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Transformers Toy NewsWell known and respected Transformers collector and dealer Paul "The Spacebrigde" Hitchens has placed a few prized posessions for sale on ebay.  Up for sale are gems such as the all white Generation Two Grimlock testshot, unreleased Generation Two Blades, Generation Two Combat Hero Optimus Prime on mockup card, unreleased Generation Towo Gobot Rumble and unreleased Generation Two Go-Bot Daytonus along with various other rare items and testshots.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 15th January 2009 at 14:12:25 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Battle Armour He-man riding Battlecat, flanked by He-man and She-ra - She-ra's 'axe' is a homage to the original toy's comb which is an awesome touch and puts her on par with he-man for having the sword/shield/axe thing going on. Man-at-Arms with the 200X Techno powersword and Captain of the Guard, Teela. There's not been a perch released for Zoar yet, but it's coming soon. Zodak and Stratos - I have to admit I don't care much for Stratos, but Zodak (with a 'k' and inspired by the 200X version of the character) is amazing. King Randor is totally unimpressed with Orko's antics... prince Adam is just hanging about... Zodac (with a 'c') and Moss-Man - like with some of the other guys, i'm waiting for a Moss-man re-release to be able to display the 2nd 200X head. He supposedly smells like pine, but really smells like toilet cleaner. I never used to be interesated in Zodac as a character, but the nuetral comsmic enforcer role is a great idea. I like to think he works for the greater good regardless of who it helps on that particular day. I display him with the good guys 'cause they need their ranks boosted.


Hordak and Adora - not sure if she should be displayed here or with the Royal Family. Until they release more Horde or Great Rebellion members i'll leave it. Optikks... Optikki... - Love me some New Adventures of He-man Optikk. Giant eyeball dude, what could bwe wrong with that!?!? The rifle with the two gun revolving chambers is amazing. SDCC Skeletor vs Mo-larr Infinitely cooler in the packaging than out. Love how they made it into a dentist chair and mounted the accessories on the wall. My 'Great Unrest' section - a time before the birth of Adam & Adora. Count Marzo and the Goddess - I live in fear of her shattering into thousands of pieces - the transluscent green plastic is super brittle. Marzo was a cool figure, and the amulet holding hand is a great idea. Club Eternia Wun-Dar (exclusive figure) is MOSC behind these two but kind of hidden. I haven't got the courage to open him yet. Keldor and clean shaven Man-at Arms (facial hair shows the passage of time!). 2nd head Mer-man Superman vs He-man - the reprinted DC comic inside with pre-Crisis Superman and He-man trading blows is paper gold.


Epic looking dude! Love those, would love to have them, just no space!


Nice setup. Although the original figures were mostly recolours of only 4 base bodies they always grabbed my attention. The new ones look SO much better. I tend to see them in Toyfare and they're a huge improvement on the originals. Are the 4 Horsemen still involved in the sculpting of them or do Mattel do it all in-house now?


Cheers guys. Although the original figures were mostly recolours of only 4 base bodies they always grabbed my attention. The new ones look SO much better. I tend to see them in Toyfare and they're a huge improvement on the originals. I guess they had to just get some standard bucks out there at first. Most of the core figures are based off the He-man and Skeletor arms and legs (furry boots, fin forearms, clawed feet, etc). Now there's been more take up in the line we're seeing more and more unique bits, such as Marzo's cape, hand and loincloth (although i suspect these will see re-use). It's cool now that we've got guys like Trap-Jaw which opened the door for Man-E-Faces and Roboto, and Whiplash who allows parts for Clawful and Buzz Off. Are the 4 Horsemen still involved in the sculpting of them or do Mattel do it all in-house now? Yeah, it's all still Four Horsemen stuff. Those guys are amazing, they really know what they're doing with the line. It's also amazing to see their planned re-use for parts and how creative they are, Optikk was a fantastic example of this. They often sculpt too much and Mattel often puts in some extras because they're so impressed. Of course it can be the other way around too, and sometimes we see bits that are never in the final product. Grizzlor's second face being a recent example of this as it was shown in Toyfare but has now been shelved. The amazing Bionotops Blaster that was shown with the 2011 Club Eternia exclusive He-man may also not come out.


A few more bits I missed last time or have turned up since: My 2nd Whiplash, displaying the 200X style head and weapon. Both Whilpashi together - the 200X head suffers a little from 'fathead syndrome', mainly due to the square jawline, but it sort of works for a lizard man. My 2nd Trap-jaw so I can now display parts to make him Kronis. Before and after - well before your arm and lower jaw are ripped off... Club Eternia 2010 Exclusive - Wun-dar the Savage He-man Weapons Pak - a little duff, but the repainted 200X sword is cool. In the Kronis photo above he is hoplding the knife and pistol from this set - recoloured Man At Arms weapons. The cosmic enforcer armour, gun and staff are just bizarrely coloured...


