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Transformers News: Tag - "auto assembly"

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Transformers Convention News

Let's go back in time to Auto Assembly 2005 and some grainy footage we recorded from the event. I don't even remember which video camera we had at the time but it was probably still a tape one.

You'll no doubt recognise some of the traders and guests including Neil Kaplan, Simon Furman, Andrew Wildman, Simon Williams, Jason Cardy, The Space-Bridge, Geekology, Xyber Toys and of course the gents running the show Sven Harvey and Simon Plumbe.

The venue no longer exists, the Clarendon Suites but the memories remain.

It was the first year we put on a display at a convention, something that continued through until 2016 when we stopped. Maybe we'll start doing some again. At that event we bought along our Lucky Draw figures along with the lunchtime specials.

By 2009, when we last put on a Lucky Draw display, we needed to hire two large cabinets whereas then we uses two small custom cases which we still have kicking around somewhere

Our photos from the event

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 16th December 2022 at 15:28:57 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

A discussion has broken out on the Facebook page of fellow former Trans-Europe Express group website NTFA (The Nordic TransFans Association) where members of the group have begun discussing organising another Nordic Transformers conventionin association the "new" Auto Assembly team.  In the past members of NTFA have worked with Auto Assembly co-founder Simon Plumbe previously to run the only previous Auto Assembly Europe back in November 2011. 

It is early days within the discussions, from what has been posted publicly, but it appears that either the NTFA convention or Auto Assembly Europe may well be set for a Summer / Autumn 2016 return.  The organisers will be hoping to build upon the 2011 event which holds the attendance record of 55 attendees.  The last event was deemed a huge success by the organisers having increased from 23 people who attended the previous years NTFA convention as well as beating the previous Nordic Transformers convention record of 29 which was set in 2007.

We at Transformers At The Moon wish the organisers good luck with the event and should the event take place we shall certainly look at attending ourselves.  We've been hoping to attend more of the European shows over recent years and are hoping that 2016 will allow us to visit more of them.

Expect more to follow on this story over the coming weeks and months

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 at 19:58:42 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Welcome to day 3 of our 17 day commemoration of the 16th year anniversary of Transformers At The Moon being launched. Today we shall look back at 2001 a year most commonly remembered for 9/11.

Click the headline to read this article in full as well as seeing a new gallery of the toy we chose to be our spotlight for the year 2001.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 14th October 2015 at 16:31:31 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The team behind TFNation has been revealed via Social Media and a press release. You can read the full release below.


TransmissionID: 000005


Operation: Team Deployment

With construction of your 2016 convention under way, TFNation is thrilled to welcome aboard its first five crew members.


Best known as the stripe-wearing, former deputy head of Auto Assembly, Billy helped to keep Europe’s largest Transformers convention running smoothly over the past 6 years.

We are pleased to have Billy turn his Magnus-style eye for organisation in TFNation's direction. Duly appointed enforcer of the TFN Accord, we know Billy will keep the convention on course for the benefit of all attendees, whilst ensuring they know EXACTLY where the fire escapes are.

David R

If the TFNation team has learned one thing from its collective experiences, it's that details matter! This is where David comes in, as the convention's embodiment of operations, compliance and logistics.

David is already hard at work proposing and developing exciting segments for our convention next summer, as well as keeping a watchful eye over all paperwork and checking the finer details to ensure everything is... logical.

TFNation can depend on David to get the job done efficiently and effectively with zero fuss. Best of all, he will be doing all of this with a pleasing lack of stripes!


During her time at Auto Assembly, Tori was the chief guest liaison, maintaining relationships with the voice acting community throughout the year to ensure the actors and their families were taken care of in the run up to the conventions. In addition, Tori also served as head first-aider for several years, always on hand to assist.

An exceptional cosplayer, she can always be depended on to liven up any event with her incredible creations. A skilled and creative member of team TFNation, for sure!


TFNation is delighted to welcome its very own Reflector to the team!

Conventions, concerts, weddings, sporting events and artistic projects – there really is much more to Nick than meets the lens!

