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Transformers Movie News

With just 3 weeks for Transformers: Age Of Extinction principle photography left, lead actor Mark Wahlberg has been interviewed by MTV where he discusses his Children's appearance in the film as well as making a brief mention to the Dinobots.

"My kids just did a cameo, just scared people in the street looking up, but they did a great job. I was so nervous because Michael doesn't have time for bad performances," he said. "You have to understand; you're shooting a $300 million movie. You've got a lot going on. He's got five, six takes. If you ain't got it, you're done. I didn't want to see my kids get clipped. They were excited about, but they started to get mad at me because I'm trying to over-direct them. It went great."

Regarding the Dinobots, when they were bought up his response was the following:

"You can't say that, dude. Did you leak it? Did you leak it? You leaked it," he said. "Somebody leaked it, dude. Somebody was on the set leaked it, and it is not OK. It's not cool."

You can watch the video of the interview at MTV.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 12th September 2013 at 08:52:54 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

MTV have posted an exclusive sneak-peak at this weekends Transformers Prime episode Triage.  The synopsis for the episode is that "during the third relic hunt Ratchet and Wheeljack get a one of a kind opportunity when Soundwave's deployer is disabled.".  you can watch the video below.

Get More: MTV Shows

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 18th May 2012 at 13:48:36 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

MTV Geek! has received an exclusive first look at the BotCon 2011 Transformers Timelines conic featuring the Transformers Animated Sunticons.

Transformers Animated Stunticons comic

Click for a larger view

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 7th March 2011 at 18:00:30 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie NewsMTV published two Transformers Dark of the Moon related interviews yesterday when they sat down with the director Michael Bay and the legendary voice of Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 11th February 2011 at 12:01:02 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

MTV have posted an article entitled 'Transformers 3' Script Complete, Josh Duhamel Says in which they post some quotes from the Transformers actor when the spoke to him at ShoWest in Las Vegas yesterday.Here is a quote:

"I read it yesterday," he said of the script. "I think that after reading it, I was really pleasantly surprised and happy. They did a great job."

While Duhamel was understandably tight-lipped about plot details, he did reveal that the script includes new robots and story elements from foundational "Transformers" story lines. "Some really cool stuff happens," he said. "They put a lot of time and thought into this. What I think is really cool is they went back into the history of 'Transformers.' They didn't really make anything up. They're using stuff that actually existed in the story from before."

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 19th March 2010 at 21:37:09 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie NewsIn an interview with MTV's Brian Warmoth Hasbro's CEO Brian Goldner told MTV News "You’re going to see that great core mythology brought to the fore, and Michael is hard at work at making this a reality and we’re very excited about it ... I mean, I think it’s a great time to put it out in 2011 and we’re very excited about the movie.".  Brian also confirmed that Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox will both return for the third movie before going on to state that "What we’re really doing is getting back to some of the core character development and storytelling. And I think there’s some elements of the core story that the filmmakers, Michael in particular wanted to tell, ... He’s really well-versed in the Transformers lore. So I think you’ll see, you know, less bedlam, more characters."

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 2nd March 2010 at 13:04:03 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Michael Bay has recently been interviewed by MTV regarding Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.  You can read the article as well as watch a video by visiting the MTV website.  Within the interview Mr Bay talks about his loathing of Arcee as well as "big-ing" up The Fallen, Bumblebee and the Twins Skids and Mudflap who he describes as "young and dumb".

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 16th April 2009 at 08:33:09 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

MTV have updated their website with a behind the scenes clip of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.  You can view the video by clicking the link or using the plugin below.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 22nd February 2009 at 11:07:43 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Larry Carroll has written an article for both MTV / VH1 entitled "Transformers 2 Co-Star Matthew Marsden Leaks Info On Sequel's Bot Batles" with the subheading "The British actor describes the multi-national task force defending the world from Decepticons".

The article starts with Mr Marsden speaking about is personal history with Transformers.

