SOUNDWAVE (75911534) - This mark has also been registered after a 6 month application period.
MEISTER (76596261) - This application has been granted an extension so that Hasbro can file a 'statement of first use'. This is simply to prove that they have used the mark and are not just requesing applications to stop other companies from using it.
HARDTOP (76612291) - The application for the mark HARDTOP has been updated with a note saying that that the paper has been received. This is in reply to the USPTO issuing a a Notice of Allowance.
You an view the full details of these and more trademark applications in our Transformer Trademark area.
Update: - It seems that certain TransFans out there do not believe us when we say that these trademarks have taken 6 years to become registered and that we meant 6 months. Well, I'm sorry to tell you it was no mistake. If you don't believe us, then look at our Trademark section, read the history for yourself. All of the information in that area has come directly from the USPTO records. Check it on their site or at one of their offices, you'll see its correct.