Lots of reports, as usual, are over the web covering the Transformers Convention BotCon. Whether you follow Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus or on the usual big Transformers websites TFW2005, Seibertron and The Allspark.
Here is a basic summary in no particular order.
Transformers 2012 Hall of Fame Winner - Wheeljack.
During the promotional video a tease for Transformers Prime Shockwave was shown.
Transformers Prime Cyberverse figures were shown off in the toy display
here's a gallery from Seibertron
San Diego Comic Con Exclusives will be Rust in Piece Terrorcon Cliffjumper (packaged in a giant Cliffjumper head) and a Fall of Cybertron Bruticus.
Hasbro Debuts Transformers SDCC Exclusives - Comics News at IGN to check out Rust In Piece Cliffjumper and the game colour FoC Bruticus!
Seiberton images of Terrorcon Cliffjumper
Transformers Prime figures- including a nice looking Airachnid, Razorclaw coloured Dead End and some other nice pieces
TFW2005have a gallery of these
Hasbro Talk
The highlights from today's Hasbro panel:
* US release for MP-10 - with the trailer!. Long smokestacks. TRU exclusive.
Fall of Cybertron:
* Kickback - G1/IDW-esque.
* Starscream.
* Sideswipe.
* Ultra Magnus - Optimus redeco with new head.
* Fireflight - Shockwave remould (new head).
* Voyager-class coming to Generations!
* Soundwave is the first one! Includes data disks, one of which is Laserbeak.
* Will be recoloured into Soundblaster.
* More of Soundwave's minions will be released in Legion-class.
* Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage and Ratbat will be among them.
* Deluxe: Wave 4: Dead End, Shadow Strike Bumblebee, Airachnid. Wave 5: Kup, Rumble
* Thundertron (from the Exiles novel) is getting a toy! Voyager Wave 4. Has a beast mode.
* Cyberverse Wave 3: Wheeljack, Flamewar and a stealth Bumblebee.
* CV Commander: Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime with swords. Vehicle Wave 2 is the alread-seen Battle Suit BB.
* To come in 2013... Legion Airachnid. Drawings shown in the presentation.
Bot Shots:
* Showing existing toys.
* Launchers: Optimus, Megatron and Ironhide.
* 3-pack: Skyquake, Jetfire, Powerglide.
SDCC exclusives:
* Bruticus - actually based on the game demo this time. Yup.
* The box is book-style (think Takara G1 reissues). Looks fantastic, by all accounts.
* Terrorcon Cliffjumper is the other exclusive. Includes a dark energon shard.
* Packaging concepts include a CR chamber, tombstone, and his own head.
That's all for the presentation, now onto the Q&A. We'll bring you any interesting tidbits that arise.
* Movie toys - still trying to find ways to distribute the remaining toys, though they acknowledge that was the problem they had in the first place. Sounds like they're moving away from the movie line for a while.
* The Thirteen - they want to introduce the characters to the public. A slow process, overall.
* Universal exclusives - only available at the parks that have the rides.
* Generations - initially this will cover Fall of Cybertron but they will move onto other media, including novels and IDW comics (yay!)
* Rumble/Frenzy - no plans for a Hasbro release, but never say never.
* FoC Dinobots - everyone will want a Grimlock. Getting all five characters into toy form might be tricky.
* Cryptic answer to the question of army builders, when asked why only the club do them. "Why just the club?"
* Classics Springer is possible, being considered for the future! No immediate plans for Arcee.
* Prime Ironhide is a non-show character. May show up in other media.
* No plans for future Animated toys. Again, never say never, but no immediate plans.
* No plans for Classics Devastator. Combiners may be considered if Bruticus is successful.
* Fun fact - repaints still have to go through quality control and other approval processes, not as cheap/straightforward as people think!
* Prime First Editions - situation was outside Hasbro's control (retailers, basically). Getting them back out there is their top priority (yay).
* Why not put them Hasbro Toy Shop? Apparently this depends on various partnerships around the world (retailers), and Hasbro don't want to jeopardise those partnerships (despite HTS being North America-only?).
In other news...
* Aaron Archer, Rik Alvarez, Bill Rawley, Jonathan Newkirk are on the panel, among others.
* Some toys will be going in the display cases afterward, so there will be pics shortly afterward.
* Brief list of things to come - theme park ride, Fall of Cybertron
* Talking about Evac, showing the Universal Studios exclusive versions.
* Other Universal exclusives: Deluxe Bumblebee, Deluxe Prime with new decos. Also Voyager Prime & Megs redecos.
* Box window is shaped like a Decepticon symbol.
Collectors Club Exclusives / Subscription Figures
* Apologies for the credit card issues.
* Presentation beginning. Promise of exciting things.
* Discussion of Invasion box set art. Idea was to make it like the original 2008 SG set.
* The full lithograph as 30+ characters; everyone that's involved in the SG vs Classics story.
* Discussing the processes involved in making the souvenir sets. Runners and the like.
* METALHAWK: Really wanted to pay homage to Pretenders' human forms, hence the human head.
* GIGATRON: Best possible with what they had to work with.
* Displaying original colour mockups now.
* Original concepts of Spinister and Octopunch now.
* On Octopunch's chest: "They're not ducks" and "This crowd knows what tentacles look like".
* Moving on to Junkions...
* Originally they were to be painted as Sharkticons. Makes more sense in-story for them to be like Insecticons though, apparently.
* "SPRAXUS", the Bard of Darkmount now.
* Figure subscription service coming!
* They had hoped for it to up and running now, but wanted to double-check security.
* No price points yet.
* Announcing figures now.
* Sign up in 3-4 weeks. Payment all up front or in three installments.
* 2 or 3 figures a month.
* Intended to replace current problems.
* Figures built to order. And they are:
* Breakdown - Classics, G1 colours based on 2010 G2 Botcon figure.
* Animated Jackpot - from Animated Jazz. Black with red windows, yellow arms, orange hood w/ orange stripes. New head.
* Scourge! G2 Prime with red windows and sword. Upside down G2 Autobot symbol
* Prime Slipstream! FE Starscream in purple and teal. New head! Prime-Animated hybrid.
* Circuit! Yes, the Euro Action Master! Yellow repaint of HFTD Axor. Red limbs, grey hood.
* Last one: Ultra Mammoth. BW Neo Bog Convoy in Laser Ultra Magnus colours! White head, blue mouthplate; mammoth is purple w/ white fur.
* Membership Figure: DEPTH CHARGE from HFTD Terradive. Blue jet, yellow hands and lower legs, purple upper arms and upper legs, yellow face on a blue head. Supposed to be pre-BW.
* All were planned from middle of last year.
* Looking at possibilities for future -- including stocking FE. Sustainability is issue -- must be able to keep doing it.
* Figures will come in better packaging. But not fancy collector boxes, unfortunately. 2-3 figures at a time. Break in between, then next batch. Will make shipping cheaper.
* Pricing will be consistent for all -- inc. shipping. One figure per subscription with a chance to order more. Service begins in next four weeks; shipping in November.