Chinese fan site The-Arker has been updated with several images of the TakaraTomy Credit Card exclusive Transformers Henkei Slingshot minicon figure, the recoloured Thunderwing.
You can see the images here.
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Chinese fan site The-Arker has been updated with several images of the TakaraTomy Credit Card exclusive Transformers Henkei Slingshot minicon figure, the recoloured Thunderwing.
You can see the images here.
If you're one of those people who love the Minicons / Micron toys, which were introduced with Transformers Micron Legend / Transformers Armada, then you're love the latest addtion to TransformersArmada.Blogspot, a gallery of the rare Space Galaxy Micron toys.
You can see the images, as well as various other Minicon goodness by following this link.