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Older NewsJohn Rogers has updated his blog with the following

I"ve turned in a draft. We had a meeting yesterday (hence the light blogging) with all the producers. All are in a good mood over where the first draft landed. I was particularly pleased that Tom DeSanto, who has always been the guy riding the "Transformers are full characters" wagon, is happy with where we wound up in these early days.
All have questions which need answering, and will be answered in what is acceptably called a "producer"s pass" which is really the "free-because-my-guild-has-no-stones-and-why-didn"t-we strike" pass. Then, we"ll continue to tweak as we meet with directors. OR, I"ll be fired, and you"ll have to hump over to Dean Georgaris or Ferris & Bracato"s blog. Then I can finally get rip-roaring drunk over Global Frequency not being picked up.
Security is brutally tight on this flick, and there"s no way I"m violating my friendly relationship with the fine Dreamworks folks, who are actually my favorite execs in the industry. I think it does no harm to say:
-- Name your favorites. They"re in there.
-- Big. Robot. Fights. Robot vs. Robot (mano a mano). Robots vs. Robots (plural, havoc) Humans vs. Robots. Robots vs. cybernetically enhanced rabbits. Cybernetically enhanced rabbits vs. butler ninjas. Butler ... oh, wait, sorry, different project. But most of that"s true.
-- No cute kid sidekicks.

You can visit John"s site here

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 28th January 2005 at 19:05:00 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

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