Saké Comments - Revealed - Gold BW images and info

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Revealed - Gold BW images and info
03-13-2011, 02:17 PM
Post: #1
Revealed - Gold BW images and info
Please use this thread to discuss the Revealed - Gold BW images and info news story on the main site.

Transformers At The Moon and Lucky Draw Transformers are proud to bring you the first ever confirmed images (that we know off) and information on the first Beast Wars Lucky Draw Transformers.  The include never seen before images of Gold Convoy, Gold Cheetor, Gold Rhinox, Gold Rattrap and Gold Dinobot along with information on the release.

Steve and I picked this magazine up in November 2010, and I've only just got around to scanning and translating it .. and it was, to me, quiet shocking.
The text states the following prizes were available.

3 people would win 1 set of Gold Convoy and Megatron
1 person would win 1 set of 5 Gold Beast Wars figures, Convoy, Cheetas, Rattilus, Rhinox and Dinobot
6 people would win a Gold Convoy

The toys are actually referred to as "glittering".
This confirms the following figures

Gold Convoy - 10
Gold Megatron - 3
Gold Cheetor - 1
Gold Dinobot - 1
Gold Rattrap - 1
Gold Rhinox -1

For anyone who wants an original of this you need to purchase TV Magazine March 1998
For our "Lucky Draw Magazine project" this and the confimation of Gold Big Convoy are two of the three holy grails.  We just have the colouring contest Beast Wars II to go.

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03-13-2011, 02:24 PM
Post: #2
re: Revealed - Gold BW images and info
This is MASSIVE news as far as I am concerned

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03-13-2011, 11:19 PM
Post: #3
Re: Revealed - Gold BW images and info
A Rattrap toy I will never own. Sad

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