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MTV Geek have posted some images of new Scout and Elite classed Transformers Constructabots figures. This new line is due for release later in the year priced at $9.99 (scouts) and $14.99 (elita). The new sets shown within the piece are:
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Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 14th May 2013 at 08:37:42 BST
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The Allspark's own Cheetimus Primal has acquired the just released Asian / Toys R Us Exclusive Generation Deluxe wave and has taken some very nice photos of each in package. This wave consists of Springer (Tomahawk retool with a new head and sword), Cliffjumper (retool of First Edition Prime Cliffjumper with a new head), Swerve (retool of Kup), and Wheelie (retool of Reveal the Shield Jazz with a new head and a slingshot replacing his gun).
Hobby Base has posted images on facebook of the upcoming Hasbro Asia Exclusive Deluxe Generations figures Springer, Swerve, Wheelie, and Transformers Prime Cliffjumper
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 8th July 2012 at 08:59:07 BST
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Hasbro In have issued the following press release regarding their upcoming SDCC exclusive Transformers and G.I-Joe figures. You can view the images associate with the release by clicking the title of the news story
(Approximate Retail Price: $24.99; Ages 5 & up; Available through #3329 at San Diego Comic-Con)
The DARK ENERGON will be flowing through San Diego this year with the release of this special edition Deluxe scale TERRORCON CLIFFJUMPER figure. Featuring a special “TRANSFORMERS zombie” deco, this figure looks just like he did in the Darkness Rising storyline of Hasbro Studios TRANSFORMERS PRIME animated series. This figure comes with a DARK ENERGON shard and a DARK ENERGON chest attachment in a special edition clam shell packaging designed to look like his head.
(Approximate retail price: $99.99 each; Ages: 5 & up; Available through Booth #3329 at San Diego Comic-Con)
The TRANSFORMERS DELUXE BRUTICUS COMBINER SDCC Special Edition set features the fearsome DECEPTICON, BRUTICUS in a special CYBERTRONIAN deco as seen in the eagerly anticipated video game TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON from Activision. BRUTICUS is formed when all five deluxe scale ‘combiner’ action figures in the set link together. The COMBATICONS characters BLAST OFF, VORTEX, DECEPTICON BRAWL, SWINDLE, and ONSLAUGHT each have three modes: robot, vehicle and a third ‘combiner’ mode to link together. This Special Edition also includes removable packaging resembling a silhouette of the DECEPTICON logo that becomes a display case for the BRUTICUS figure.
(Approximate Retail Price: $59.99 each; Ages: 4 & up; Available through, Booth #3329 at San Diego Comic-Con)
After the extreme popularity of last year’s G.I. JOE and TRANSFORMERS crossover San Diego Comic-Con special edition, Hasbro has done it again! In 2012, the iconic G.I. JOE vehicle, the H.I.S.S. TANK, will get a DECEPTICON SHOCKWAVE make-over, including a G1 SHOCKWAVE blaster attachment. The set comes with a 3.75-inch DESTRO action figure with special edition DECEPTICON deco, a 3.75-inch COBRA B.A.T. figure with special edition CONSTUCTICON deco. The set also comes with several ENERGON cubes on a cart, a briefcase full of money, and a small boom box with 3 cassette tapes- better known to TRANSFORMERS fans as the classic alt-mode of DECEPTICON spy SOUNDWAVE along with RATBAT, LASERBEAK, and RAVAGE. Yo, Joe AND Roll Out!
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 23rd June 2012 at 08:38:06 BST
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With the Transformers Prime figures hitting the UK today we are interested to find out which figures have been sighted in which areas of the country. We picked up Deluxe Cliffjumper, Bumblebee and Soundwave! You have you found? Let us known on our Forum, via Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
For those wondering where the CE marking is on Soundwave, as the sticket / paint app can often spoil the figures, will be pleased to hear that the marking is actually molded onto the toy underneath the right arm and is un-painted, like the rest of the figure, but it does mean it is not as obtrusive as normal.
A quick reminder that if you want to buy the figures from Argos then its probably best to reserve or order them online as there is a very limited stock. Here are those very important links, remember that the Voyager Class figures are due in on Tuesday to most stores so order them now to avoid disappointment
Although the official launch of the Transformers Prime toys within the UK is not until March 2012, Argos are currently stocking some of the figures as of today. Most stores are already sold out of the few stock they received with fresh orders due to be delivered on Tuesday. So far we have received reports of Deluxe Wheeljack, Deluxe CliffJumper, Soundwave, Bumblebee as well as Voyager Optimus Prime being available though you need to be quick and should look to reserve your items online. You can find some handy links below:
One of the interesting reveals from the Argos website is a better looked at the blue and red recolour of Transformers Prime - Bumblebee whos is shown as having a new head sculpt. Click the image below to view a larger version of the reveal.
We have also received reports that other stores are expecting to start to receive cases of the Wave 1 figures around mid-Feb so we will all be able to pick up some of the other toys then.
