Simon Furman has updated his blog with some information on the IDW Hardhead spotlight.
Incoming from IDW this week (Wednesday 16th in the US, 17th in the UK) is Transformers Spotlight: Hardhead, the second part of the awesome Revelation
cycle. Way back in Spotlight: Nightbeat, the titular Autobot
investigator journeyed to a planet called Gorlam Prime, and straight
into the jaws of a trap set by the denizens of the Dead Universe
(Nemesis Prime et al). Nightbeat emerged with his memories wiped and a
ticking time-bomb (not literally) in his head. Now, he’s back on Gorlam
Prime—along with Hardhead, the Autobots’ blunt, taciturn, no-nonsense
“problem-solver”—looking for answers. What they find is a vast, far
reaching conspiracy, a universe-sculpting plan many meta-cycles in the
making about to kick in big time, oh and Micromasters… lots of ‘em!
Why’s Hardhead along for the ride? Well, let’s just say that he’s
Nightbeat’s insurance policy. Those of you after a happy ending may
want to look away now!! Plus, more on the sudden resurgence of
Thunderwing, the return of the Wreckers, more on Arcee’s quest and much
more on the Dead Universe Transformers and the secrets of the
Expansion. Bad as things have been for the Autobots of late, they’re
about to get exponentially worse! Let the carnage begin! Spotlight:
Hardhead is written by me with art from Nick Roche (which absolutely
has to be seen to be believed, it’s that good!). For news and updates
on all IDW’s Transformers titles, check out their website here, and for a four-page preview of Hardhead, courtesy of Newsarama, go here. EJ Su’s cover art (part of an interlocking set) can be seen by clicking on the thumbnail below.