Hasbro have posted up the official advert for Transformers Constructbots the latest attempt at taking sales figures away from Lego in the contruction toy range
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Hasbro have posted up the official advert for Transformers Constructbots the latest attempt at taking sales figures away from Lego in the contruction toy range
Thanks to Kotaku.com and Barvon Von Brunk for posting up images on his custom made Transforming Lego Nintendo N64 consol, controller and games.
I really like the controller, but the Donkey Kong cartridge transforming into an Ape is a great nod too
Check out the full article at Kotaku and more at Instructables.com
Nothing Transformers related, but we've been talking about this for years with freinds .. a Lego Movie
Warner Bros gives the long-rumoured project the green light; 2014 release date set.
2014 will see the release of the first ever Lego movie. A specific release date is still to be announced.
The finished work will reportedly be a mix of animation with live action scenes and will be '80 per cent Lego'.
Australian effects company vfx-toon will produce the animation with Phil Lord and Chris Miller – the team behind 2009's CGI hit Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs - writing the script.
The movie looks set to provide another boost to the Lego brand. The partnership between Warner and Lego has already seen the construction toy spun into a series of CG-animated cartoons and a successful line of video games based on licences like Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Hasbro's have updated the official Transformers Kre-O website with a new Flash browser game called Konquest. In Konquest you need to help Kreon Optimus Prime rebuild the Transformers.
Credit to Seibertron.com for the report.
TFW2005.com board member Destro has posted a review and a couple of images on the TFW2005 message boards regarding the Kre-O Starscream set. The good news is that Destro reports that the quality of the parts is high and that it has a similar feel to lego, the bad news is that, as our images from Botcon highlight, whilst the vehicle modes look pretty cool, the robot mode for some of the figures is pretty poor, as is the case with Starscream. The mini Kreon figures do look pretty cool though and will probably be the main reason most people pick up the sets.
You can read the review here.