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Derrick Wyatt has replied to a question raised ourselves in response to another question by Perceptor of regarding the Transformers Animated season three rumours that they received. Derrick replied with the following to Perceptors question
"'s question is a good one! I've been trying to think of a way to answer without unleashing a mess of spoilers. But, I haven't figured out how to do it yet".
To which we followed up with "guess we can take that as at least some of it is true, otherwise it would be an easy debunking answer". In response to our question Derrick replied with "Yes, you are right. In Perceptor's comments, one bit is true. One part is confused (probably by a person seeing a design and making assumptions). One is just flat out wrong.".
So there you go, one part is wrong, one is confused and one right. For those who can not remember the post at here it is again
"* Yes, there will be a season 3, Transformers Animated.
* (at least some) Episodes have been recorded.
* Transformers Animated Season 3 will begin with a multi-part episode.
* As of now (subject to change) it is scheduled to air, "next spring."
For those of you who don’t know, Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio were
the Executive Story Editors and storywriters (in my opinion) largely
responsible for the popularity of the Beast Wars Transformers cartoon
series. For this forthcoming Transformers Animated episode, they share
credit on story and script. It is the first time they have worked
together since Beast Wars. The episode title (subject to change) is:
PREDACONS RISINGWe have been told, it should be a surprise treat for all Beast Wars Fans."
The Transformers Animated season 3 rumours continue with quoting an un-named source as supplying them with the following information
1. Season 3 will air spring 2009.
2. Hasbro already has models of the whole Season 3 crew, including more Starscream clones and re-paints.
3. Wasp will return for Bumblebee in an episode.
4. Shockwave will get exposed.
5. You will see more of Cliffjumper and Ironhide in an episode.
6. The Elite Guard will come back.PERMANENTLY (Including Blurr).
7. Omega Supreme will be back.
8. Constructicons will be back.
9. Three Decepticons will switch to the Autobots.
10. Wreck-Gar will be back.
11. Constructicon toys coming soon as a Two-Pack Deluxe.
12. In process of making more translucent figures like Optimus, Blitzwing, Megatron and others.
13. Swindle will be back.
14. They are not sure if human villains will be back.
As with all rumours, take the above with a pinch of salt have posted an image gallery of Transformers Animated Bulkhead which include the first in packaging images of the figure. Here's a preview image had already hinted at seeing the first 3 episodes of Transformers Animated, known as the Transformers Animated Movie, and now both themselves and Benson Yee have updated their respected sites with reviews of the episodes.
Be warned, spoilers are included.
We've also now received a copy of the Transformers Animated press pack (via email, not in the post so we didn't get the DVD), but we do have access to the profiles and images. The profiles are already on Transformers's profile page, and most of the information was already covered there, but be sure to check that site out for a full rundown.
We are also in the progress of redrawing all of the images in vector graphics, so you can expect some more wallpapers in the near future.
Thanks to The Allspark for the news.