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The date for the Finnish premiere of Transformers Animated has now changed, report, the show is now due to start next Sunday, that's the 17th August, taking over from Power Rangers Mystic Force at the 10.25am time slot. MTV3's web site lists the first episode as "1 Roll Out Act 1/3" with no Finnish translation of the title.
According to, Hasbro Nordic have announced that Transformers Animated will air on MTV in Finland, though they have not announced the a debut date as yet.
More on this as it becomes available.
Hasbro Nordic informs us today that Scandinavia will see Transformers Animated and Transformers Universe (aka Classics 2.0) toys on shelves around August 1, 2008.
No information on actual assortment contents, nor if we will get the TV show or not.