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We have recieved a list of some of the upcoming 2017 Transformers releases for the UK. Some of the informastion included release dates (months), where as others just stated a 2017 release. The list includes the fan choice winner Trypticon!
Again, these are all currently due for release within the UK.
Due January 2017
No Release Month Stated
Some of the figures with no release dates against them mirror the listings of the January releases. We are unsure why.
April 2017
This list confirms some details which have been previously been announced, as well as including other items which have not. The list also confirms that the Genertions Trypticon figure will indeed see a UK release and there there is an RC (Radio Controlled)? Earth planned as part of the Last Knight toys.
With the UK Toy Fair just around the corner more information may be available soon.
For those wondering just where filming for Transformers 5 is taking place right now the answer is Oxford. Shoot started yesterday and will continue until Sunday at various locations in and around the city centre. Having filmed at The Duke of Marlborough's estate near Woodstock yesterday, filming moves onto Radcliffe Square and Lincoln College over the next few days. Read more over on
The official images of Sqweeks and Crosshairs have been revealed for Transformers: The Last Knight which yuo can view below.
Michael Bay has announced, via the Instagram post below, that Megatron will be returning at the "big bad" in Transformers: The Last Knight (Transformers 5).
Actor Simon Delaney has spoken to The Herald to talk about how Jack Reynor got his role in not only the upcoming Transformers 4 movie, titled Age of Extiction, but also in Transformers 5 and Transformers 6
"We all knew when we were shooting Delivery Man that he [Jack] had done a couple of screen tests and auditions for Transformers, every day we would say: 'Any news?' Jack was actually on set one night, Michael Bay [the director of Transformers] called and he stepped off set to take the call," Simon revealed.
"Everyone was looking through a window, like eager fathers awaiting the birth of their new son, and he came back in and said, 'I got it'. There was a little bit of a party that night.