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Fan to Fan have posted news from the latest Japanese Toy Collectors magazines released in Japan.
Dengeki Hobby Magazine Apr 07:
025 Megatron: closeup pictures and details on the different heads and
hands that will be included with the figure, which is released on 15th April
2. Masterpiece MP-5 Megatron: More
on the leader of Decepticon, shown also is the
image (gun mode printed on box) and
checkpoints on the transformations.
Beast Wars
Re-releases for March as they reported before, each one will comes with a DVD
(with case) containing 1 episode of the Beast Wars TV series.
Closeup pictures
on Transformers Sports label, with color mockup of Convoy featuring NIKE FREE
7.0 as well as proto image of Megatron featuring NIKE FREE 7.0.
Concept image
on Transformers Music label, especially on the Convoy with playing iPOD speaker
trailer. Details on the Soundwave playing audio player to be expected in upcoming
6. Featured on Takara-Tomy Transformers site previously, the details on the
Kiss Players Spark-bots set are now revealed. The Spark bots will be part
of the CD releases titled "
Players TF info center Business trip ver." This set will be exclusively released at the Toys Festival event on 18 Mar. Price and details of release
will be revealed later on the official TF site. (These are the Egg-Beasts figures)
Figure Oh! issue 109:
on the new TF Sports label, showing off Convoy featuring NIKE FREE 7.0 and
Megatron featuring NIKE FREE 7.0.
Similar image
on the TF Music label upcoming releases.
More images
on MP-5 Megatron due for release at the end of March
More pictures
on the soon to be release Beast Wars Re-releases, 8 will be releasing in March
with 1 new one to be release each month.
5. Toy Festival event exclusive
Players Spark Bots CD set.
More pictures
on Revoltech 025 Megatron.
Hobby Japan Apr 07:
1. Yet even
pictures on MP-5 Megatron.
2. Even more
pictures on Revoltech 025 Megatron.
By popular demand, we are now taking orders for all mecha related in the
latest Ranger series, while we are working on a dedicated page, we have listed
a new item available for ordering,
Bandai Candy
Toy line - Mini-Pla series Gekido-Jya, 3 per set, each US$4.5, US$13.5
per set. Order
here today!!
Fan2Fan have published some images from the latest Hyper Hobby magazine which shows Masterpiece Megatron being held in robot form by the vice president of Takara-Tomy. They also have another image which shows Megatron being held in
gun mode, from various angles, as well as showing the LED "laser sight" gimmick. All of the images are of the unpainted prototype still.
Visual Media Technology, the Hong Kong message board, has yet another magazine scan of Masterpiece Megatron, MP-05, this time from the January issue of Hobby Magazine.
The image is expected to be mirrored by various US Transformers websites and Fan to Fan should have more information when they review that issue of the magazine.
The Allspark have a thread on there baord containing images of Masterpiece 05 Megatron (taken from a Magazine) as well as images of the upcoming e-Hobby Kiss Play cassettes.
The image of the cassettes has now been removed, but TFWorld 2005 took a copy of the image beforehand, so they have that on their message board
hereWe expect Fan to Fan to have more on the MP-05 toy soon