Transformers News: Tag - "silverbolt"
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Thanks to Snakas for updating Autobase Aichi with news and images of the latest Transformers Kabaya figures to be annouced. They include the Aerialbots, Stunticons and Combaticons and are due for release on the 20th of August.
The figures include Onslaught, Mortormaster and Silverbolt whilst Snakas speculates that the limbs for all three will be released later.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 29th May 2013 at 10:37:42 BST
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MTV Geek have posted some images of new Scout and Elite classed Transformers Constructabots figures. This new line is due for release later in the year priced at $9.99 (scouts) and $14.99 (elita). The new sets shown within the piece are:
- Breakdown
- Dead End
- Cliffjumper
- Silverbolt
- Shockwave
- Smokescreen
- Drag Strip
You can view the mirrored images after the jump
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 14th May 2013 at 08:37:42 BST
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3rd Party toy maker, TFC Toys, have updated their Facebook page with a collection of coloured images of the latest prototype of their upcoming release SR-71 Blackbird (better known as Silverbolt) who is a part of their Project Uranos project, the unofficial Superion figure. The images include pictures of the new Aerialbot companion X-45 Phantom Ray who transforms into the chest plate of Uranos (Superion). There is also a groupshot of the first three released Phantom, the soon-to-be-released Eagle and Blackbird which helps highlight the size difference. You can view the images after the jump.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 12th January 2013 at 09:56:48 GMT
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TFC Toys have posted some more grey prototype images of the upcoming Uranos Blackbird ?Silverbolt) figure.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 7th October 2012 at 09:35:59 BST
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TFClub have released some small images of the upcoming Blackbird prototype, which is their "not-Silverbolt" figure of the combing Uranos (Superion) set

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 30th September 2012 at 09:25:28 BST
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Representatives for James Avery, (Phil Banks from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) have tol
d the examiner that he has indeed signed on to Transformers 3 as voice actor. We
first reported the rumours of this back on the 2nd Feb but after internet rumours that the actor had died, his representatives decided to speak out and at the same time confirm his involvement in the TF movie franchise
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 10th June 2010 at 20:26:47 BST
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Canadian site have posted an interview with James Avery (Philip Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel Air). According to the blurb on the site James will be providing the voice for Silverbolt on the third live action Transformers movie.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 2nd February 2010 at 20:15:11 GMT
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 28th October 2009 at 09:54:45 GMT
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Many thanks to Paul Hitchens for discovering various cases of Transformers Animated Shadow Blade Megatrons, Roadbuster Ultra Magnus', Jetfire / Jetstorm 2-packs and Transformers Universe Silverbolts in his local Toys R Us.
You can see his story and images at
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 12th February 2009 at 22:57:14 GMT
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Thanks to Minion for letting us know that Tesco have restocked on Transformers Animated and Transformers Universe toys, though the are all back at full price. For Transformers Universe fans, the figures now in stock include Silverbolt and the Powerglide Decepticon recolour Stormjet.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 3rd February 2009 at 19:28:54 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on have published the first image of a Decepticon repaint of the Transformers Universe Classics Silverbolt figure. The toy has been repainted into the colour scheme of Generation One Darkwing which, if the case, would mean that the classics partner for the 2007 Botcon exclusive toy will findally have been released.

Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 15th December 2008 at 08:47:57 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on memeber Locustreign has found Transformers Universe Silverbolt and Stormcloud at Sainsbury's in Regent Road, Salford.
The toys are a recolour of Transformers Universe Jetfire (Stormcloud) and a new mould (Silverbolt)
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 27th November 2008 at 08:39:34 GMT
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TFW2005 has received more official stock images from Hasbro's PR company, this time consisting of the Generation One and Beat Wars Transformers: Robot Heroes line. The figures include:-
- G1 Ironhide
- G1 Kickback
- G1 Blaster
- G1 Thrust
- Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron
- Beast Wars Silverbot
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st August 2008 at 16:30:51 BST
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Fan2Fan has posted images of three Transformers Henkei figures, Powerglide, Silverbolt and Onslaught showing that the figures will be recoloured for their Japanese release. The most different colour scheme going to Powerglide who will be mainly red rather than white like the western release. Click the following link to view the pictures on Fan2Fan website.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 27th May 2008 at 12:36:26 BST
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