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Transformers News: Tag - "blurr"

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Transformers Toy News

A new 3rd-party Transformers add-on company has recently popped up called SideFX who have announced, via Twitter, that they will be releasing an upgrade kit for the Transformers Generayion Blurr figure.  The add-on kit will come with a new head, gun, sword, and shield. The have posted an preview image which you can view below and plan to release additional upgrade kits for other toys in the future.

SideFX Upgrae kit for Generations Blurr announced

Credit to for the news.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 21st August 2011 at 21:26:46 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

­The Transformers Collectors Club Website was updated yesterday with the announcement of their latest 2011 exclusive figure, Transtech Cheetor.  The figure, which is a recoloured Transformers Animateed Blurr figure, comes with a new head sculpt designed by Transformers Animated lead designer Derrick J Wyatt himself!

Here is the official announcement:

Cheetor loves the thrill of the chase. When his turbo sensors lock on to the taillights of a fleeing Decepticon, and he pushes his accelerator to the floor, Cheetor's head gaskets receive a rush like nothing else! The only problem is that sometimes he gets a little too focused on his games of cat-and-mouse. His optics lock in on the perp, causing his surroundings to fade into a blur as he races after the bad guy. Street signs, traffic flow, even that unfortunate 'bot caught crossing in his path! Nothing else matters to him during his race to catch the bad guy. That's no doubt the reason that the Precinct is constantly rotating Cheetor from partner to partner; no one in their right processors would want to get stuck with an eager rookie like Cheetor watching their back!

TT Cheetor is a Deluxe sized Animated figure who will fit right alongside all of your Animated toys. Cheetor features an all-new head sculpt by Transformers Animated Art Director Derrick J. Wyatt. The toy is packed in a convention style box with a foam insert for easy removal and display.­

­Transtech Cheetor Robot Mode­­Transtech Cheetor Car Mode

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 10th November 2010 at 08:08:51 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

ToysRUs Japan have updated their product list for Transformers United Blurr with some new images of the figure which show the difference between that toy and the Western release with the difference being a darker head and silver crotch.

­ Transformers United BlurrTransformers United BlurrTransformers United Blurr ­

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 21st October 2010 at 15:07:26 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy member ??? is reporting that Transformers: Generations Blurr (a Drift remould) as well as Dirge are now available in Hong Kong.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 27th September 2010 at 09:11:40 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Just a day after I posted on our very own message board with a possible answer for the fate of Blurr from Transformers Animated, Derrick Wyatt posts an update on his blog basically confirming my idea.

I won't post what it is, or what happened to Blurr - incase you're not seen or read about it.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 18th March 2009 at 19:23:09 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

TFCToys has placed some ebay auctions for the upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen scout toys of Blurr (the boat) and Ransack (bi-plane).  The auctions contain some new images of the toys.

Thanks to Phantomfish for the news

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: phantomfish - on: Friday, 16th January 2009 at 19:42:25 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

TFW2005 have conducted an interview with Transformers Animated designer Derrick Wyatt.

The interview includes information on several Transformers Animated season 3 characters such as Rodimus Prime, Shockwave, Waspinator and Blurr, as well as including a few design images of Kickback and a bald, western, Issac Sumdac.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 09:58:07 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Transformers Animated .com's toy image area for the character of Blurr has been updated with several new in and out of packaging pictures supplied by

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 5th November 2008 at 19:13:40 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

yizhi521 of has posted some new images of the upcoming Transformers Animated Blurr deluxe figure. The images feature Blurr in both robot and vehicle mode as well as showing both the front and back of the box.  You cna view the images on Blurr page of

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 1st November 2008 at 16:31:15 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

TFW2005 Member Automaster has spotted some new Transformers Animated toy listings in Wal-Mart's computers. The listings include Deluxe Class Swindle, Blurr and Waspinator, plus Voyager Class Wreck Gar and Skywarp as well as revealing the existence of two new Transformers Animated toys. These figures are Deluxe Class Arcee (Sleek Car) and Voyager Class Shockwave.

There was also a further listing for something called "Electro Static S" which might be a part of a name of a repaint

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 6th July 2008 at 11:59:10 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

We have added an additional 15 galleries, and over 440 images, of the BotCon 2008 Shattered Glass Transformers Timeline toys. The new galleries include.

  1. Optimus Prime
  2. Grimlock
  3. Goldbug
  4. Autobot Jazz
  5. Starscream
  6. Razorclaw
  7. Blurr
  8. Rampage
  9. Sideswipe
  10. Whisper
  11. Rodimus
  12. Divebomb
  13. Megatron
  14. Meister

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 27th May 2008 at 19:31:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Magmatron has posted some images and information from Transformers Animated episode 28, A Bridge Too Close - Part 1 over on TFW2005. Below you will find mirrored images as well as a cleansed summary of the information.

Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1Transformers Animated Episode 28 - A Bridge Too Far Part 1

Spoiler Warning

The episode begins with the Constructicons officially joining the Decepticons by pledging their loyalty to Megatron. The scene then shifts to focus on Starscream who is putting the finishing touches to his army of clones. Starscream has a verbal fight with the white Starscream, the liar part of his personality who is also a female, but when she calms down he starts to address all of the clones, naming them after each part of his personality.

