Hobby Ark's Facebook Page has been updated with more images of the upcoming releases of Takara-Tomy's exclusive Transformers Prime Arms Micron Ultra Magnus and Lio Convoy (a recolour of Thundertron).
I'm certainly liking Lio Convoy
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Hobby Ark's Facebook Page has been updated with more images of the upcoming releases of Takara-Tomy's exclusive Transformers Prime Arms Micron Ultra Magnus and Lio Convoy (a recolour of Thundertron).
I'm certainly liking Lio Convoy
Planet Iacon have posted up several stock images of up coming Transformers Prime Arms Micron toys including Rumble, Frenzy, Wildrider and Leo Convoy
TFW2005 have a nice gallery and review of Transformers Prime Thundertron (based on a character from the Transformers Exodus novel).
You can see the gallery of the first Star Seeekers toy here
Thanks to Planet Iacon there are more images of the upcoming Transformers Generations Thundertron figure.
The toy, based on the character from the IDW Comics, looks pretty cool, and is a similar looking animal form to Liger Jack from Transformers Galaxy Force. We've not read any of the comics he is in, in which he was the leader of a third faction of Transformers ... so I can't tell you much about the character - sorry.
Robot Kingdom, has updated their Facebook page with in package images of Transformers Prime Voyager Wave 4. Wave 4 will consist of two new figures; Thundertron and Ultra Magnus. Thundertron is the leader of the pirate faction of Transformers from the Exiles novel while Ultra Magnus makes his second toy appearance in the Prime line. His first being the Cyberverse commander figure.
Thanks to TFW2005 for the spot
Seibertron.com are reporting that Transformers Prime RID Voyager Skyquake, Ultra Magnus and Thundertron are set for UK release
Thank you for your email:
Our Marketing Department have just informed us that an update has been received regarding your enquiry and we are actually planning to bring in RID Voyager Skyquake, Ultra Magnus and Thundertron later in the year. (I'm guessing they are voyager wave 4)
Kind regards
Hasbro UK