So, some of you may have seen the news story posted by Joe Moore on ToyArk (sister site of TFW2005) announcing the recent find of Visionaries trademarks and a potential Live Action Movie. Some of you may get excited about the prospects (we would personally love a film series). A few of you may have seen our Visionaries talk at Roll Out Roll Call, and a handful would have seen some posts Steve made on Monday, a day after the show, regarding finding Visionaries news that would blow fans away.
So lets look at the facts. The source of the Trademarks is the USPTO website, however it is no small coincidence that all of this has happened in one week. How can we say that for sure, well lets take a trip through time.
Travelling back one day
Oct 17 - Toyark post ground breaking news of Visionaries trademarks - is there a movie in the works, maybe new toys? http://news.toyark.com/
Travelling back 2 days earlier
Oct 15 - We update our USPTO page with Visionaries trademarks from the 80's and 2010/2013, after our earlier discovery - http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/resources/trademarks/uspto/index.html
Travelling back 2 days earlier
Oct 13 - Steve discovers "the big one". News that in 2013 AGE, the company that owns the rights to (and created) The Visionaries, had aquired the rights and had started looking into producing a Live Action Visionaries TV Series. We discovered futher evidence of the planned series after making contact with the someone who worked as the Production Design and Brand Development on the Live Action Visionaries series in 2013. His role was to design and pitch for a new Visionaries Live Action Franchise set to be produced by the producers of the TRANSFORMERS franchise.
The plans were that after both the Transformers and GI Joe movies, the next film in the Toy/Movie franchise was to be Micronaughts, directed by JJ Abrahams. This was planned as a 3 movie franchise and would be followed by The Visionaries. This never arose.
We are looking into how far the pitch for the Live Action Visionaries TV Series and possible Movie got
Travel back 1 day earlier
The UK Convention Roll Out Roll Call has the first ever Visionaries panel looking at preproduction pieces as well as unreleased Series 2 figures and concepts, by David and Steven Mapes (ourselves)
Although we would love for a Visionaries film to me made, we have found no evidence this got past the 2013 pitch
We shall be covering more on this on TheVisionaries.net soon