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Category: Transformers Animated | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 18th October 2008 at 20:31:16 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Visionaries and Inhumanoids remain my top picks for obscure 80's properties to be made into live action. I'd much rather see them than something like GI Joe or Thundercats. Even a one off movie that just tells the story of their journey into Iron Mountain to get their powers would be sweet. Who'd you cast Bugboy, and importantly would you have a full cast for the film or ditch some characters for sequels so focus could be given to the remaining ones? My pick of core characters would be the below: Leoric - Leader and focus of the team Witterquick/Feryl - 'kid' member of the team in a Bumblebee/Hot Rod/Cheetor vein. Ectar - The straight aroow Cryotek - big strong, heroic good guy Galadria - you gots to have a girl, plus sea beasties rock. Darkstorm - Excellent villian. Mordred - Comic relief Cindarr - Cryotek's opposite number, plsu the staff of destruction would be sweetin CGI. Virulena - master of disguise who turns into a shark? What's not to like. Lexor - Another interesting character, plus his defensive nature makes him stand out I like all the Darkling Lords really, and as much as it pains me to leave out Reekon and Cravex, the above 5 are more important. I'd maybe have the two left off cameo somehow.


Hmm, good point. I think Rekon has lots of potential, though I see his character (being a bounty hunter / merc) proving to be a bit too popular for a bad-guy, and may have to turn good (at least if it was a TV series). Though if that happened I'd look for the double wammy of him then going back bad and his "good-guy routine" being a con. Downsizing the team could work to focus on characters, not that there were that many in the first place. I agree on Leroic, Witterquick, Ectar, Cryotek and Galadria for the Spectal Knights. Arzon is a little generic, though I'd bring in his history as a prince (from the missing script scenes) as some background, along with introducing Feryl in the second film, with some of the season two characters. As you say, probably have them in the background in the first.


Reekon is awesome, I just don't see him getting justice if you have too many characters. Half of me would prefer a tv series, but the budget would suck and the holograms would look terrible. Maybe drop Cindarr for Reekon, you could always swap staffs around. It's like I would totally not use Arzon's staff as Leoric's more or less has the same thing covered from a story telling point of view. In an ideal world i'd like to see all the characters in it as they aren't really any duff ones, Arzon is perhaps the weakest but he was still pretty cool in the comic.


Yeah. I'll go with a a part movie, with great effects, follow by a lower budget series. That way we coudl explore each of the characters as well as introduce various new ones. In the series we could have some lookback episodes to the First Age of Magic, to explain what that was like and how it ended.


While I'd love it too happen I couldn't really see it having the popularity to warrant a big budget, or a faithful translation, but while we are dreaming we may as well go for the Minion's tea party cast (why do I think of Cartman when I say that), or what I predict that would be like. I've left a few blanks as I just cant think who could fill them yet. A lot of the actors are older than I would have pictured in the role but what the hell. Leoric - Witterquick - Chris Evans Ectar - Michael Biehn Cryotek - Galadria - kristanna loken Darkstorm - Alan Rickman Mordred - Cindarr - Ron Pearlman Virulena - Gina Gershon Lexor -


Ron perlman as Cindarr is inspired. awesome stuff. As much as I love Kristanna Loken I am not sure she is right for Galadria, although I admit I can't think of anyone else right now. Alan Rickman as Darkstorm is perfect as he always looked like the Sheriff of Nottingham anyway. The sarcasm would shine through. I'd throw in Michael Chiklis as Cryotek as I think he plays a wonderful tragic hero, and there was something about Cryotek that always gave me that indication of a sad past. I think the audience could really get behind his character, especially with a teased romance with Galadria. Leoric is hard to cast, and it's hard not to just stick some macho guy in there, but I think the actor has be play Leoric with an even temperament. He was always the 'fair' ruler, but rock hard when needed. Leoric - Witterquick - Chris Evans Ectar - Michael Biehn Cryotek - Michael Chiklis Galadria - Kristanna loken Darkstorm - Alan Rickman Mordred - Cindarr - Ron Pearlman Virulena - Gina Gershon Lexor -


Yeah I hit a brick wall with Leoric. I thought of the obvious leader types from other films like Gerard Butler, Viggo Mortensen and Russel Crow but I cant cant see it yet. I see what your saying about Michael Chiklis. Not quite sure but its better than anything I could think of... which seemed to be throw a wrestler into the roll :roll: I thought Alan Rickman was Darkstorm ever since I was a kid. He just has to say something and its made of win. We also need a Merklynn.


Hard not to just pick Ian McKellen... Maybe someone off the wall like Charles Dance. Still english and he has a wonderful villain-esque quality that Merklynn always projected even though he was (sort of) a good guy. I think he could bring that mystery to the roles that makes Merklynn so untrustworthy.


I always saw Merklynn as chaotic neutral. He didn't give a crap who was good or evil so long as his interests were served.


Which is definetley something I'd like to see explorered. It would be a nice twist to have him take the Visionaries powers away at the end, once he has control of Prysmos. I'm sure that's what he was after in the end, either that or he was working for somone (picturs a Hordak style super-wizard).


Yeah it was really hard too tell what Merklynn was really up to. I dont think he was especially evil but you got that possibility from him. I'd really have to watch the series again as its been a few years now. Nice choice with Charles Dance though Minners. Wouldn't have thought of him but he beats the wizardy typecast guys


Cheers, we stil got roles to fill though... Lexor anyone? Leoric - Witterquick - Chris Evans Ectar - Michael Biehn Cryotek - Michael Chiklis Galadria - Kristanna loken Darkstorm - Alan Rickman Mordred - Cindarr - Ron Pearlman Virulena - Gina Gershon Lexor - Merklynn - Charles Dance


I can honestly say that I only know Alan Rickman of all the people you've listed.


Chris evans used to present the big breakfast (annoying ginger bloke with glasses, was married to billie piper) Ron Pearlman hellboy and was the lion bloke in beauty and the beast. Don't know the others.


lol... obviously not that Chris Evans :roll: Human Torch one


Ahh that makes more sense.


I do think the same thing every time I see his name. A bit like Mike Myers.

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