YouTuber eBEFOREi has posted a video review of Transformers Prime Arms Micron Wildrider onto the video sharing website. You can view the review using the plug-in below.
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YouTuber eBEFOREi has posted a video review of Transformers Prime Arms Micron Wildrider onto the video sharing website. You can view the review using the plug-in below.
Fans Project have posted a whole host of new images of their upcoming Not-Stunticons and Non-Headmasters (Function X) toys. If you click the headline of this story you will be able to view all of the images which have been released thus far which include Breakdown and Wildrider in both modes, the early prototype of Dragstrip and Deadend in their vehicles modes as well as images of the second and third Function X figures, X-2 (Brainstorm) and X-3 (Weirdwolf).
Remember that all of these figures are unlicensed products.
Planet Iacon have posted up several stock images of up coming Transformers Prime Arms Micron toys including Rumble, Frenzy, Wildrider and Leo Convoy
Takara Tomy have made an annoucement regarding a couple of future released. Most notible are that There will be a Yellow Encore Devastator (based on the G2 colours).
Othere listings are for Transformers Prime Rumble and Frenzy as well as Transformers Prime Stunticon Wildrider (probably a recolour of Dead End).
They have also confirmed the Fall of Cybertron Combaticons will be released in Japan in game accurate colours
Transformers Galaxy have posted some new images of the knock-off Henkei Wildrider figure from CHMS onto their Facebook page. You can view the mirrored images below.
We have updated the Toy Gallery section of the website with the first six toy image galleries of the Botcon 2011 exclusives. This mornings updates are of the Stunti-con Job group themselves:
iGearToys have updated their facebook page some in-hand images of this years Botcon 2011 exclusive Wildrider figure. You can view the mirrored images below.
The Botcon website has been updated with the images of the 4th member of the Stunticons, Wildrider. The figure is a recoloured version of Lockdown but with a new head sculpt. You can view the images below.
Fun Publications have revealed via the Botcon Twitter page that the Botcon 2011 Wildrider figure will use the Lockdown mold but with a new head sculpt designed by Derrick Wyatt.
"Thurs Stunticon reveal. Wildrider. Mold. LOCKDOWN. Amazing NEW head design by @DerrickJWyatt. That plus color scheme makes him look tot dif." they tweeted.
Roll on Thursday, that's all I can say
The Botcon twitter account was updated a lot yesterday evening with some comments on a 20 minute preview screening of Transformers: Dark of the Moon where they describe the 3D as amazing and the visuals as "like nothing we've seen before".
However in specific Botcon news they also the following comment "Want Some Stunticon news? ok. Will reveal mold choice in morning!". So later today there should be the announcement of which mold, with a new head, will be used for Wildrider. We at Transformers At The Moon are speculating that it will be Lockdown or Wildrider with the offroad truck being a play of the "Wild" part of the his name,