Be sure to view Nick’s online portfolios for a flavour of the breathtaking art he will be bringing to TFNation. If you want to get involved in future projects, let him know! (

Wait for it!… David W

In his role as Master of Ceremonies, David was undeniably the face and voice of Auto Assembly in recent years. We are thrilled to have him join team TFNation.

Even if you never had the opportunity to visit AA, the likelihood is you will still recognise David's dulcet tones, be it from the Moonbase 2 and Underbase podcasts, or from the fan-favourite youtube channel under the handle of KalelPrime.

If Billy is the ‘straight man’ of the TFNation 2016 stage, then expect Dave to provide the laughter, conversation and more than a little audience participation!

You can find out more about the TFNation crew on the website at

Team TFNation is assembling. We look forward to meeting you from Friday 19th until Sunday 21st August 2016 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel at TFNation 2016.

Twitter: @tfnationltd

Further broadcasts to follow.

Where all are one


Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 4th September 2015 at 18:30:52 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

So yesterday saw the curtain close on the Auto Assembly convention, for now, after 15 years (but not 15 shows).  For many fans this is a strange and unknown moment. For those of us "older" fans we remember other UK conventions including Transforce, Botcon Europe, OFTCC Europe, as well as the two that never were, Decepti-con and Transformations.  Show's come and go but no UK show has has the longevity, scale and success of Auto Assembly.  Yesterday the show ended with an official figure of 1061 tickets, the first time thhat any European dedicate show has passed the 1000 mark.  For those who claim that the true attendance figure was below 1000 as someone who was on the registration desk through out the weekend I checked the list numerous times and whislt just over 40 passes were not collected over 1000 different people did attende the event over the weekend.  Not all could be there for the end, which is a shame, but you just have to look at the photographs and videos from the opening ceremony to see that the new hall was packed.

Several of the panels in the alternative rooms were full to the brim over the weekend as well which was great to see.

Whilst no future Auto Assembly conventions have been announced the brand will continue with a new YouTube channel starting soon which will host vidoes from the event, and we assume previous events as well, it will continue to produce a fanzine as well as organise meets in Cardiff and, as was announced yesterday, probably Birmingham as well.

For those looking to the future for shows to try to fill the gap, there is the Transformers / G.I.Joe / Action Force / Masters of the Universe show Roll Out Roll Call coming up in October this year in Southampton, various pub meets across the country and TFNation 2016 next Summer (dates to be announced shortly).  Whilst neither of these events are expected to simply take over from Auto Assembly, they are other chances for simliar experiences and we encourage everyone to go and also to look to organise meets in your own areas. They are great ways to make new friends.

Our first Auto Assembly was over a decade ago and whilst we have helped out the convention over that  time with displays, financing guests, organising volunteers, marketing, running stands etc, watching the show grow from 200-300 people to over 1000 has been a pleasure.  We have always maintained that UK shows could have over 1000 people and still maintain an friendly, intimate. Many doubted it including organisers, it was nice to finally see that be true.

Much like Auto Assembly for Simon and Trish, the pressures of "real life" have taken its toll on my brother and myself. For us it has  manifested itself in this website being horrible out-dates visually, as well as us falling way behind in terns of fresh content and news.  We hope to correct this though as we still have plenty of content to share with you all including things you have not seen before. But that is for another time.

Right now we would like to thank Sven, Simon, the committee members (from all periods), the wonderful voluenteers, the guests, the artists, the dealers, the hotel staff and, of course, the attendees.  Everyone has helped the UK create one of the global showcase Transformers events of the year and it has been an most enjoyable ride, we hope that you have all enjoyed it too.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 24th August 2015 at 09:36:40 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Simon Plumbe has updated the Auto Assembly website with the following release announcing that the Transformers movie replica Optimus Prime truck will be at Auto Assemby for the first, and last, time!

