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Transformers Toy has been updated with the first images of their 2009 exclusive figure Scourge.  Scourge is a recolour of the Galaxy Force Noizemaze (Cybertron Sideways) with a new head scuplt.  Please visit to view the images.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 3rd March 2009 at 08:15:23 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Not even enough snow here to warrant one. Damn flat lands, no bloody weather, grumble, moan, grumble...


The entirety of Edinburgh is shut down, first time in living memory all the schools have been shut aparently. Uni is still open, but I'm done for the year apart from exams. Had to drive in yesterday as the buses aren't really running. Made it halfway across the city and back only to get stuck halfway into my own driveway. :roll:


I had to work from home yesterday as the buses out by my way weren't running. I've got in to work today, but the offices are empty, and I'll probably be heading off home early.


I work at a college and its very rarely closed due to snow. I am responsible for taking down the student absences recorded on the voice mail system and we had over 80 students reporting 'sick' for today. For 'sick' read can't be arsed to get out of bed!


I think tomorrows going to be much the same. It's not stopped snowing since before 8 this morning - no sign of it stopping either. Even if it does slow, it's still going to be highly treacherous around here for the next couple of days. I reckon I'm off tomorrow as well...


SCHOOL SHUT! I think I might be due a delivery of Secrets of the Third Reich lead soldiers today as well... so that's my day sorted!

pauliucca maximus:

Well sheffield today is also very shut!!! Road has abandoned cars all over it looks like a white waste land!!! Got about a foot and half!!!



We got to our local store just as milk arrived. We took 1, because that's all we need, but other people were taking 5 or 6. We officially got another 8 inches last night, and they expect another 8 tonight.


HA!!! The Snowpocolypes! Steel is prepared for you! Also being the manliest of manly men I am doing twelve hour shifts, being all heroic and people savey in the face of the white onslaught. Although I do wish that everyone would just stay in bed and stop falling down icy steps or whatever. The Paramedic has to navagate those same horrid conditions to aid you, you know. Was in since two in the morning finnished about two hours ago, Only just got home now. Its going to be a bath and bed for Steely. Got more of this tomorrow... but then I'll have done my four and can not move for four days straight.


Huzzah for the People's Hero! Have seen a fair few emergency helicopters hovering over the 'Don...


No snow here at all today, its all melted, there was a bit yesterday so I took the train into work (1 1/2 hours there, 2 2/2 hours back). Today I took the motorcycle, tomorrow will either be motorcycle of car depending if we have snow. I'm glad we don't as I can't work from home at the moment and have too much to do


DAY 3 ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT. Dearest Helga, It is so cold here... we are still snowed in, and it shows no sign of ending. Klaus and I have taken to spooning for warmth, and he is most insistant that he always be 'the big spoon'. Supplies and morale are low. Give my best to little Adolf and Greta. Meine ganze Liebe Hans


No sooner did I post last night than the white power started to fall, by this morning we had a pleasant dusting, so I left the house at 6:30am for the train station. Being a station that no-one cares about the trains were heavily delayed and when they did come, they did not stop and just passed through. 45 minutes later I walked back home, cleaned down the car and drove into work instead and still got in faster than if I had taken the train.


Heh... You've got a fast response unit... Snigger... All larking aside - get yourself a rest big fellah! Sounds like you've earned it!


I've been taking icicles and throwing them meaningfully into the snow in my back garden in the hopes that a Fortress of Solitude will rise from the depths indicating my true Kryptonian heritage. So far only failure to report.


You may as well get started on the RPG Streaky, who knows how long it'll take TFG to get back on. If that fortress thing works, let me know, I need me some prisms.


Gah! 3 is a magic number... I'll get started! Still no joy on the Fortress... have eyes open for 'magical green crystals'. Still no luck.


Finally done.... 48 hours (and about 10 hours of travel) of snowy hell. Talk about saving the best for last... Twelve hours and I barely had a moment to stop. Normally I get a buzz out of being the fast responce unit but today had a whole lot of running involved. I just hope people saw me doing it in slow mo :D Freaking knackered... plus I think I've pulled something in my back lifting some dude. So stupid, but the situation needed brute force. Even though I'm off for four days now I hope everyone in edinburgh stays at home. Its starting to get icy under the snow. Will be worse tonight. So just stay in and try not to stab yourself or have a heart attack. Need bed now...

rockimus prime:

i had the day off today, and hopefully tomorrow, had a lot of fun... until i fell in a pond. :lol: seriously, i'm covered in 5 blankets right now! XD


How are you not dead? Steel - Scold him!

rockimus prime:

How are you not dead? Steel - Scold him! no idea, the pond was deep. i think my punishment was when i got into a bath full of hot water... it stung. :lol:


Despite the roads being clearer, and the bus company claiming that the buses were running as normal. I stood in the cold on 2 occasions for a total for 3 and half hours, froze my back-side off before calling my bosses and saying I wasn't going to make it in. Apparently there had been a bad accident just outside my town, at quarter to 7 this morning, which wasn't cleared until 3pm today.


been off work for 3 days now............... luvverly well apart from the fact that so has the missus and I've had chores..............

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