"It was one of the comic books I used to get,...[snip] ..I was an avid comic book reader as a kid; I used to get literally one every day. I'd get Spider-Man,' 'X-Men,' mainly all the Marvel comics, and Saturday was 'Transformers' day. ... I was a real big fan of 'Transformers,' and I went opening day to see the first [Michael Bay movie]. I loved it. I thought Shia was amazing. He's a very talented actor, and I think they did all the Transformers justice.  [snip] Like everyone else,I want to see more.".

He then goes on to speak a little about his character Graham.

"I'm part of a multi-national force.  What's going on right now is I'm a British Special Forces officer that's attached to Lennox's team. Well, there's two of us initially. And we're battling the bad guys.".  Revealing that his character's action scenes "hit it straight from the very beginning," Marsden said that Graham is a very intense character based on real British Special Forces officers. "I just try to be real," he said. "My character is not an amusing character. He's a soldier, so all the stuff that I did is very much rooted in reality and what I know from the experiences of my friends [who are in the military]. So, it's just very real and nothing Ăźber-spectacular. We went to Pennsylvania and shot at the Bethlehem Steel Plant, which was really amazing," he recalled, discussing a moment when the soldiers battle a Decepticon. "We had this scene where it's, like, 'That's where he is!' and you have to shoot at him. 'He's going that way!' It's quite a far distance away, so we had to use a laser pointer [to stand in for the robot]. It's all fun; I love that stuff. There are bad guys there and we have to go and get them," he said of the scene. "That's basically it.".

Marsden explains how his character is introducted in the film "Tyrese and I work together; we're part of a team, so it's certainly implied that we've been working together for some time since the last one," he said. "U.S. Special Ops guys go off in the army and work with the British army, and it's interchangeable, and we all work from similar playbooks. ... We're a multi-national force that will go wherever it takes."

When asked if he shot any scenes with either Shia LaBEouf or Megan Fox, Matthew replied  "No, no I haven't [met them] because I'm part of Lennox's team. So, we go off and we do our thing separately. We're the military unit — they're doing their other things."going on to explain that the film's plot segments into separate story lines, much like the opening of the original movie.  Though he does hold out hope that he has not received all of his script pages yet and that they will eventually come together. "They're working with the Autobots, [so] they're definitely going to know some of the strengths and weaknesses of different robots," he said. "So, if they're working together with an alien life-form, which they didn't initially, then obviously they're going to know more. In the first one, they were actually finding out what they were because they didn't know. ... Now they're aware of what they are, and we're part of the task force specifically to go and deal with them. ... I just know that I've got a big chunk to come, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of action in it."

Matthew explains that with the death of Megatron, Starscream returns to Cybertron and then comes back to Earth with reinforcements confirming that "They're going to be bringing more Transformers in," Marsden revealed. "And there's definitely [some] in the scene that we do, different Transformers, so fans should be very excited.".

The article ends with Matthew explaining that his characters role was beefed-up in the film after he met with Michael Bay and the two fo them hit it off.  "I just went in and met with Michael, read the lines.  We got to talking about other things, and Michael and I just hit it off. Michael's a big fan of the military, and I'm a big fan of the military, we both support the troops. ... He apparently has ramped the character up for me. I know I don't die; that's as much as I know so far, so that can't be bad, can it?"

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 14th July 2008 at 14:03:34 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

MTV are reporting that the British actor Matthew Marsden has been cast in Transformers 2.

"Marsden has been cast in the role of “Graham,” a character who is part of the British Special Forces. Although the film’s plot is being kept under the tightest veils of secrecy, it is known that the flick will depict an even more worldly battle than the first “Transformers” film, and will shoot all over the globe. In the sequel, Graham teams with Duhamel and Tyrese’s military characters, joining their efforts as they do battle with the evil Decepticons.

The casting of Graham, and the presence of the British Special Forces, would seem to indicate that Bay might do some filming in the U.K. Cameras are scheduled to begin rolling on the fast-forming flick in a matter of weeks."

