Saké Comments - CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!

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CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
03-26-2011, 03:17 PM
Post: #31
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Sunstreakers Troop-Builder Cup-Cakes!
[Image: TBCC17.JPG]
Unwrapping a Cobra Trooper!

[Image: TBCC18.JPG]

Blue - through and through!

[Image: TBCC19.JPG]

Tasty... if a little acid...

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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03-26-2011, 03:19 PM
Post: #32
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Sunstreakers Troop-Builder Cup-Cakes!
[Image: TBCC20.JPG]

[Image: TBCC21.JPG]

Close-ups on the camo effect.

Lads are round on Wednesday - might see if I can't cook up a batch of troopers - Greenshirts vs Crimson Guard maybe? And play a miniatures game using cakes. Will do a battle report!

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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03-26-2011, 06:07 PM
Post: #33
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Dude those are epic! You're going to be the size of a house if you carry on like this! :lol:

[center][Image: kinggrimlock1.jpg][/center]
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03-28-2011, 07:47 PM
Post: #34
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Am really enjoying it... although my icing skills are still sorely lacking!

Just made a Terror-Drome...

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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03-28-2011, 08:16 PM
Post: #35
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
I am shamed...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... -whale-ho/</a><!-- m -->

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-02-2011, 09:01 PM
Post: #36
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Am thoroughly disappointed at the lack of entries here.

Rest assured I shall still keep creating Transformers (actually probably be more likely to be GI Joe...) based food products.

The Terror-Drome
[Image: terrordromecake1.JPG]

[Image: terrordromecake2.JPG]
Seemed like a no-brainer. For my cup-cake Cobra Troopers to assemble around and defend.

[Image: terrordromecake3.JPG]

Before cooking, I thought I'd cracked the camoflage marbeling process - by adding coco powder to each of the three colour mixes I used - coco on it's own for brown, coco and green and coco and black. In the in it looked fantastic, however after it had cooked, I found that the black and the green had mostly been washed out. You can still see a little, but it's not great.

Back to the drawing board!

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-02-2011, 09:04 PM
Post: #37
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Just to show how easy this is, I managed to get this done this evening whilst cooking my dinner... cheeseburger and chips!

[Image: auto-burger1.JPG]

Cut the cheese using a kitchen knife whilst the burger and chips were cooking. Easy-peasy.

[Image: auto-burger2.JPG]

Close up on my Cheese-burger...

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-20-2011, 12:00 AM
Post: #38
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
As despondant as I am about nobody actually taking me up on this, I have still pushed on and have been making yet more tasty GI Joe based goodies!

Firstly, my Python Patrol cake...

[Image: pythoncake1.JPG]

[Image: pythoncake2.JPG]

I was quite sneaky here, as Mrs. 'Streaker was quite vocal about me 'Not making another one of those stupid cakes.' sooooo... it looks like a normal cake... BUT You'll notice the Python Patrol cross hatching across the top...

[Image: pythoncake3.JPG]

Here's me slicing!

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-20-2011, 12:03 AM
Post: #39
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!

[Image: pythoncake4.JPG]

[Image: pythoncake5.JPG]

... And the inside is camo marbled!

Um... not successfully camo marbled unfortunately... I tried to be subtle with my third colour - green - and whilst if you look very, very closely you can make out a third colour in the mix it's not great. On the plus side, the brown camo tasted like chocolate and the yellow and green like Vanilla.

Finished cake was a little dry.

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-20-2011, 12:07 AM
Post: #40
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Now, these bad-boys are the pinnacle of my triumph! This is what I've been working towards since this project started and I think I've made the perfect toy-homage food!

[Image: commandocake1.JPG]

The perfect Yellow/Green/Brown mixed cakes.

[Image: commandocake2.JPG]

A close up on the marbelling. The Brown is chocolate flavoured, whilst the rest is vanilla... mixed with a large glug of golden syrup, making the centre all gooey!

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-20-2011, 12:12 AM
Post: #41
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!

[Image: commandocake3.JPG]

I couldn't leave my cakes icicng free - as tempting as it was to just leave that glorious camp pattern for everyone to see! Wifey made the suggestion of turning them into butterfly cakes, which sounded good to me!

Firstly I needed to mix the perfect icing to go with the camo...

[Image: commandocake4.JPG]

ANd here is my Olive Drab Vanilla flavoured Butter icing. 175g Icing sugar to 100g butter, two spoonfulls of milk, 2 drops of green food colouring, 1 drop of black and 1 drop of yellow...

( I had to mix two batches... you can see that one is slightly lighter, as I used the previous icing as a base for my second batch... messed with my colours...)

[Image: commandocake5.JPG]
Here, tops have been sliced, icing added in a dollop in the centre, and butterfly wings attached!

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-20-2011, 12:15 AM
Post: #42
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!

[Image: commandocake6.JPG]

The darker green...

[Image: commandocake7.JPG]

From the sides...

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-20-2011, 12:17 AM
Post: #43
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!

[Image: commandocake8.JPG]

[Image: commandocake9.JPG]

Dusted with icing...

[Image: commandocake10.JPG]

And me enjoying the tasty camoflaged fruits of my labours!

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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04-21-2011, 09:32 AM
Post: #44
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Man those cakes all look awesome,
I need more cake in my life!

[Image: bsig20111.jpg]
Fact: Brawn isn't dead he's just been stamping on scalpers.
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04-21-2011, 10:10 AM
Post: #45
Re: CAKE! ...and other goodness... COMPETITION!
Git yosilf a-bakin' Hook-Hands!

Most satisfying thing in the world...

[Image: newstreakersig11.jpg]
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