TakaraTomy have posted a new in-packaging image of their Transformers Works Super GT Optimus Prime and Star Saber figures who will debut tomorrow. You can check out the new image below
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TakaraTomy have posted a new in-packaging image of their Transformers Works Super GT Optimus Prime and Star Saber figures who will debut tomorrow. You can check out the new image below
CYBERGUNDAM BLOG - Yahoo! Blog have posted up an image which shows the design for an Alternator GTR Megatron figure. The figure is a retool of existing toys but the name Megatron (?????) is clearly visible on the right hand side where the full name reads as Scanning "S ROSD Raito MOLA GT-R" Megatron. You can view the image below.
Kapow Toys have received, and shared, official images of the upcoming Transformers Alternity Super GTR Prime and Star Saber figures via their Facebook and Twitter accounts. The images, which have been mirrored below, give us the first good look at how the final versions of these toys appear, especially for Star Saber
Japanese retailer ToyHobbyShop have posted two new stock images of the upcoming Transformers Alternity GT-R Prime and Star Saber figures in vehicle modes. They have also updated the product pages for both of these figures. The images have been mirrored below.
The Facebook page for Singapore retailer HobbyArk has been updated with two images of the Alternity GT-R figures including a new image of Star Saber which can be viewed below along with the new image of Optimus Prime.
Some new images have been shown of of TakaraTomy's recent stand at the Dengeki Festival in Japan where they showed of some of their upcoming figures including the Masterpeice toys as well as the Fall of Cybertron released. However the biggest news from the event came in the form of the TakaraTec stands Alternity GT-R display which announced, and showed banners of, the three initial toys from the line. Optimus Prime (who had already been seen), Star Saber and Fortress Maximus!! Yes a Star Saber and Fort Max Alternity figures! Both toys are colours of the Optimus Prime figure with Star Saber having a new head. you can view some images from the event thanks to @ToYz80 and the Takara Tomy facebook page
The toys will be released in 2013
Just when you thought the Alternity line was dead TakaraTomy have announced a retool of their Convoy figure as Super GT Optimus Prime. The toy is the same base as the previous Alternity release only with a spoiler on the back. The image is a little blurred but can be seen below.
Its Friday and the fifth and final day of Transformers Alternity Week here at Transformers At The Moon. Today we conclude our toy gallery series with a new entry for Alternity Starscream Pearl White version.
Like the other galleries, comparisons with our other Alternity figures are included.
TakaraTomy have released Transformers Alternity Thundercracker in Singapore. The toy is a blue recolour of Alternity Starscream and completes the original three seeker line-up in Alternity form.
Credit to Seibertron.com for the news.
TakaraTomy have updated their website with pages dedicated to their October 2010 releases. The new pages are for Alternity Thundercracker, Masterpiece Movie Starscream, EZ Collection Vol.5, and the Family Mart prizes. You can view images of the pages below.
We have created a new mirror gallery containing 122 scans of the June 2010 issue of Hyper Hobby Magazine which included four pages of Transformers related content which you can below.