Thread necro ahoy! Anyhow, just watched ep. 22 and...please tell me I wasn't the only one getting serious Nucleon vibe from the synth energon. All the way through, I expected Ratchet to freeze up and become unable to transform.
So who has seen it and what did you think? I for one really enjoyed it and felt the animation was superb and on par with Beast Wars/Machines, I was unsure about the bot mode for Starscream until he transformed and for some reason Primes face reminds me of a moomin but aside from that it's all pretty good, some very nice G1 nods going on and a solid story enjoyable for both kids and adults alike I'd actually look forward to toys from this line after the first 2 episodes
I have them, but not had time to watch them. I'm working from home right now as I'm snowed in, and would watch them if my girlfriend wasn't hogging the TV with dire daytime TV.
edited to remove references to copyright infringement
Watched on Youtube and enjoyed. Animation was a little lacking in places but that may have been due to the video quality as to anything else. Loving Arcee and Soundwave and, surprisingly, Bumblebee. Prime was completely devoid of any personality, Welker knocked the performance for Megatron right out of the park and over shadowed eveyone but the mighty Combes. Only major worry is that Ratchet and Bulkhead will be too much like their Animated selves with the comedy removed which will leave Ratchet a miserable old bastard (though he's ace so far) and Bulkhead feeling empty and generic. Good work so far though and looking forward to the next 3 episodes to cement it!
I'm sure it will grow on my, but I miss the pace and excitement of animated. The story so far seems good, but I don't like the kids at all, they were building a perfectly good set of characters without them.
Genuinely love it. Looking forward to more, and I need toys now, especially of Rockjumper. This is all I could think of when Starscream was on screen:
Just watched the first episode and it's a bit slow. I'll give my final opinion after episode 2.
*DEFINATE SPOILER* ZOMBIE CJ FOR THE WIN! Awesome! Gonna have to change my name in honour...
Not impressed so far. I'll watch it, but I'm not holding out much hope for it improving in the next 3 episodes.
I'm just in the process of watching this for the second time, this time with my son. I love it. The epicness of the live action movie (you can FEEL the scale of the 'bots, next to the humans) The "Style" of TF Animated (whick I loved - I NEED a new Bulkhead toy!) The drone styling from the latest game. The hints of G1 were cool too. The whole incidental music works really well too, and shows this as a production that has had money thrown at it. Not 100% sure about "unicron's Blood" yet, but the Cliffjumper twist was very cool, and hopefully not the last we will see of him. I need episode 3 now...What with this and the new "Young Justice" cartoon, I have some cool cartoons to look forward to in this coming year! Edit - I cracked up at the "Fight Club" Reference!
Just watched eps 1-4 on YouTube and I've bit mixed feelings about it all. Animation is pretty good (with some odd moments mind), and the story is intriguing enough, but the premise doesn't leave much room for additional characters to appear and let's face it 5 bots and 3 cons (with a drone army) won't make a show =/. EDIT: Watched the last episode as well. All in all it's not all bad - can see influence from animated, g1 and movie-verse. What I would like to see more is its own spirit so to speak. Granted, this was only an intro and thus the whole series cannot be judged just by that, so we'll see. Still curious how they intend to introduce other characters.
Just finished episode 5. What a cracking show. The Autyobot characters were cool. I'd love to see some more Cons though. Soundwave's 'photo' was funny, and Starscream's declaration brought a smug grin to my face. Can't wait for more!
After seein Screamers face an prime with no nose, IT got a little grating and I had toehr things to watch, I have kept the episodes but can I bring myself to watch any more? They really killed off animated to ape it in CG? I am still mourning the old show too much maybe...
i quite enjoyed the show. ratchet was ace though every time he spoke i could not think of weyoun. didnt mind the kids , but agent watsisface was awsome. im game for some more.
Finally got round to seeing it all, initial thoughts of the The RockJumper is awesome were quickly replaced by, they ruined this the second they wrote him out. Second thoughts of I hate the character designs still stand, it's like they took their time to make Ratchet who even has a good face design relative to the others and then for whatever reasons they gave up on everyone else except Bulkhead whose Animated design was deemed good enough (so why aren't G1 good enough then). Herbie is more annoying than ever, maybe I shouldn't call Bumblebee that as I like Herbie and he tends to do stuff and wins, in Prime, Bumblebee just runs around in the background making naff sound effects. R2D2 and the afore mentioned VW Beetle get more character across (without a face also). Prime using swords still sucks, give him his axe back and cover that face! I can't say much about the cons as they are the most hideous mech designs I've seen in a animated series and I try not to look. Mopey human guy bores me, smartass kid annoys me, it annoyed me in the Lupin film Goodbye Lady Liberty back in the 90s when a kid hacked Governmental systems in minutes and it annoys me even more now when Raph (who is foreever a Turtle in my mind) does the near impossible in ridiculous time. Seriously my laptop wouldn't log into Windows in the time it takes him to do stuff... I quite like the girl though, I like to think I'd go do some crazy stuff if I had my own Transformer. Despite all the negativity the story wasn't bad and I quite enjoyed it. If that was done G1 or Animated style I would have enjoyed it a lot more which is funny as in G1 the stories were always the weakest part....
Just watched the latest episode, and while the series is setting up nicely (and we know where new cast may be coming from), I would like to see new cast members to be more permanent so to speak =/
Ratchet may be my new favourite character. He's comedy genius. Steve Blum is doing a cracking job as Starscream.
Scrapheap was a great episode. Love seeing the Scraplets in animated form, and the sharkticon/shark like mouths were very cool. ... and Wheeljack next week. Awesome!
Scrapheap was a great episode. Love seeing the Scraplets in animated form, and the sharkticon/shark like mouths were very cool. ... and Wheeljack next week. Awesome! Agree wholeheartedly :)
Just finished watching Con Job. WRECKERS! Loved the little mention of them. Good to see some repurcussions/carry over of the Scraplets episode. Jacky's design was pretty cool, and I really like the mouthguard/battlemask. The double agent, Makeshift was a cool idea. Starscream's plans are actually fairly ruthless which is a nice change from petty conquest. I hope he gets to stay in command for a while longer before they inevitably reinstate Megatron. This is an awesome show!
I enjoyed the show and I agree it was nice to see them carry something over from the previous show. I prefer Animated, but its been an interesting start and the designers are pretty solid
Oh, I don't think we'll see anything that compares to Animated for years. It really set the bar high in the same way Beast Wars/Machines did. Hopefully Prime can become awesome in its own right though.
Yet another case of 'guest starring' cast members. Add someone permanent, God damn it! As a whole enjoyed the episode and loved the references (the Wreckers. Darkmount Pass), but the whole 'guest star of the week' concept is tiring :(