Saké Comments - Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer

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Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer
02-07-2011, 08:29 AM
Post: #1
Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer
Please use this thread to discuss the Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer news story on the main site.

[/url]The [url=]Apple website has been updated with a copy of the Transformers Dark of the Moon trailer that aried during yesterdays SuperBowl.
You need to have Quicktime installed to see the trailer (which I don't have, or want on my work machine) so I'll have to wait until tonight to watch it.

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02-07-2011, 09:07 AM
Post: #2
Re: Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer
Epic! That's all I'll say Smile
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02-07-2011, 03:15 PM
Post: #3
Re: Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer
Meh. Does nothing to inspire me or ease my concerns after ROTF was so bad. Cool siren noise though.

Now the Cap trailer, that's where it's at!

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02-07-2011, 07:54 PM
Post: #4
Re: Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer
Meh. Can't really see anything that gets me going. Will 2 hours of action at which point I'll feel hollow and used again.

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02-08-2011, 12:00 PM
Post: #5
Re: Transformers Dark of the Moon Trailer
It certainly seems to be much more the 'invasion' movie that Bay claimed ROTF woud be. If nothing else then WOO! Robots! *KABOOM*

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