Windrazor is now a registered Hasbro mark (reg num: 2995639)
Windcharger has been published for opposition. This could take a few months to conclude.
Treadshot is now a Hasbro Inc. registered trademark (reg num 2995638)
Transformers Cybertron have completed its opposition period without any challenges.
As has Thunderblast.
Terrorcon is now a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc.
The submission for the mark Spy Changers, has been put forward for opposition.
Scattershot , Safeguard and Repugnus have all completed the opposition period successfully.
Omega Sentinal has been published for opposition.
After having its application request extended twice, the examining attorney has accepted the Statement of Use for the mark of Offshoot, and this application is due to register in due course.
Knockdown has passed through the opposition period.
Doom-Lock has been published for opposition.
Cybertron, that is the mark for the name on its own, has successfully passed through the opposition period.
Finally, Autobot Hound has also been published for opposition.