 08:20 PM
Post: #1261
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Target Exclusive Universe Leo Prime.
360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
07-22-2011, 08:51 PM
Post: #1262
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
25cm KO Predaking for £25 on ebay, he may not be has/tak grade plastic but its rather good for a fake, has near all the joints & hinges from the original & is perfect scale to universe superion & bruticus
![]() ![]() IMG_0054 by Decepticlone117, on Flickr |
07-29-2011, 12:32 PM
Post: #1263
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
DOTM Space Case from Tesco Handforth Dean.
08-12-2011, 05:02 PM
Post: #1264
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
over the last few weeks ive managed to find:
Leader Ironhide, All 4 Wave one Human Alliance basics from Argos, HFTD Highbrow from toysrus, US Space Case off ebay, and Voyager Shockwave from Sainsburys ![]() ![]() the two Voyagers are the only new items ive found in my area ![]() |
08-14-2011, 02:17 PM
Post: #1265
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Not a huge brag, but I got the Matrix from the Reveal the Shield Rodimus and Cyclonus set. My friend bought the set yesterday and gave me the Matrix.
Now does it go with Rodimus or Optimus. 360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
08-19-2011, 12:17 AM
Post: #1266
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Right! Just spent most of the day going through the boxes of Gen1 Transformers that I picked up on Monday... this is my 'Epic Haul' thus far - apparently there are more boxes en route!
GENERATION 1 AUTOBOTS 1984 Cliffjumper Hound Jazz Mirage Optimus Prime Ratchet Sunstreaker Trailbreaker Wheeljack 1985 Beachcomber Grapple Grimlock Jetfire Red Alert Roadbuster Slag Sludge Tracks 1986 Air Raid Blades Blurr Fireflight First Aid Groove Hot Spot Kup Rodimus Prime Sandstorm Silverbolt Skydive Slingshot Streetwise Ultra Magnus Wreck-Gar 1987 Afterburner Brainstorm Chromedome Cloudraker Computron Crosshairs Goldbug Hardhead Highbrow Hot Rod (Targetmaster) Lightspeed Nosecone Pointblank Scattershot Strafe Sureshot 1988 Backstreet Chainclaw Dogfight Fizzle Getaway Gunrunner Hosehead Nightbeat Optimus Prime (Powermaster) Override Quickswitch Siren Slapdash 1989 Crossblades Jazz (Pretender) Longtooth Pincher DECEPTICONS 1984 Buzzsaw Frenzy Laserbeak Rumble Thundercracker 1985 Astrotrain Blitzwing Bonecrusher Hook Long Haul Mixmaster Ramjet Scavenger Scrapper Shrapnel 1986 Breakdown Cyclonus Dead End Drag Strip Galvatron Menasor Motormaster Octane Rampage Runamuck Wildrider 1987 Apeface Battletrap Blot Hun-Grrr Mindwipe Misfire Rippersnapper Scorponok Skullcruncher Slugslinger Snapdragon Triggerhappy 1988 Crankcase Darkwing Dreadwind Nautilator Overbite Quake Roadgrabber Ruckus Seawing Skalor Snaptrap Squeezeplay Submarauder Tentakil Windsweeper 1989 Bludgeon Octopunch Condition on most is excellent. Am very pleased! ![]() |
08-22-2011, 06:04 PM
Post: #1267
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Can't even hope to match the previous post, but I picked up DOTM Shockwave today. was going to skip him, but had an Argos gift card that needed used up and he was the only thing they had that I was interested in. Surprisingly chunky feeling after being used to DOTM Megatron and Ironhide who both felt too skinny, the legs are wonderful. Also finally picked up a copy of the 2007 film on Blu-ray, after re-watching the exciting bits I can say with a lot of confidence that DOTM is still by far my favorite, can't wait for the home release for a marathon of the three.
![]() |
09-03-2011, 05:34 PM
Post: #1268
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Finally found some stuff I wanted today, and picked up DOTM Fireburst Prime (TRU), Nitro Bumblebee and Mudflap (Sainsbury's). Mudflap is a bit of a mess, but I'm one of the few fans he has so I was always going to pick it up. Nitro 'Bee is surprisingly nice, transforms in a different way to most others and not a bad vehicle mode if you don't mind the concept. Unfortunately mine will have to go back as one of his toes was broken in package. Fireburst Prime is very nice, first go of this mould for me and it is, again, surprisingly fun. the highlight is the new weapon which works great in both modes.
I also nabbed another Generations Scourge for myself from Toys R Us because I'm piece of scalping scum. ![]() |
09-09-2011, 12:33 PM
Post: #1269
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
As they were cheap, I picked up DotM Skids and Mudflap.
360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
09-16-2011, 08:09 PM
Post: #1270
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Got given a HFTD Tomahawk today. Quite nice, but something in the design is offputting to me. There's nothing wrong with him, but all he's doing is making me wish I had Terradive more.
![]() |
09-30-2011, 04:34 PM
Post: #1271
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
I picked up a DOTM Flak from my local Asda's On Tuesday, and got a Universe 2.0 prowl and a Armada Galvatron. I swore i would never get any more DOTM toys but seen it there for £2 and just got it.
10-17-2011, 07:10 PM
Post: #1272
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Picked up DotM Spacecase on Saturday (Thanks for TFW2005's Boardwise) and got BotCon Shattered Glass Galvatron today.
360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
10-18-2011, 07:35 PM
Post: #1273
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Got me a SG Rodimus and the Shadow Scyther kit. Damn sexy.
[center] ![]() |
10-20-2011, 06:45 PM
Post: #1274
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
White bumblejumper/Sedan (No head!!
![]() Silver volks / bumblebee Tan Jipe / brawn Red carrera / cliffjumper (I reckon the red is different!) Wraithchild666 reborn I used to be normal like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.. |
10-20-2011, 07:06 PM
Post: #1275
Re: Transformers Brags - What's your latest buys
Got the Matrix Prime Kreon which came free with the Doctor Who magazine.
360 MiniCons and counting. ![]() Click the pic to visit my site. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. |
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