Transformers News: Tag - "computron"
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A little late but the Facebook page Planet Iacon have posted some scans from from the latest issues of Japanese Hobby Magazines which include some new upcoming products from Takara Tomy.
Next up is the new Transformers Unite Warriors Computron figure.

Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 26th March 2016 at 10:26:16 GMT
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Sorry for not posting much news recently, the reason for this may have become clear if you have seen the recent anouncement by TFNation showing out involvement in the UK convention. We've been busy on the corporate side of convention organisation, along with creating a custom ticketing system for the show. This has meant we have once again fallen behind on new stories.
Here's a catchup on the world of Transformers: Titan Returns / Transformers: Combiner Wars.
Leader Class Soundwave confirmed
Hasbro have showed off CG renders of Titan Returns Leaderclass Soundwave. Soundwave is a headmaster figure and a remold of Titan Returns Blaster.

Leo Kaiser
This one came as more of a suprise that Leo Kaiser was getting a release in Combiner Wars. the figure includes a recolour of Skylynx as Leo Zak and Jagauar.

Weibo user z multiplier has posted a few images of art work from what appears to be the packaging of Transformers: Unite Warriors Computron, the Japanese version of what would be the Transformers: Combiner Wars Technobots. So far Afterburner (a recolour of Unite Warriors Groove), Nosecone and Lightspeed have been shown off. Also a black and white image of a toy representing Strafe has also been shown.

Unite Warriors Bruticus - potential new Blast Off and Vortex
TFYuki posted an blacked out image of the Transformers: Unite Warriors Bruticus on his Twitter account. The image seems to show a new possible mold for Blast Off as well as Vortex.
If you are a fan of Transformers: Combiner Wars then stay tuned to some up coming TFNation news.
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 11th January 2016 at 21:04:29 GMT
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Thanks to NTF Archive for pointing out this image of the Make Toys 3rd Party Computron toy

Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 5th September 2013 at 17:07:27 BST
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This is an important news story for collectors of Generation One figures, espeically anyone who has purchased a Computron in the last two year and comes courtesy of The Allspark. For the last two years an eBay seller by the name of Qiupaul and Mcdolltutu has been selling reproduction Computron boxes, instructions and Styrofoam and putting loose figures into those boxes and then selling them on as Mint-In-Box toys for a large profit. MightGaine has put together a guide on how oyou can identify these reproductions boxes which have been made more complicated by the seller selling other repro boxes (labelled as reproduction) which have slight differences. Here is the full story from the Allspark
"There's a really awful scam that has been going on for over 2 years now with MIB Computron gift sets on Ebay. Seller going by Qiupaul and Mcdolltutu (and other names) has been making repro MIB Computron boxes, styro, and instructions, stuffing a loose Computron inside, and selling it as a legit MIB item:
Some recent examples...
Link to recent scam auctions
One can tell they're fake because of the missing arrow next to "TECH SPECS Clip and Save!" blurb on the back. TheMint1980 on TFW noticed something was funny with the auctions a year ago, when the same two sellers were selling tons of MIB Computron gift sets. RoboticPlanet on TFW noticed recently that the seller is now selling boxes labeled as repros...
Transformers Autobots Computron Custom Made Box | eBay
While MightGaine was doing the ID guide for the repro box, he looked back at the old "MIB" auctions from the seller, and realized they were missing four of the differences in the clearly labeled repro box, but they still have one of the differences--the missing arrow on the back of the box!! Here's the ID guide...
Quipaul Computron Box ID Guide
It turns out there are actually two versions of the repro box: one used to scam people, and one clearly labeled as a repro box. All those auctions TheMint1980 has been noticing have been scams!!
Conclusion: Qiupaul/Mcdolltutu has been scamming people with fake MIB Computron gift sets for over 2 years now!! Beware!!!"
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 11th January 2013 at 09:19:20 GMT
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Maketoys have annouced they will be producing a Computroin based combiner toy. This annoucement comes shortly after the concept images from TF Club's Technobot and Terrorcon concepts.
Planet Iacon once again broke the 3rd party news on Facebook
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 26th March 2012 at 19:01:26 BST
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ACToys have posted what is believed to be another hint that 3rd Party Group TFC Toys will be making a Computron (Technobots) 3rd party group.
You can see the designs on on ACToys
Category: Transformers Product Listings
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 5th March 2012 at 20:17:25 GMT
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