Hasbro have updated their Facebook page with the first official image of Transformers Prime HotShot. The figure, originally shown in the Argos catalogue here within the UK can be seen below.
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Hasbro have updated their Facebook page with the first official image of Transformers Prime HotShot. The figure, originally shown in the Argos catalogue here within the UK can be seen below.
Thanks to Matt Marshall for pointing out that a prototype for the upcoming Transformers Universe Hot Shot toy has been posted over on HK-TF.com which, amongst other things, has revealed his number plate to be JAAM, as in the JaAm comic
Yizhi has posted some images over on TF08.net of the upcoming Transformers Henkei Ratchet and Transformers Henkei Hotshot figures, both in vehicle modes. You can view the images in the original thread here or by using the thmbnails below.
Japanese store Amiami has updated it's listings for Transformers Henkei Dinobot, 25th Anniversary HotShot and the Micky Mouse Transformers, as well as Henkei Hound, Cheetor and Infero with various more images.
Transformers Henkei Dinobot include the first colour images of the Japanese version of this figure.
Steve Fritz has written an article over at Newsarama.com regarding Transformers Animated. The article mainly discusses information that has already been released, but it also covers some of the characters that didn't make the final show, such as HotShot and a female Red Alert .
"Bumblebee was originally Hotshot in the development,” he admits, but
we were told that Bumblebee was going to be a breakout character in the
live action movie, so we happily swapped that one out. Ratchet was
originally Red Alert, and believe it or not, was female! Bulkhead at
one point was going to be the crusty veteran, but we shifted his role
when we changed Red Alert to Ratchet.".
The article also confirmed that the leaders of the Autobots, on Cybertron, are Ultra Magnus (Jeff Bennett) and Sentinel Prime (Townsend Coleman).
The first website updates in the 8th year of Transformers At The Moon sees four new Transformers toy galleries, as well we one updated and an update to a Transformers Merchandise gallery. Here are the details of the new Transformers toy galleries:
The updated toy gallery belongs to :
The updates to the Transformers Miscellaneous Merchandise area, in the sub-category of Transformers Games is :
The first website updates in the 8th year of Transformers At The Moon sees four new Transformers toy galleries, as well we one updated and an update to a Transformers Merchandise gallery. Here are the details of the new Transformers toy galleries:
The updated toy gallery belongs to :
The updates to the Transformers Miscellaneous Merchandise area, in the sub-category of Transformers Games is :
We're continuing our theme of updating and adding new Transformers Armada toy galleries today bringing you 9 new toy galleries and 7 updated ones, totaling 441 new images. The new additions are
The updated galleries are of :-