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James Eatock (Cereal Geek) has revealed more of his finds of never-seen-before Generation One preproduction material via Instagram.
Following on from the blue Bluestreak cell and animation colour sheet James revealed a coloured animation cell of Ravage with his original blue and red colour scheme!
A post shared by James Eatock (@cerealgeek77) onMay 25, 2018 at 7:34pm PDT
Finally, James revealed another art piece last night which he refers to as an early promotional sketch that would later evolve into the cover for the Panini sticker album!
The audio contained within this video has been taken from an original cassette recording of a one-to-one studio session between Wally Burr (directing) and Frank Welker (performing), with the tape dated 9th August 1984.
The session features vocoded effects for Ravage and is from the Transformers Generation One series. The audio was recorded during the Season One sessions and was added to the end of a cassette containing the unslugged audio for War of the Dinbots along with audio of the Hound / Rumble fight from the episode More Than Meets The Eye.
This is the original audio from the tape.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 23rd April 2017 at 10:57:53 BST
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Big thanks to fellow former Trans-Europe Express member Nevermore who posted the following summary of upcoming Generations releases over on the TFW2005 message board. The news includes the first official listings for Generations Ravage, Wheelie and Rumble as well as the first images of Pipes.
As originally reported over at and pointed out to me by megatroptimus.
Ignore the "Star Wars Transformers" prefixes, that's an error.
Hasbro's official images of Acid Storm and Soundwave have now been released. Acid Storm is a bright green and black redeco of the second Starscream mould, whilst the US Soundwave comes with all five of his Masterpiece Cassettes, Buzzsaw, Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 5th March 2013 at 08:52:12 GMT
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TFSource have received some new images from BTS Toys of the upcoming Savage and Nightfang cassettes. These new images show BTS' not-Ravage and not-Ratbat in their "combined forms"with Tremor and Frequenzy (Rumble and Frenzy).
You can attach their piledrivers / guns to Savage, sit Tremor or Frequenzy on his back and combine Nightfang with one of the the robots to form a BatRobot (looking a litlte like the European Powermasters.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 8th March 2012 at 09:47:15 GMT
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Jim Sorenson posted a new The Ark Addendum yesterday called "The Ark Addendum - Ravage's Transform and The AllSpark Almanac Addendum! " which, as you could have guessed from the title, focuses on the transformation of the Decepticon spy Ravage as well as containing some information on the new AllSpark Almanac content that will feature in the Transformers Timelines publication of this years Botcon comic The Stunticon Job.
If you like character models do not forget to check out the ones we posted yesterday from Beast Wars II as we will be adding more later on this afternoon
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 13th November 2011 at 10:29:20 GMT
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A Taobao auction has bought the world the first images of what appears to be a Botcon Exclusive Scorch toy. The figure is a recolour Universe Hound based on the G1/G2 figure Scorch who was released in both Europe and Japan originally. you can see our galley of the original figure here, and can compare it to the auction here.
A video posted on Revision3's Tekzilla Daily section from CES2010 has shown that Toshiba plan on releasing the Transformers Device Labels within the US during 2010. At the event only the USB drives (Ravage and Tigatron) and the mice (Grimlock and Trypticon) were shown. The delayed Broadcaster figure was not on display.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 9th January 2010 at 10:08:58 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on's yizhi521has posted images on their message board of the upcoming US mail-away repaint of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Ravage. The toy, which will most likely be dubbed Re-entry Ravage, will be available for those who send in 3 N.E.S.T Global Alliance stickers and the N.E.S.T Mission Guide that came with the Soundwave and Bumblebee two pack.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 1st January 2010 at 15:51:18 GMT
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Following the various updates this week sent through by King Grimlock, today you will find 5 more galleries for your viewing pleasure. First up are the two latest Transformers toys in our collection, the Transformers Device Label usb Tigertron and Device Jaguar.
In addition to these two galleries Alan Taylor, The Last Allosaur, has sent through images of the Transformers Car Robots Super Car Brothers.
The Asian based blog WalkerPlus has posted images of the first Transformers: Device Label figures that will be released shortly in Japan. The images include the transformation sequence for the USB memory sticks Ravage and Tigatron. You can view the images here.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 16th September 2009 at 19:50:58 BST
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ShadowDancer is reporting that a toy shop he found in in Letchworth, Hertfordshire is selling Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Ravage for £12.00, Megatron for £15.00 and Ratchet £15.00.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 12th September 2009 at 11:39:12 BST
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Sad news for Transformers fans waiting on the release of the the Transformers: Device Label figures as TakaraTomy are sending out word that the figures have slipped. The Jaguar (Ravage) and Tigatron figures have slipped back from September 19th to October 24th with the Grimlock and Trypticon toys slipping from the 19th September to the 28th November. For those after the Blaster USB hub, that figure has slipped back until the 19th December.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 21st August 2009 at 09:17:39 BST
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Seibertron is reporting on a "Device Label" Transformers line which is currently listed on BigBadToyStore. The line consists of Transforming USB hubs which include Blaster, USB memory sticks (2 gig) Ravage and Tigatron, and Optical Mice, Overkill and Dinobot.
They certainly look interesting
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 22nd April 2009 at 18:49:00 BST
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Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for
with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category
and currently has as status of .
Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Ep 23: Fight! Samurai Prowl
Empowered with his new samurai armour, Prowl gets to work on one of the Starscream clones, though he soon realises that he's not himself. ....
OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy
better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.
You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics
Transformers Toys - Transformers At The Moon -