TFC Toys has revealed an image of Hercules using prototype versions of all six team members, including Mad Blender (Mixmaster) who up until now has only been seen as a computer render.
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TFC Toys has revealed an image of Hercules using prototype versions of all six team members, including Mad Blender (Mixmaster) who up until now has only been seen as a computer render.
Leading 3rd Party non-official Transformers maker TFC Toys (AKA Transformers Club out of China) have revealed several new images of their upcoming figures including the next part of their Hercules (Devastator) combiner team. The figure they have shown off is called Neck Breaker and is their version of Bonecrusher. The group have also posted mock-up image of what Hercules will look like when he is fully combined. The image is a combination of grey-resin prototypes and a CGI outline of the yet-to-be-produced figures.
As well as showing of their Devastator toy, TFC have also posted new images of the DSLR camera team (Reflector), as well as Junkion Blacksmith Headmasters and Infinity Warfare 2. The images have been mirrored below but were originally posted on their weibo page.
e-Hobby have updated their website with a little bit more information on their upcoming Transformers 2010 e-Hobby Exclusive - Autobots and Decepticons 3 Packs. No new images were shown but the information has announce more about the colour scheme of the figures.
The Autobot 3 set will consist of a clear blue Rodimus, representing the scene where HotRod morphs into Rodimus Prime, a battle damaged Kup, representing the wounds he received when Hot Rod and himself crashed on Quintessa, and Scrap Heap the Junkion remold of Wreckgar (he has a new head).
The Decepticon set will consist of clear purple versions of Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge representing the scene where Unicron gives them their "new bodies"
A video has appeared on YouTube showing an advert from Cartoon Network for Transformers Animated. The advert features the arrival of Sentinel Prime on Earth, along with the Elite Guard, and also shows a brief clip of Junkion (Wreck-Gar). Junkion is voiced by Weird Al, in a link to the original Transformers The Movie show.