Perfect Effect have uploaded new images of two of the Not-Arcee PE-DX01 and PE-DX01B Motorbot unpainted prototypes. The two toys show the Pink and Blue versions of the toy along with the large sniper rifle accessory.
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Perfect Effect have uploaded new images of two of the Not-Arcee PE-DX01 and PE-DX01B Motorbot unpainted prototypes. The two toys show the Pink and Blue versions of the toy along with the large sniper rifle accessory.
Perfect Effect have updated their website with new Prototype images of their Not-Arcee Motorbot PE-DX01 toy. We've added the nine new images to our Perfect Effects Motorbot image collection available below these news story (if you aren't viewing on te home page. If you are viewing this on the home page then click the story link).
The new images include height comparisons to Wreck-Gar and Kup.
Also including are new manga images and a hit towards a blue recolour (baed on Transformers Prime Arcee).
Perfect Effect have updated their website with lots of images of their up coming Perfect Effect PE-DX01 Motorbike (Not-Arcee) toy.
The comic strip contains an appearance from the Technobot Afterburner, does this mean an Afterburner toy is on its way from Perfect Effects? Time will tell
Full Metal Hero has posted images and informaton on the PerfectEffect PE-DX01 confirming the long held suspicion that the PE-12 was to be an Acree homage.
These new images showing both Alt and Robot modes, clearly show that PE are sticking to their concept of total integration, with the gun neatly becoming part of her vehicle mode.