Nice display Minion. I collect these too, but just one of each figure. They're awesome figures and have filled the collecting gap, for me that the ROTF figures left (as they look pretty poor IMO). I was a little late to start collecting MOTUC, but thanks to the re-issues I've caught up with all of them apart from the DC 2 packs and King Grayskull, the later of which, I will hopefully pick up when he's re-issued. I've got the 2011 subscription too and I'm really looking forward to Buzz off and Roboto, they look great.


A few update photos: I managed to pick up a 2nd He-man vs Superman 2 pack and 2 Skeletor vs Luthor 2 packs on holiday. Gave me one to open of each. Both He-man and Skeletor are redecos. He-man took a little getting used to because of the questionable belt choice, but I do love the blonder hair and 'gold' bracelets. Skeletor's power sword is pretty amazing. Chief Carnivus - a character i'm so-so about, but a welcome addition to the Eternian Council. Roboto - another addition to the forces of good, but i've always felt he doesn't quite fit with the general look of MOTU. If he was written as a guy from the future or an advanced space culture i'd get it, but MAA building him as a chess opponent? Why not just build a hundred to fight Skeletor? That said he is cool with the working gears and interchangeable hand/axe/claw/gun. Gygor - absolutely love this guy, there's something awesome about the visual image of He-man fighting an axe wielding gorilla. Can't wait for my Shadow Beast army builders Got him in my Great Unrest display for now.


Some new pics from what has arrived this month: First up the new King Grayskull. Not a fan of the Christmas cape, but the 'draining' power sword and orb (held by the Goddess) is just awesome. Assembled using my spare Grayskull body, the spare head from the Orko/Prince Adam 2 pack and the techno power sword from the first Weapons Pak it's 200X He-man. Love him! Grizzlor - adding to the might of the Horde. Love his backpack that holds all weapons ala the 200X staction figure. The new Great Wars Weapon Pak - and below figures given this new kit. Faker, now with matching axe and shield. Zoar, now with perch and armour. My 'Great Unrest' Mer-man, now with golden armour and weapons. My 2nd Optikk, now with black shield and gun. Finally, my first MOTUC custom. A mysterious Cosmic Enforcer charged with maintaining the balance in the star systems surrounding the mutant planet of Denebria.


Choc full of amazing Bowl-head! Awesome collection!


I managed not too get sucked in to collecting the classic figures as much as I did with the 200x ones but I do have Scareglow and I'm very tempted by Optikk for some odd reason.


Optikk rules - giant eye ball guy with a gun - everyone should own one!


He reminds me of those weird (Madballs?) figures that you could pop the big ball heads off. They eye looks totally cool. I may do what you have done and buy two. I reckon I could repaint the second ones armour all rusty.


A few extra pics as I haven't attended to the display in a while. Spent some time adding the newer force like the Palace Guards, Vikor and Buzz Off. Also added bases for loads of the figures as I have been sitting on a bunch of extra ones for weeks now. Finished off with a good re-arrange for fun. My Great Unrest shelf that has burst free from the regular shelving. Also includes Vikor who doesn't really have a home at the moment. Palace Guards. Finally some chumps for Teela to boss around!


nice updates Palace Guard troop builders are awesome Hasbro are you paying attention on how to do troop builders?


I was genuinely surprised by how awesome the Palace Guards were. Makes me want Horde Treoopers even more. Might have to start putting money aside so I can go crazy buying them! On reflection i'm not happy with the new arrangement and will be adjusting this weekend. Factions aren't in the right places to allow for new members to be added and the time line doesn't feel like it flows. New pics will follow.


A few new pics: Preternia Disguise He-man. I figure he wouldn't be using the power sword in the past to protect his secret identity. Instead He-man's going to be shooting people in the face with his Bionotops Blaster and battering them over the head with his Cosmic Key. Two new army building Shadow Beasts. Count Marzo finally has someone to do his bidding! Bow, without lame heart chestplate symbol, but with awesome Erol Flynn moustache head. I'm not a fan of the character, but he does look awesome next to She-ra with the matching red and gold.


A few pics of my recent arrivals: Battle Armour Skeletor, just kind of hanging about until Panthor gets released and he has something to sit on. King Hsss looking all kinds of super evil. You know he's super evil cause he's smiling. Suprise! King Hsss has to stand next to Vikor because I read too much Conan...

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