*13 basics, 2 mini-con teams
*16 deluxes
*9 megas
*5 ultras
*4 supers
*2 supremes
Many of the unannounced characters appear to be homages to original characters: last in the list of megas is a Soundwave and Menasor. The list indicates that they"ll retain those names for their American release.
The supers are as follows:
Galaxy Convoy, Master Megatron, Galvatron, Metroplex.
The supremes are Starscream and PRIMUS. The Starscream is the huge Starscream that"s been unveiled already.
Hydra Custom has also posted information on the different worlds in Galaxy Force
Earth (Eclipsing sun)
Speedia (A speed burst of some sort) - "A planet where speed is everything"
Beast (animal claw) - "A planet that lives by the law of survival: the strong eat the weak"
Giant (A gear, half larger than the other) "The planet that both giant Transformers and the minicons hail from" This is where Metroplex, Menasor, Onslaught, and the Minicons are listed as being from. This is said to be the location of the last chip.
The last symbol is a tiny Cybertron symbol, probably symbolizing the return of planet Seibertron. How this relates to the final planet listed, Planet X, is unclear.
Planet X - "Are the residents allies, or foes?" This is where Soundwave and Sideways are said to come from.