Day 15 of our 17 day celebration of Transformers At The Moon looks at the year 2013. Hacks, leaks, doping scandels and twerking are the main headlines around the world.
You can read more about what happened around the world, both within and outside of the Transformers Universe and fandom, by clicking on the title above or visiting our 2013 Year in Review.
Around the World
- Lance Armstrong admits to Doping
- A powerful meteor explodes near Chelyabinsk in Russia
- Two bombs are set off during the Boston Marathon
- Edward Snowden leaks various reports on PRISM, the NSA's secret surveillance program
- In Pakistan an elected government completes its full term for the first time in it's countries history
- 40 million customers of Target have their personal information stolen after a hack between November 27th and December 15th. In 2014 this number is increased by an addtional 70 million
- Sony release the Playstation 4
- Microsoft release the Xbox One
- Twitter goes public on September 12th and shares sell for $26 dollars. By January 2014 the price reaches $60 and today they sit at $30
- Apple release the IPhone 5 and 5C along with IOS7
- Twitter launch vine which takes the social media world by storm
- Google releases the prototype of their Google Glass product
- Miley Cyrus twerks her way through the MTV music awards
- MP Prowl, Smokescreen and Tigertracks announced
- Hasbro make $100 million dollar cutbacks in January
- Michael Bay confirms that the rumours that the fourth Transformers movie would be a reboot are false
- MP10 Optimus Prime is released in the UK in Toys R US
- The third party Novalord (not-Overlord) are shown off
- The New York Toy Fair shows off a giant 2 foot Metroplex toy
- Paul Hitchens uploads various images to his Spacebridge Facebook page, taking over from his website launched several years early which never really got updated. He posts various exclusive articles on G1 toys and unseen footage from Transformers The Movie
- Transformers Go's first exclusive figures (non Transformers Prime recolours) are shown off
- Aaron Archer gets a new role, VP Toy And Brand design IP creation, at Hasbro
- Auto Assembly announced that the 2013 convention will have an exclusive toy. The figure turns out to be a shared exclusive with TFCon
- A month before the show the organiser, Simon Plumbe, offers a 20% discount to anyone who has been to previous shows. This comes into backlash form hundreds of fans who has already purchased tickets for the event.
- The show sets another European record (833) becoming the first Transformers show in Europe to break the 800 mark, an increase of 332 people in the 3 years that the new team have helped during the show.
- Mastermind Creation confirm that Hexatron is delayed
- TakaraTomy run a "Fans Choice" competition to choose the next Masterpiece. The winner is eventually revealed as Star Saber
- The third party Glacialords are released by Fans Project
- In August Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman state they will be working on the next Transformers cartoon, one which will be more kid centric.
- In September the Dinobots are confirmed for Transformers 4, two days later the title of Transformers: Age of Extinction is confirmed via Yahoo Movies
- UK show Roll Out Roll Call combines with Masters of the Universe show Twins of Power
- Part One Ltd's e-Hobby Shop confirms it's involvement with the TakaraTomy Transformers Cloud Project
- Shout Factory confirm they will be releasing Transformers Armada on DVD
- We start to support the NotFound project by altering our 404 "page not found" pages so that they pick up a random missing person to help the charity promote the search for missing persons
- We make our second appearance on Collectors Hangout, on the 4th of April 2013
- In December the Huffington post shares an article covering our appearance on Collectors Hangout
- Auto Assembly
- Botcon
- Roll Out Roll Call
- Savcon
- TFCon
- TFExpo