Optimus Prime Rolls Out For Auto Assembly 2015

Calling all Autobots!  Do not grieve… for Optimus Prime will be on hand to light our darkest hour at Auto Assembly 2015! At Auto Assembly 2015, the legendary Autobot leader will be joining Bumblebee and Beaterbee in an epic stand-off against the Decepticon Police cruiser, Barricade.

This 31 feet long, replica movie truck is joining us courtesy of our amazing friends at – these huge Transformers fans are happy to bring their range of Cybertronian vehicles to any events you have planned, so be sure to check out their website!

Of course, there would be no Transformers without HASBRO – and we want to send out an Optimus-sized thank you to HASBRO UK for helping us to make this official appearance a reality.

Last but by no means least, we wish to show our appreciation to the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel who have graciously agreed to reconfigure their parking facilities to accommodate our Transforming friends.

All four replica vehicles will be on hand for photographs with attendees free of charge all weekend, but a small surcharge will apply if you wish to sit inside (and honestly, who wouldn’t?). Please remember that you MUST be an Auto Assembly 2015 ticket holder  for this so no trying to sneak along for freebies – the Autobot scouts will be hiding somehwere in plain sight and keeping an eye on you…!

Auto Assembly 2015 is taking place over the weekend of Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd August 2015 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. Order your tickets now to join us at what is set once again to be the biggest Auto Assembly EVER!

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 13th August 2015 at 08:38:34 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Roll Out Roll Calll have announced that they are teaming up with the Transformers Collectors Club to sell some of the Botcon 2015 exclusives at Auto Assembly here within the UK!! Yes that is another UK show working directly with the Official Club to sell the Official Shows exclusives at another UK event!  The figure are very competitively priced as well

You can find the announcement below

Attending Auto Assembly but never before been to Roll Out Roll Call, The UK Transformers, G.I. Joe & Action Force Show???
As a little taster on what is available at Roll Out Roll Call we have organised a range of BotCon (Official) show exclusives to be available at Auto Assembly. Roll Out Roll Call would like to thank the Transformers Collectors' Club (Official).in helping make this available to Auto Assembly attendees.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 3rd August 2015 at 21:31:47 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Great news fellow UK Transformers fans, we have a NEW Transformers convention starting in the summer of 2016 at the Hilton in Birmingham!

Yes you read that right, with Auto Assembly coming to a close this year many Transformers fans here within the UK and across Europe were fearing that this would be the end of a dedicated Summer ‪#‎Transformers‬ convention but those fears have been put to rest with the announcement today that TFNation Ltd will be starting a new show called TFNation.

Details are sketchy at the moment but we here at Transformers At The Moon expect that further information will be released in the coming weeks though it's quiet possible that the main announcements will not be made until after Auto Assembly next month out of respect for the convention.

For those keeping track the history of summer UK Transformers conventions goes:

Transforce, Botcon Europe, Transforce, OTFCC Europe, , Auto Assembly and now TFNation.

Plus there is the Autumn show Roll Out Roll Call which takes place in October in Southampton where fans can meet up again.

Stay with us for more and head over to and subscribe to their mailing list

You can view a copy of their press release below or read about it online at



Operation: Convention

Calling all Transformers fans:

TFNation is a new Transformers convention initiating in summer 2016 run by fans, for fans.

We look forward to welcoming you to our base of operations; the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel in Birmingham, England.

Access our website at and subscribe to our mailing list to receive further transmissions.

You can also receive updates and help us to reach more fans by following us on:

Twitter: @tfnationltd

Further broadcasts to follow.

Where all are one

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 23rd July 2015 at 20:50:11 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Roll Out Roll Call 2015 Tickets On Sale Now!

Tickets For Roll Out Roll, the Transformers, G.I-Joe and MOTU show are now available over at

You can book Your Early Bird Weekend Pass to Roll Out Roll Call, which takes place on the 3rd & 4th of October 2015 at Jurys Inn Southampton, right now and can recieve a 25% discount saving!!

Weekend Adult Pass £40 (Early Bird £30)
Weekend Under 16 Pass £22 (Early Bird £16.50)
Weekend Family Pass (2 Adults, 2 Under 16's) £100 (Early Bird £75)

Book now at:

You can now also book your discounted hotel room at Jurys Inn Southampton too!!!

