Hasbro has release two new adverts for Transformers toys with the first being for Titans Return and the 2nd for Robots In Disguise Combiner Force. You can watch the videos below
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Hasbro has release two new adverts for Transformers toys with the first being for Titans Return and the 2nd for Robots In Disguise Combiner Force. You can watch the videos below
Transformers: Robots In Disguise Season 2.5 is scheduled to air on Cartoon Network here on within the UK on November 5th at 7:00AM.
Transformers: Robots In Disguise
From Saturday 5th November, airs weekends at 7am
Years after we left the Autobots in “Transformers Prime” Bumblebee is summoned by Optimus Prime to save Earth from a new faction of Decepticons. Bumblebee assembles a rogue team of young Autobots including a COOL REBEL “BAD BOY,” an ELITE GUARD CADET, a BOMBASTIC DINOBOT and a hyperactive MINI-CON to chase and capture their new enemies. Each new BOT is a fully capable action hero, but relatively inexperienced in working together in a team. Thus Bumblebee finds himself needing to be equal parts squad leader and coach. Every episode is packed full of action, adventure and comedy as Team Bumblebee strive to complete their new mission.
With Cartoon Network UK showing new Transformers Robots In Disguise episodes twice a week, once on Saturday and once on Sunday, the UK has now caught up with the USA and shall move ahead of the United States next Sunday. The UK will complete the series on the 16th April with the two-part episode titled Decepticon Island.
You can view the complete UK listings below:
12th March, 2016 – Overloaded (Part 1 & 2)
13th March, 2016 – Metal Meltdown
19th March, 2016 – Suspended
20th March, 2016 – Cover Me
26th March, 2016 – Brainpower
27th March, 2016 – Misdirection
02nd April, 2016 – Bumblebee’s Night Off
03rd April, 2016 – Impounded
09th April, 2016 – Portals
10th April, 2016 – Outstanding
16th April, 2016 – Decepticon Island (Part 1 & 2)
We have uploaded our second image gallery from Season 2 of Transformers Robots In Disguise which contains 339 images from the latest episode of the current Transformers cartoon series. You can view the image gallery of Transformers Robots In Disguise 2015 Season 2 Episode 2 by clicking the previous link or by following the jump.
Felipe León Nájera from the Transformers Colombia Facebook group has posted scans from a Hasbro products line catalog which shows the Columbian releases for Transformers Robots In Disguise, the new 2015 toy/cartoon/comic series.
The first piece of news from the scans is that the Cartoon will air on March 15th 2014 in Colombia, so expect a US launch towards the end of 2014 or early 2015.
Three scans were leaked, all of which are attached to this news item, whihc config the 2015 line-up as revealed that which was revealed at San Diego Comic Con 2014. The four assortments are:
The second and third sheets cover the side-line such as "Titan figures", 12 inch Hero figures and a series of 6 inch Titan Guardians. The image accompanying the listing suggests that there will be a 5-pack of 6 inch Titan Guardian Seekers made up of Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Sunstorm and Acid Storm.