Full Metal Hero have some nice images of Transformers Prime Arms Micron Nemesis Prime
An underrated figure gets even better with a new black deco and massive Arms Micron blade! Powerizer Optimus didn't set the world alight due to a number of things, 1) Megatron looked better 2) The First Edition kicked butt 3) He had that hideous weapon and loads of horrible grey visible on him, but he was still a good toy that a lot of folks missed out on, hopefully this will rectify things with Nemesis reaching a wider audience. Coming with the obligatory sticker sheet Nemesis is primarily black and dark charcoal grey with the chest being broken up via the red windows and light grey border. It works very well, so well that you may chose not to apply your stickers, I prefer them applied as they add a little more detail and help bring out the red on his forearms more.
Articulation wise Nemesis is very capable with lots of ball joints allowing him to twist and turn into a variety of poses, he is also very well balanced which might come a surprise due to the large back pack made up of the trucks side panels. The Micron is makes a very cool weapon but not such a cool Micron looking a little like a pelican in its robot mode but I'm not displaying him that way and the blade mode is pure win!
Truck mode again can either have stickers on or off and it looks great, I've taken some pics with and without so you can check it out and make your mind up. I personally like the stickers on as it gives it that higher level of detail and contrasts well with the black, a really nice touch by Takara is the inclusion of 5 M.E.C.H stickers which you can place on Nemesis to your hearts content giving him that nice link to the TV show.
Overall he is a repaint so automatically becomes less desirable for some but he is Nemesis Prime, a character thats always been popular, we score him 8/10