The scene shifts again back to Megatron who we see is talking to Shockwave regarding his assignment. Shockwave informs Megatron that need an Autobot with a high knowledge of Space-Bridge technology in order to complete their reverse-engineering of the bridges. The decide that Bulkhead will be their target as he scored extremely highly when taking his Autobot exam on Space-Bridge maintenance. Megatron orders Blitzwing and Bulkheak to fetch an item from the Sumdac Tower as he announced that he will capture Bulkhead himself. Lugnut reminds him that it may not be wise to leave Professor Sumdac alone, though Megatron assures him that he has allowed for that. The mysterous high-speed blue car from Episode 21: Velocity is shown overhearing the conversation and then driving off into the city.

Back at the Autobot base, Bulkhead is drawing a portrait of Sari in the style of Picasso. Each of the Autobots give their opinions on the art, negative ones, and this causes Bulkhead to storm off, though he is soon followed by Sari and Bumblebee.

Its not long after Sari and Bumblebee catch up with Bulkhead that Megatron appears, with Isaac Sumdac strapped across his chest! Megatron goes on to easily defeat Bulkhead and Bumblebee and takes Bulkhead as his prisoner. At this point the The mysterous high-speed blue car appears, revealing himself to be the Autobot Blurr. Blurr starts talking, at high pace, and Bumblebee takes him back to the other Autobots. Blurr explains that he was sent by Sentinel Prime to investigate, and that when he called for backup after hearing of Megaron's plans, that Sentinel Prime refused, saying that they needed the troops for the defense of Cybertron. Prime tells Blurr to show him where Megatron's base is located, and orders Ratchet and Sari to complete their work repairing the Autobot ship.

Meanwhile, at the Decepticon base, Bulkhead calls out to the Constructicons but since pledging their allegiance to Megatron, they have forgotten their previous friendship with him. Megatron show Bulkhead that he has control of a Headmaster unit and threatens to attach that to Bulkhead and then use him to kill all of his friends, starting with Isaac Sumdac. Bulkhead agrees to help the Decepticons finish their work on their Space-Bridge. Bulkhead gives instructions to Isaac who think that they are wrong. This causes an argument which then leads to the Constructicons deciding that its time for an oil break. Sumdac then realised that Bulkhead is trying to sabotage the Decepticons Spacebridge and decides to go along with his instructions after all.

The scene shifts once more, this time to the Autobot ship, where Ratchet announces that the repairs are done, they just need Energy to launch it, deciding to use the Allspark fragments they have collected as fuel. When the Autobots arrive at the Decepticon base, they are confronted by Blitzwing and Lugnut, though thanks to Blurrs speed, they are easily defeated and handcuffed. However Megatron and the Constructicons then attack the Autobots.

Megatron tries to activate the Spacebridge only to find it doesn't work with Isaac smugly saying that they must have made some miscalculatons. To his horror, however, the spacebridge then opens and Megatron orders the Decepticons to move through. At this point a hole is blown in the roof of the Decepticon base and Starscream and his army of clones appearing, thanking Megatron for doing all the hardwork for them.

The words "To Be Continued" then appear.

Check back tomorrow as we will bring you another report then.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 12th May 2008 at 18:16:18 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy NewsWe have posted a new image gallery containing over 250 images from Transformers Animated Episode 21: Velocity which aired in Canada yesterday (10th May 2008). We shall be uploading a full review and videos later in the day, so make sure to check back for those.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 11th May 2008 at 10:18:39 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Derrick Wyatt has updated his blog with a preview images of some of the Transformers Animated characters which should make an appear in the cartoon series in Seasons 2 and 3.

The images appear to be off Swindle, Jetstorm, Wreck-Gar, Skywarp, Shockwave, Mixmaster, Blurr, Jetfire and Thundercracker.

Season 2 and 3 Transformers Animated Characters

Derrick also added

"About Gurren Lagann: No, actually. I hadn't seen Gurren Lagann until after we had finished most of the first season of TFA. I wish I had, because I would have had the Headmaster robot transform with stubby little legs. And maybe Masterson's head popping up out of the top of the robot."


"About the inspiration and influences on TFA: I'm always inspired by Gainax's designs. They are by far my favorite animation studio in the world. I just hadn't seen anything on Gurren Lagann when we started TFA. We've definitely been inspired by that and Diebuster since. Prowl and Soundwave's glasses are a nod to 2000 AD's ABC Warriors. That and Mighty Orbots were the biggest influences on the designs.

As for Shockwave: There is a reason for his color change, but I can't explain that now. I do hope to get him repainted to his normal colors somewhere down the road. "

as well as

"About the Seekers: You go right ahead and dream, you never know what could happen.
Mumbo: I DID design the Amazing Mumbo, he was my favorite character from Titans. If you scroll way back through this blog you will find some drawings of him. Good times! Same thing with the Transformers sketches, there are some a few posts down from this one. I am always doodling other characters I want to put in the show. Some may even show up!

Curse you for your daily ebay rarities! (J/K!) I have to look through those things obsessively every day, and I can never afford them!"

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 30th April 2008 at 07:20:20 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Transformers has been updated with a copy of the preview video for Transformers Animated episode 21 Velocity.

If you live in the UK you may have previously seen this video on Nicktoon's website. If you were not in the UK then you were previously unable to watch the video.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 20th April 2008 at 12:15:55 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy Galleries
Mini Fortress Maximus Mini Fortress Maximus
Click the link or image above to view the Mini Fortress Maximus toy gallery. The gallery contains 21 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for MARK ONLY with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category and currently has as status of .
Transformers Cartoon Series
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 26: Blackarachnia Returns Ep 26: Blackarachnia Returns
Blackarchnia makes a return to Transformers Animated as she appears on Dinobot Island and gets the three to breakout Meltdown ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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