Book online or call direct and use the promo code of "TOY" for special rate of £60 B&B for single occupancy per night and £70 B&B for double occupancy per night. All bookings include COMPLIMENTARY WiFi!!!

Code valid for Thursday 1st – Monday 5th October, so sharing with a friend works out at £35 each per night with full breakfast and WiFi.

You can find out lots more through our YouTube, Facebook or Twitter channels, if you have any questions, feel free to ask us:

Facebook -
Twitter - @RolloutRollCall

For a Full Press Release please visit the press release site

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 1st April 2015 at 13:57:17 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Hi everyone,

First, we'd like to thank all of you for booking tickets for Auto Assembly 2015 - we're all excited about this year's convention and we think that once again it's going to be our best ever.

Following the opening of bookings at our convention hotel, the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel at the weekend, the demand for accommodation at the Hilton this year has been absolutely phenomenal with some rooms selling out in a matter of minutes and the overall block of rooms for the convention being close to selling out already. Our room bookings team has been working extra hard behind the scenes to try to secure additional rooms for all of you who haven't been able to get accommodation yet in the Hilton and we're incredibly proud to announce that the Hilton has given us some more rooms for our block at the discount rate for the convention weekend!

These extra rooms ARE limited so we'd advise all of you to book as quickly as possible (using the link sent to all of you a few days ago) but we have managed to secure the following:

Thursday 20th and Sunday 23rd August

We now have NEW deluxe singles and deluxe twins on sale.  This is a new allocation which we have managed to secure on top of our initial block.

Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd August

We have also secured some additional deluxe singles and deluxe twins for the main convention days - again these are additional rooms we have managed to obtain over and above our initial block.

As these are additional rooms and not part of our original allowance, these have been supplied completely at the Hilton's discretion, for which we cannot thank them enough. It does however mean that these new rooms are very limited in numbers so we encourage you to act quickly to avoid disappointment.

Don't forget, if you have any queries about your booking or the convention itself, please do not hesitate to get in touch and please do not share the hotel booking link with anyone as this is for the exclusive use of Auto Assembly attendees.

Thank you and we're looking forward to seeing you all in August!

The Auto Assembly Team

Auto Assembly 2015 - 21st - 23rd August 2015

The Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, England

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Auto Assembly is sponsored by:

AutoTrash -

Big Bad Toy Store - 

Brikabrax UK -

TF Source -

Transbridge Omegalock -

VNC Toys -

Robot Kinggdom -

HobbyLink Japan -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 11th February 2015 at 17:07:42 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Auto Assembly team have sent out the following important press release regarding the news that the official hotel is about to sell out of rooms.

Dear friends,

We are sorry to inform you that the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, home of Auto Assembly, is on the cusp of reaching a complete accommodation sell out with it's accommodation over this year's convention weekend. As such, please kindly spare a minute to read this message so we can advise you how best to enjoy the convention.

The Present Situation

At the time of writing this message, rooms at the Hilton for Saturday 9th August 2014 have completely sold out. However there is still some availability on the following dates;

* Wednesday 6th
* Thursday 7th
* Friday 8th
* Sunday 10th
* Monday 11th

Room availability on these dates is now exceptionally limited and we anticipate a total sell out in the following days.

Please note no further rooms shall be allocated to Auto Assembly, or any other event. The only way in which rooms may become available is if the hotel receives cancellations but should this happen, the newly freed rooms will go on general sale, as it would be unfair for any one event to be given priority.

Potentially there may be limited rooms on sale on third party websites but these cannot be recalled by the Hilton for convention use, as the Hilton must meet and pre-existing contractual requirements it may have with its affiliates which is understandable.

Wider Hotel Room Shortage Issues

In addition to the Hilton selling out under the weight of Auto Assembly and the Festival of Quilts, our chosen overspill hotel has limited availability, as do others in the nearby area.

