From Translabels website
Hasbro Toys has requested I discontinue the sale of all reproduction stickers and accessories. This comes as a bit of a shock to me, since I myself am a huge Transformers fan, and started both translabels.com and transrepros.com out of the love for all things Transformers I have had over the past 20 years. So it would seem that sadly, my doors will be closing. If you have a pending order, please do not worry, Once I have settled into my new home in SC next week (The week of July 19th), I will contact all appropriate parties to settle accounts with them.
Is this a sign of things to come from Hasbro in their handling of Knock Off and Reproduction items? TransLabels were the most well known place to buy Reproduction parts, and this was only boosted after BotCon. Could be that their own success has lead to their demise?? Are ReproLabels, Mirage"s Boxes next or have Hasbro targetted TransRepros only??
We at Transformers @ The Moon would like to wish Chip all the best with his future endeavours. Perhaps, in time, Hasbro will allow him to restart his work. Only time will tell.