A video have been posted on the Chinese Video Sharing site YouKu.com of the Mecha Ideas Wrecking Crew Geminus and Apex better known as not-TopSpin and not-TwinTwist. You can view the video using the plug-in below.
Below you will find a tag cloud of the most popular news story tags. Simply click on the tag to view all associated stories. Tag clouds are not always the most useful output of tagging, and so you can also browse the news stories using our tag index by clicking on the tag index tag below the tag cloud.
From this section you can browser through all of the possible tags that may have been assigned to a news story. The number of stories tagged to each tag appears within brackets after the tag name. E.G Megatron (456) means that 456 news stories have been tagged with the phrase "Megatron". To navigate, simply use the top bar to browse by the first character of the tag phrase.
A video have been posted on the Chinese Video Sharing site YouKu.com of the Mecha Ideas Wrecking Crew Geminus and Apex better known as not-TopSpin and not-TwinTwist. You can view the video using the plug-in below.
Peaugh has uploaded his 1000th video review to YouTube with this landmark review covering Mech Ideas Geminus and Apex ("Not" TopSpin and "not" TwinTwist). You can view the review below/