Matthew Marsden is best know for appearing in the UK soap Coronation Street but he recently appeared in the new Rambo film as well as Resident Evil: Extinction and Black Hawk Down

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 3rd June 2008 at 10:39:15 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

MTVBlog have published a brief interview with Transformers Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura in which he talks briefly regarding some of the casting rumours as well as the rumoured inclusion of Broadside.

"Recently, the news broke that Jonah Hill won’t be rolling out in “Transformers 2” after all. It’s sad, sad news for movie fans hoping the sequel would get a legitimate comedic-sidekick injection rather than, say, filling the role with Dax Shepard.

According to series producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, the movie has had to move on without the “Superbad” star – but we can still expect some big announcements over the next several weeks.

“No, no,” he said of Hill’s reported casting. “Ultimately, we’ll have a couple casting surprises for everybody soon.”

Director Michael Bay and returning stars Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox and Jon Voight are reportedly on board to return, and Bonaventura confirmed plans to start shooting the movie in Philadelphia and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania next month.

“Michael’s got some really great stuff planned,” he added.

The super-producer, who we caught up with this week on the Downey, CA set of his equally massive blockbuster franchise “G.I. Joe,” also shot down rumors that Bay would finally create a long-rumored character. “A transforming aircraft carrier?” Bonaventura repeated, denying its existence. “We saw a Japanese film that had something like that, so maybe that’s where that comes from.”

“We never really talked about that, practically speaking,” he said of the character who might or might not have been known as Broadside, and who Bay has said was simply too expensive to create. “There was some Japanese animated movie we saw where that occurred, and we were like ‘Wow! Look at that thing!’”


Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 8th May 2008 at 07:18:58 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News MTV have an interview with Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman regarding the Transformers Movie.

Are there two men who fanboys envy more than Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman? Not only is this prolific writing duo behind the latest installments of the "Zorro" and "Mission: Impossible" franchises, but now they are knee-deep in reinventing "Star Trek" and everyone's favorite robots in disguise, the Transformers.

The duo took a break from their pre-production work on "Star Trek" and last-minute tweaking of "Transformers" dialogue (the movie marks their second collaboration with director Michael Bay) to dish with MTV News those projects and more.

MTV: Transformers fans have been all over you from almost the moment you signed on to write. Are you still feeling the heat?

Roberto Orci: When some of the early designs were leaked, some of the die-hard fans felt the integrity of the Transformers had been betrayed. Then when they saw some of the footage, they started to say, "I understand now. They're doing the movie version. It totally retains the integrity of what we love, but it's a whole other level."

Alex Kurtzman: We gave [the designs] a lot of thought. It was really a team effort to figure out how to keep it real but also to take Transformers to a new level.

MTV: Does any of the criticism bother you?

Orci: A lot of the die-hard fans say, "Why does it have to have humans at all?" You can't be a robot in disguise if there's nobody to hide from! A human's point of view is implicit in the way they are sold.

MTV: How did you sell Michael Bay on your concept?

Kurtzman: When we sat down with Michael, he said, "Why should I do this movie?" Then we showed him some animatics of Transformers transforming, and his eyes lit up like a 12-year-old. Suddenly, he was imagining a 95-mile-an-hour car chase while the cars were actually transforming. That sense of fun and wonder was an important part of our script development. At every turn, Michael was a great compass for us. He was very much our partner. He's really always wanted to do a kids movie and had never found the vehicle. This was clearly the one.

Orci: We pitched him a boy and his car. "E.T." with action.

MTV: How did your first draft of the script differ from the final product?

Orci: Our first draft centered almost exclusively on the kids. That draft represented the emotional heart of the movie. Much of its structure stayed, but when it came time to do the second draft, we realized we needed to bolster it with the disaster-movie paradigm, following a couple other stories and showing that the Transformers arriving is a global phenomenon. The second draft was much more about the action.

