Welcome to day 7 of our 17 day commemoration of the website's launch. Today we shall take a look back at the year 2005. Click the headline to read this article in full.
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Welcome to day 7 of our 17 day commemoration of the website's launch. Today we shall take a look back at the year 2005. Click the headline to read this article in full.
With the Tokyo Toy Fair almost over, Japanese blogger ?????2010 (Alfes2010) has posted some more images from the event. The images include Lucky Draw Gold Optimus Prime, as well as Welcome to Transformers 2010 Primus. Also included on his blog are images of Masterpiece Movie Starscream and a Transformers Animated Bumblebee Cosplayer.
The official website for Takara's 2010 Campaign has been updated with a new page for the recently announced Toy Hobby Market exclusive Primus figure, an image of the Transformers Henkei 'Sons of Cybertron' Optimus Prime and Rodimus set as well as an image of the Transformers Animated 'Sons of Cybertron' set (again Optimus Prime and Rodimus but using the Transformers Animated molds), finally they have also added a new piece of merchandise the Masterpiece Sound Stage which appears to be a large plastic stand which will most likely containing sound bites from various characters. You can find images of the sound stage as well as the Transformers Animated Sons of Cybertron crystal Optimus Prime and Rodimus below.