Mastermind Creations have posted new images on Facebook of Leo Dux (Razorclaw) who makes up the main torso of their Feral Rex (Predaking) third party toy.
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Mastermind Creations have posted new images on Facebook of Leo Dux (Razorclaw) who makes up the main torso of their Feral Rex (Predaking) third party toy.
Mastermind Creations have revealed a new colour image of the upcoming Feral Rex combiner (Predaking) Bovis (Tantrum) via their Facebook page.
Unique Toys have posted the first images of their grey prototype of War Rhino (Tantrum) from their upcoming Beasticon set. The Beasticon will comibine into War Lord AKA Predaking.
With both Unique Toys and Mastermind Creations both releasing third party Predaking figures which will you decide to get?
Unique Toys have updated their Facebook page with some new colour images of the prototype of their upcoming third party Divebomb figure. The toy, known as War Lord Hawk, is not the only 3rd party Predaking figure being released as Masrtermind Creations recently showed off the first image of the 2nd figure from their own set Not-Divebomb (Ferocicons). You can compare the images after the jump.
Unique Toys - War Lord - Hawk
Mastermind Creations - Ferocicons - Not-Divebomb
Jim Sorenson has posted an update on his blog regarding the Ron Friedman auction that he won that contained the preliminary script for Transformers: The Movie (that's the 1986 film).
"Last month, a group of dedicated fans pooled their resources to attempt to purchase a piece of Transformers history; scripts and other documents from Transformers movie writer Ron Friedman. Many scripts were won by our coalition, but perhaps the most anticipated among the many documents we purchased was an early draft of The Transformers: The Movie, dated 4/27/1985. I've scanned it in and done a preliminary OCR pass, so without further ado, here it is for download!"
The script contains the dialogue for many scenes that did not make the final draft including Megatron's reference to his "Spark", action for Sunstreaker and Wheeljack and the how the fate of Earth was also going to hang in the balance. Some of the information was already known about, like the Predacons originally being Autobots called Anibots, but what is new (at least to us) is that their names were finalised as Simba (Razorclaw), Pardo (Rampage), Shriek (Divebomb), Thump (Headstrong) and Clump (Tantrum). Other new characters are Stripes and Stinger two other cassettes for Blaster. Form the script its obvious that Streeljaw was to be called Cubbie, a Tiger was going to be called Stripes, a scorpion was going to be called Stinger and there was only going to be one robot, Bolts. We had heard rumours of a scorpion cassette many years ago, but always put it down to the watch scorpion confusing people as we could find no further evidence.
A Rakuten store has uploaded images of the Welcome to Transformers 2010 Predaking figure which has a pre-order with a ship date of November 27, 2010.
You can see the images here.