MTV: Considering the large canon of Transformers material out there, was this an especially daunting script to approach?

Kurtzman: Part of what made it a daunting task was that there weren't really any human characters that made a mark [in the cartoon]. We ended up going back to the comic books for initial inspiration for that.

Orci: The basic paradigm is the same. Good Autobots, bad Decepticons, the planet got screwed up. They've been fighting forever. They're looking for energy and they come here. Then it's about "What are the details from the canon that serve that story the best?"

MTV: Speaking of a screwed-up planet, will we see Cybertron in the film?

Orci: Yes.

MTV: How much?

Orci: We're pushing for as much as possible.

MTV: Do you worry about the robots feeling lifeless on the screen?

Orci: They talk, so they do become characters in their own right. They're not just dinosaurs fighting, with humans in the background watching. They're interacting with the humans and become partners with the humans.

MTV: There's been a lot of talk about Bumblebee in the film. Will Bumblebee only communicate through songs played on his radio?

Orci: [They pause.] The editing room will decide.

MTV: The scene we've seen shows just that: Bumblebee only communicating through songs.

Kurtzman: The inspiration for that was the first time Elliott and E.T. have a conversation. E.T. doesn't say a word, and the scene is so emotional. The communication between them is so crystal clear. We felt that in order to really feel the wonder of the experience Sam (Shia LaBeouf) is going through, we wanted to find a way for them to communicate that wasn't direct.

MTV: Was there a character that was most fun for you to write?

Orci: Prime. I love Prime. For me, it's all about Optimus Prime. As a kid, you wanted Prime's attention or you wanted to be him. He was the star of the Autobots.

MTV: Did you lobby for voice actor Peter Cullen to do the voice in the film?

Orci: We definitely lobbied for Peter, and we got him. So we hope it works. [He laughs.]

MTV: How much sleep do you lose thinking about making a film that serves die-hard fans and non-fans alike?

Orci: We definitely worry about it. The last thing we want to do is to be accused of raping anyone's childhood.

MTV: Michael Bay told us that the movie is huge when it comes to action, particularly in the third act.

Orci: So much of the movie is like a war movie. It's like "Saving Private Ryan" with Transformers. Some of it is very intense. And the third act is mind-blowing.

Kurtzman: It's just sick, man. It's just unbelievable. [He laughs.] When we took this job, the first question people would always ask is, "Is this a cartoon?" It was because nobody could even picture it. If we were able to pull it off it would be something that no one had ever seen before.

MTV: Can you put the third act in some perspective for us?

Kurtzman: It's three times bigger than the third act of "King Kong."

MTV: Were there any Transformers you couldn't fit into the story?

Kurtzman: Soundwave was a tough one. And Ravage was in an early draft.

Orci: We knew the Autobots and Decepticons had to serve the story. We're not going to have a tape deck because we have to have a tape deck. Let's have a Decepticon that turns into something that serves the story.

Kurtzman: As fans, we read that [first draft] and said, "This isn't the best use of Soundwave, so let's save him for when we can actually do Soundwave right."

MTV: It sounds like you're already thinking about a sequel.

Orci: We have ideas, but we're trying to be diligent about not thinking ahead. We have a few notions.

MTV: Would any of the later incarnations of Transformers from "Armada" or "Beast Wars" be involved in future stories?

Kurtzman: Sure. Everything is up for grabs. But you have to be careful to not mix too many of the iterations. We couldn't crossbreed too much.

MTV: What's the one moment you're dying for an audience to see in this flick?

Orci: When Sam meets the Autobots. It all builds to that moment. If you buy that moment, you buy the movie.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 13th March 2007 at 17:08:21 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News has a video interview with Michael Bay covering the making of the Transformers Movie as well as discussing future sequel possibilities and the input from fans among other things. If you don't want to watch there is a text version as well.

Thanks to Seibertron for the original report.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 16th February 2007 at 08:31:59 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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