This is not all because of Transformers and Quilt fans - this is due to a major touring event which is scheduled to take place in the LG arena, (just across the lake from the Hilton). That event was not announced until approximately 6 months after AA2014 was booked, so we sadly could not have taken it into consideration. To top things off, there is also now a major fashion trade show taking place at the NEC as Auto Assembly comes to a close, meaning we are suddenly faced with a very popular weekend around the Hilton.

Naturally, we hope you will all appreciate that this is an unprecedented event and that we are doing our best to make sure nobody misses out on finding a room so they can join us for this year's convention.

What to do next (yes, we have back up plans!)

If you don’t have anywhere to stay yet (or haven't booked for the convention and are worried about not being able to find a room) then please don’t worry – Team Auto Assembly has your back! This is what you need to do.

1. If you only require a room for any of the dates showing availability which we have listed above, then you should try to book with the Hilton first as you may still get in. Do this using the AA discount code found within your confirmation emails and on the ticket purchase confirmation page of our website that you will have been taken to when you originally booked.

2. For those who are unable to book a room at all at the Hilton, the Auto Assembly Committee have produced a list of nearby alternatives which are within walking distance. We have already spoken with these hotels and several of them still have availability. Some of them are very cheap too (especialoom at all at the Hilton, the Auto Assembly Committee have produced a list of nearby alternatives which are within walking distance. We have already spoken with these hotels and several of them still have availability. Some of them are very cheap too (especialy if you are coming in a group) so you will have extra money to spend over the weekend. Details of nearby hotels and hotel information generally can be found elsewhere on our website at

3. If you cannot find a room within walking distance, again there is information on the above page about further options which are slightly further afield, but still within a very short train or taxi ride.

Both Birmingham City Centre and Coventry are under 10 minutes away by train, with return tickets costing as little as £3.00. These options are especially great for people on a tight budget as there are some very cheap deals to be had in exchange for the short journey and we have managed to identify ample rooms in the immediate vicinity of the City Centre to cater for all your needs should you wish to choose there for your stay in August so we are certain that you will have no difficulty in finding anywhere to stay.

Helping hand

Please rest assured that we have no intention of leaving people out. Whilst we cannot book your rooms for you, we will help as much as we can should anybody require extra assistance; particularly our international attendees who may not be familiar with the local area.

You can contact us at and we will always get back to you as soon as possible.

We are actively looking into other ways to try and help you including, but not limited to, taxi share advice, public transport routes, coaches and bag stores. Whilst we can’t confirm any of these things right now, we thought it was important to let you know that we are continuing to work hard for you.

For those of you who are currently planning on travelling to Auto Assembly 2014 alone, we have set up a dedicated area on the Auto Assembly Forum for those of you who may be interested in considering room sharing as an option as well. This may make finding accommodation even easier, more affordable and could help you find new friends for your latest trip to the convention or even for some of you, your first year with us at Auto Assembly and you can find this here:-

Thank you

We do want to take a moment to thank all of our attendees. Your patience and understanding in this unprecedented time is most appreciated and your continued enthusiasm for YOUR convention is the force that drives us keep making it happen. We promise to carry on doing everything we can to support you, as you are supporting us.

We also wish to say thanks to the no-nonsense volunteers at who, in their first year of operation, have successfully helped many families and attendees to make and modify their reservations at the Hilton.

Finally, we wish to place on record our sincere thanks to the staff of the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, especially our liaison Helen Lees, who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to accommodate as many Auto Assembly attendees as possible.

When our initial block of rooms sold out within 2 hours of going live, the Hilton released another to us the very next day. And then another and another... We have been provided with literally hundreds of rooms over and above our quota even though there is another event taking place at the hotel. For this, we cannot thank the Hilton enough.

More updates and information will follow in due course. Please please please try to book your accommodation as soon as possible to avoid disappointment – we don’t want any of you missing out to people attending other shows. They don’t even have robots!

