Europe is growing closer together - and so are we.
Transformers @ The Moon has joined efforts with other European Transformers fansites in order to hopfully be able to establish an efficient inter-European fandom. For now, all that means is that our sites are going to work closer together in the future and will keep each other updated with news from our respective countries, while every site keeps focused on the respective national market(s).
The following sites are currently participating:
Transformers Gthesite for France
The Benelux Transfan Association (BTFA) for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg
The Nordic Transfan Association for Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark
The Transformers for Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Transformers @ The Moon for the United Kingdom
And last but not least, The Transformers Archive for the international coordination and as an overseas partner.
The first project we launch is the EURO-QUEST, an attempt to set up full checklists for all Transformers releases from recent years. Every participating site will gather a list for their respective markets, and all those lists will then be collected at TF Archive.
Other European sites and individual fans (Spain? Italy?) that want to join the Trans-Europe Express are of course welcome to contact us.
We have posted an inital topic where you may post queries on this project here. But for your initial release please post in the relevant topics.
Sightings MUST be of UK, inc Ireland sightings of High Street released NOT import stores, internet etc etc. For the new toys think of it as the multi language packaging.
Proof may be required if your report seems too early compared to others.
Reports need to be Month and Year along with the RRP (if known)
Here are the topics
G1, G2, Reissues
Beast Wars & Beast Machines
RID, Alternators
Armada & Energon
So come on, lets get together as a community and post those original UK and Eire sightings and help show that together the TF community knows no borders