In related news two images of a previously unseen Transformers Prime Megatron figure have been posted on a Chinese newsgroup. The images, mirrored below, appear to be of a different Megatron figure to the one shown in the Argos Catalogue.
YouTuber BM8709 has posted a video review of the Transformers Prime Cliffjumper figure that he picked up in Argos yesterday. You can view the video below.
Finally, board member GamOfStreak, has posted some nice images of the just released Transformers Prime Wheeljack figure in both robot and vehicle modes which you can find here.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 21st January 2012 at 10:43:15 GMT
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IGN have posted an exclusive reveal of four new official images of upcoming Transformers Prime toys. They toys shown off are Voyager Optimus Prime, Voyager Bulkhead, Deluxe Zombie Cliffjumper and Deluxe Vehicon
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 21st July 2011 at 08:29:26 BST
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Following on from yesterdays trailer, we have uploaded some high-resolution images from a previous trailer to both and Transformers At The Moon. The images are from the third trailer that featured CliffJumper, voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. You can view the images here.
For those using to view the images, you will notice that it uses a "lightbox-esq" navigational window to view the images which allows you to use the arrow keys to browse through the images without having to close them down, as well as flicking between a zoomed and full size image by using the up and down keys.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th November 2010 at 09:32:21 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on and have both received a press release containing details on the story and voice actors for Transformers Prime. TFormers sister site ENewsInternational actually received the full list of credits which includes Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Cliffjumper.
Optimus Prime - Peter Cullen
Arcee - Sumalee Montano
Bulkhead - Kevin Michael Richardson
Ratchet - Jeffrey Combs
Bumblebee - Rumored as Josh Keaton
Cliffjumper - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (More Info)
DECEPTICONS Megatron - Frank Welker
Breakdown - Adam Baldwin
Knockout - Daran Norris
Starscream - Steve Blum
HUMANS Jack - Josh Keaton
Miko - Tania Gunadi
Raf - Andy Pessoa
June - Markie Post
Agent Flower - Ernie Hudson
The Transformer saga continues as Optimus Prime and the Autobots
battle the evil Decepticons, led by Megatron. With the future of the
human race hanging in the balance, three young teenagers become critical
in helping the Autobots prevent the Decepticon Army from conquering
Earth. Prepare to experience the world of Transformers like never
The Transformer franchise sees the triumphant return of the Autobots
characters to television in cutting edge computer-generated animation.
The series both deepens the epic mythology of Autobots and Decepticons,
while starting fresh for a new generation of viewers and future
Transformers fans. With a bold and modern new look, Optimus Prime,
Bumblebee and others are back to roll out against Megatron’s latest
plots to conquer Earth. The Autobots may be few against the Decepticons
menace, but they find increased strength here on their home away from
home via bonds they've forged with three human teenagers. Make no
mistake, the Transformers series will deliver heavy metal action and
nail-biting suspense
Produced by Hasbro Studios
Developed for Television By:
Alex Kurtzman
Roberto Orci
Duane Capizzi
Jeff Kline
Executive Producers:
Alex Kurtzman
Roberto Orci
Jeff Kline
Supervising Producer: Duane Capizzi
Supervising Animation Producer: Therese Trujillo
Steven Puri
Mandy Safavi
Staff Writers:
Nicole Dubuc
Marsha Griffin
Joseph Kuhr
Steven Melching
Supervising Director: Dave Hartman
Music By: Brian Tyler
Main Title Theme By: Brian Tyler
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 9th September 2010 at 09:01:21 BST
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The HubWorld has been updated with image of the Transformers Prime character designs of Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Megatron, Ratchet, Decepticon Trooper and Rafael Esquivel
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 12th August 2010 at 23:52:37 BST
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| Discuss: Read on board member chuckcjc has posted some images on the TFW2005 boards of the recently released Alternity Cliffjumper and Bumblebee Power Plans & Tech Specs. You can view the images here.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 3rd December 2009 at 19:35:20 GMT
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To celebrate King Grimlock (Matt Messanger)'s birthday, you can now find 5 new Transformers Classics Toy Galleries which Matt has provided us with (just some of several).
The new galleries feature the following Transformers Toys
Cybergundamblog have posted some photos from the 2009 East Japan toy trade fair, at which TakaraTomy showed off their upcoming Donald Duck Disney Label, Transformers Alternity Bumblebee and Cliffjumper and Transformers: Revenge Human-Alliance toys.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 17th September 2009 at 08:58:51 BST
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Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for
with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category
and currently has as status of .
Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Ep 12: Bombburst and Submaraurder
After being captured my the super-villan Meltdown, Prowl and Captain Fanzone must fight for their lives against some mutated humans who happen to look like the Decepticon Pretenders Bombburst and Submaraurder ....
OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy
better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.
You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics
Transformers Toys - Transformers At The Moon -