Finally, we know that some of you may not have had the chance to read it yet but we have attached a copy of the latest edition of the Auto Assembly 2014 Attendee Information Pack which contains a summary of the hotel arrangements, travel details for the convention, all the information you need about attending Auto Assembly, the convention rules and plenty of hints and tips to help you get the most out of this year's event so please try to spare a little time to read this before the convention.

Til all are One

The Auto Assembly Committee

Auto Assembly 2014 - 8th - 10th August 2014
The Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, England

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Auto Assembly is sponsored by:

TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers At The Moon -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Benscollectables -
Geek-station -
Comic Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 7th May 2014 at 21:03:22 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly have announced their latest guest for the August 2014 show as Jim Sorenson. It will be Jim's 3rd Auto Assembly and his latest book with Bill Forster, Transformers Legacy: The Art of Transformers Packaging, is due out in May of this year so be sure to bring it along and Ask Jim and questions you may have regarding this ands his other work.

We are thrilled to announce that in 2014, Auto Assembly will once again be graced by renowned Transformers Author, Jim Sorenson! Jim has worked with IDW since 2006 and has been the pen behind many pieces of great Transformers literature such as, The Ark (1 and 2), The AllSpark Almanac (1 and 2), The Art of Transformers Prime and The Transformers 30th Anniversary Collection. He has also leant his talents to several projects outside of the Transformers Universe (debatably!) such as the much lauded GI:Joe Field Manuals. Jim’s latest offering, Transformers Legacy: The Art of Transformers Packaging (compiled with longtime co-creator, Bill Forster) is scheduled for a May 2014 release. Be sure to pre-order a copy and bring it with you to Auto Assembly to be signed by the man himself! We have attached the link below.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 27th April 2014 at 12:39:29 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

For everyone who will be, or already is, attending Auto Assembly 2013 this weekend in Birmingham England, lets get the show trending so make use the convention hashtags #AutoAssembly and #AA2013

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 9th August 2013 at 09:29:09 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly 2013, Europe's largest Transformers Convention, starts tonight in Birmingham, UK.

The event spreads from Friday night to Sunday afternoon featuring various stalls and dealers from not just the UK, but throughout the global, Comic guests (past and present), Voice Actors and established Authors.

This years show features the first Exclusive figure for the convention, Manuel X.

We hope to see many of you there

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 9th August 2013 at 08:54:18 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News


We want to thank everyone who has pre-booked their tickets for Auto Assembly 2013 and who have once again helped us set a NEW European record for a Transformers convention! We are aware that many of you will have now missed the deadline for getting your tickets for the convention, especially as we had bookings open until 48 hours before the convention last year, but don’t worry…

Despite a record turnout again, the Hilton is a MASSIVE hotel (the largest convention hotel in the UK) so we do have enough spaces left for all of you who may be interested so you WILL be able to come along to the convention and pay on the door and get into the full convention – all the panels, workshops, and experience everything that Auto Assembly 2013 has to offer. The only differences for on-the-door attendees is that you won’t get a personalised pass, and entry to the convention will take longer as you will have to complete a booking form on arrival so we will have your correct details on file for health and safety purposes. In addition to this, everyone who has pre-registered for the convention will be able to collect their passes from 12:30 pm on Friday afternoon or 8:30 am on Saturday and Sunday and will be able to enter the convention immediately when the doors open at 6:00 pm Friday and 9:30 am on Saturday or Sunday.

If you are paying on the door, you won’t be able to buy tickets until 6:00 pm Friday if you are purchasing a weekend pass or 9:30 am on Saturday or Sunday for those of you buying single day tickets after all our pre-registrants have entered the hall. Prices for tickets on the door are £50 for adults for the full weekend and £38 for Youth (under 18) and Elderly (60+). Single day tickets are £28 for Adults and £22 for Youth and Elderly. Under 6′s are FREE!

Anyway, to all of you who have booked, once again we want to thank you for helping to make the convention the success that it has become and for those of you who have missed the deadline, we hope that you’ll come along next weekend and join us for a great weekend celebrating everything that makes Transformers so special!

Simon Plumbe

Auto Assembly Committee Head

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 3rd August 2013 at 10:19:50 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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