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e-Hobby have updated their website with their latest exclusive figure Deadlock as in Drift when he was a Decepticon. The figure is a black and purple repaint of the Generation toy and will come with three guns along with his sword and features the Decepticon insignia on his chest. The toy will also be packaged with a free comic book by Wakabayashi Makoto, who previous worked on the Transformers Unite Warrior Grand Scourge comic, with the package art by 佐々木心 (Sasaki-san).
You can view still pictures after the jump or visit the e-Hobby product page for two 360 degree turnarounds of the toy.
The toy is available will be released between March and May 2016

Nevermore spotted some pictures on Hasbro's official Peruvian website of two Transformers: Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Deployer sets. The sets are Autobot Drift & Jetstorm and Decepticon Fracture & Airazor, the sets work by having the main Transformers character "launch" their partner whilst in both modes.
Click the headline to view the images.
Credit to TFW2005.com for the news

Transformers Collectors Club Pre-Orders are now online!

2012 Over-Run (AKA Runabout) TCC exclusive (1 pc)
Member Price - $54
Non-Member Price - $94
OVER-RUN® tries to pass himself off as a suave connoisseur of fine things. It’s not a façade he can really maintain for long, less because of his generally low intelligence and more because his interest in beautiful objects starts and ends with “blow them up!” His drive to seem sophisticated is in direct conflict with his enthusiastic love of explosions and action. The former is almost always on the losing side of that battle. He’s not interested in the DECEPTICONS’® plans for conquest; he’s just with them because of the greater opportunities for his kind of fun. He’s always on the move, looking to create a bigger fireball, a larger bomb crater, and generally cram every microsecond with action!
Over-Run is a Deluxe sized figure featured in the Wings Universe and is Runamuck’s demolition partner. Over-Run utilizes one of the extremely popular “Classics” molds and features an all-new head sculpt by Dan Khanna and Paul Brooks. The toy is packed in a convention style box with a foam insert for easy removal and display.
Non-membership price ($40 domestic) includes 6 bi-monthly full color magazines and 2012 Free membership incentive figure (ships Spring 2012).

2012 Shattered Glass Drift TCC exclusive (1 pc)
Member Price - $49
Non-Member Price - $89
Even amongst the villainous hordes of the Evil AUTOBOTS ®, DRIFT is considered the most brutal. Laws and morality have no stay with him, only money and profit. And occasionally thrills. He’d blast his own batch initiators if he were paid for the job. Or if he thought it might be fun. Typically given free rein by the AUTOBOT ® leader, OPTIMUS PRIME ®, to complete his objectives, DRIFT’S methods of taking out his targets are only limited by his imagination. In other words, they are almost boundless. The mercenary relishes dreaming of new ways of taking out his marks, and logging them when he reboots in the morning. Regardless of the elaborate traps he might set, he always ensures that he is there at the final move, with his finger on the trigger or his hand on the blade. ??
Drift is a Deluxe sized figure featured in the Shattered Glass Universe. This “Bot of Banter” utilizes one of the extremely popular “Classics” molds and comes with a selection of weapons. The toy is packed in a convention style box with a foam insert for easy removal and display
UPDATE: The Transformers Collectors Club store went down due to too many orders

Shane McCarthy has updated his blog with an entry that contains an RTF download of the Drift script which gives everyone a look at how the first issue of the Drift mini-series was presented to the artists.
I get a lot of questions regarding how I go about writing and
specifically how I lay out my scripts. I figured it was time to post
one up to make it easier to see how I go about it allMaybe down the track Ill post up how I get to full
script in more detail but for now Ill just say I follow the usual path
of basic ideaoutlinebeatsheetfull script.
Ive chosen the script from TRANSFORMERS: DRIFT #1. I write my
scripts in Final Draft but I present it here in Rich Text format to make
it more accessible.