Actoys has posted the bio for Transformers Universe Unicron, which reads as follows.
Name: Unicron
Faction: Decepticons
Bio: Immortal, indestructible and all-powerful, Unicron is the ultimate evil in the cosmos. Massive silent and unstoppable, he floats through the non-space between dimensions, reaching out with his sensors to find the universe with the most energy. Those dimensions he finds suitable, he consumes, destroying every planet, every star and every trace of life. He has been destroyed or defeated countless times, yet he always returns, hungrier and more powerful than before, for he is more than a mere monster. He is evil incarnate, and as long as there is evil, there is Unicron.
Strength: ??
Intelligence: ??
Speed: 10
Endurance: ??
Rank: 10
Courage: 10
Firepower: ??
Skill: 10