TFW2005 have a review of Transformers Prime Arms Micron Smokesceen and S2 which you can read by following the link
Smokescreen is a remolded version of Transformers Prime Knock Out. This presents an immediate issue with show accuracy, because even with remolding, Smokescreen lacks a few design elements from his CG model on the show - the most notable being the door wings on his back. But let's not linger on the negatives - Smokescreen does manage to look different from Knock Out with his stickers, remolded rear end in vehicle mode and his new head. The head sculpt captures the character well - I'd have personally given him a smirk rather than a serious determined look - but it goes a good way to giving Smokescreen his own identity. The head is spot-on to the look of the character in the show. Stickers give Smokescreen the rest of his deco.
Smokescreen comes with Arms Micron S2, a Micron with a slender and "ornate" look. He's only poseable in the arms, but that seems to be average for the Arms Microns. S2 turns into a high-tech bow weapon for Smokescreen, which I don't recall ever seeing used in the show - yet - but if you fold S2's "wings" in you get a laser weapon that looks like an arm cannon that Smokescreen might equip for battle. In any event, the option to make it into a "gun" or "bow" lends a bit of appeal to the character.
Overall, Smokescreen is an alright release. If you disliked the design on Knock Out there is not a lot here that will change your mind, and the lack of show accuracy is a detractor. However it could be far worse, and as of the moment, this is the only Smokescreen toy available outside the upcoming Legends class in Beast Hunters.