Auto Assembly have released the following information regarding issues with the Hilton's online booking system
In recent weeks, it has become apparent that there have been some issues with the Hilton’s Auto Assembly mini site (accessible via the link found in your AA ticket confirmation emails). Whilst the technical hitch has not affected all site users, it was causing some attendees to have difficulties booking rooms for certain periods over the Auto Assembly 2013 convention weekend.
We are pleased to confirm that having been in discussions with the Hilton for the past few days, the issue now appears to have been resolved. Furthermore we have successfully negotiated a deal whereby the Hilton has kindly agreed to afford extra rooms for Auto Assembly attendees, such has been the popular demand. We hope this will go some way to helping everybody out.
We would however bring the following points to your attention.
- If you attempt to start a booking, but then leave the website, you may be blocked from re-entering later. To counter this please clear your browser cookies and ensure that you do not allow the page to time out. (This will not happen quickly – basically just don’t wander off mid-booking!)
- Due to excellent ticket sales, currently running over 10% above time time last year, there are limited rooms remaining at the Hilton, even taking into account the new rooms which have been added for us.To avoid disappointment, please book as soon as you are able to.
Thanks for your understanding – we look forward to seeing you at the Hilton in under 9 weeks!